Prayer For My Brother In Jail

Loving Lord, I thank You for my brother. I love him dearly, but Lord I know that You care for him so much more that I ever could, for Your whole nature is bathed and brimming with perfect Love and deep Compassion.

Heal my dear brother I pray, not only of his physical ailments that are bothering him at this time, but more importantly I pray that You would address his spiritual need. Lord, he has played the fool with the good news of Salvation and wants to "enjoy life" first, before he thinks about his eternal soul.But Father, this is a dangerous game to play, and I pray that in Your love and compassionate mercy You will convict Him of sin in his life, and the need for Salvation through Jesus Christ, Who is his only door into eternal life.

You have called each of us to pray earnestly for all men, and especially those of our own household, and though I know this means I should pray for all my born-again brothers and sister in Christ, I am sure that it includes the brother that is a part of my earthly family. And so I come to You today to plead that in Your grace and mercy, You would bring my own brother, whom I love dearly, to recognise His need of Jesus, just as You did the apostle Paul on the road to Damascus. Heal him Lord, in body, soul and spirit I pray, in Jesus' precious name,


Dear Lord Jesus, things have gone from bad to worse for my brother. Lord, we were so close as we grew up together, and it grieves me to see him so desperate and forlorn. He has turned to drugs and is going into the depths of despair and Lord Jesus, it pains me so much to see my lovely brother in such a sad and sorry state.

Lord, we were raised to think that we would never get into heaven unless we were very good and did lots of good things, and we never understood that our sins have already been forgiven by the blood of Jesus, and all we have to do is to trust in Jesus as Saviour to go to heaven. We just simply need to trust that the Bible is true and that Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for the sins of the whole world, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish and go to hell. By trusting Jesus, we will be saved by His blood and be given eternal life.

Lord, my brother thinks that he is so bad that he can never be forgiven, but I know that he can. Please show him the truth of the real gospel of grace, I pray. In Jesus' name,


Dear Lord Jesus, I really want the very best for my younger brother. We had such a close bond as we grew up, and although I know that I was a bit bossy' at times, we are still very close to each other, and I do thank You for the loving fellowship we continue to enjoy together. Thank You for placing us in our family unit, and for the loving home life we had as children.

Times have gotten hard for all of us Lord, and I know that things are not so good for my younger brother either. I pray Lord, that You would meet him at his point of need and lift him up from the hard times he is facing, that is affecting his relationship with us all, and with You Lord as well.

Thank You, that You love my dear brother as much if not more than I do, and I pray that the joy of the Lord will once again be his strength, as it was before.

Thank You Lord for loving us so much,


O God in Whom I trust, I bring my brother, who is in the military and far from home, before Your throne of grace and ask that You would help him to keep strong in the faith and to stand firm in the place to which You have called him to be.

Give him courage and keep him safe I pray, and may he hold fast to the Word of truth, knowing that in all things we are more than conquerors, through Christ Jesus our Lord.

I also ask Your protection over any who have fallen into the hands of the enemy and are being used as hostages or for political bargaining. I particularly am thinking of Bowe Bergdahl, the only American POW in Afghanistan, who has been in custody since June 2009. Give him courage and return him home to his family speedily.

Lord, we know that until the Prince of Peace Himself comes to put everything right, the world will remain in turmoil, but Father protect my brother, Bowe Bergdahl and all our brothers in Christ that are in the military at this time. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord I ask that you be with my brother at this time and show him your love and mercy whilst in jail. I Pray you shall show him the truth of the devils work and snares that have put him there and come out a better man to fight against the wickedness of drugs in this world. Lord have mercy Amen

Father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray for my brother who gotta be alone that you touch him right now my god can you cover him with your blood Lord Jesus you said in your Word call upon me in the times of your troubles I will deliver you and you will honour me Father There is power in the blood of Jesus I pray that you may cover him with your fire right now and do not allow any harm to come upon him those who come against them let them fight amongst themselves in Jesus name protect him my god provide for him as you can see that we have nothing be in control Holy Spirit take over my father and let your will be done in his life and I pray that he made learn from his mistakes in Jesus name

Dear Lord i come before you this hour with a thanksgiving heart for the far you have been with my family, father i pray that u see through my brother in prison, forgive him his sins oh Lord,as he goes to the court tommorrow in the morning, Father go before him and level every mountain of difficult into plain ground, you are a Just Judge, Father be there for him. Let your will be done. Amen

Lord as I come before you with a bowed head and raised arms asking that you have mercy on my brother. Touch him in a special way, Lord God. Heal his heart, his mind, his temper, Lord God. You said where ther are 2 or more in agreement that you are in the mist..

Lord God hear my petition and please forgive my brother for his wrongdoing and give him another chanceI have faith that you can do it Lord God..this is my prayer as I magnify you in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit..Amen..