Prayer For My Brothers And Sisters

Dear Lord Jesus, I really want the very best for my younger brother. We had such a close bond as we grew up, and although I know that I was a bit bossy' at times, we are still very close to each other, and I do thank You for the loving fellowship we continue to enjoy together. Thank You for placing us in our family unit, and for the loving home life we had as children.

Times have gotten hard for all of us Lord, and I know that things are not so good for my younger brother either. I pray Lord, that You would meet him at his point of need and lift him up from the hard times he is facing, that is affecting his relationship with us all, and with You Lord as well.

Thank You, that You love my dear brother as much if not more than I do, and I pray that the joy of the Lord will once again be his strength, as it was before.

Thank You Lord for loving us so much,


O God in Whom I trust, I bring my brother, who is in the military and far from home, before Your throne of grace and ask that You would help him to keep strong in the faith and to stand firm in the place to which You have called him to be.

Give him courage and keep him safe I pray, and may he hold fast to the Word of truth, knowing that in all things we are more than conquerors, through Christ Jesus our Lord.

I also ask Your protection over any who have fallen into the hands of the enemy and are being used as hostages or for political bargaining. I particularly am thinking of Bowe Bergdahl, the only American POW in Afghanistan, who has been in custody since June 2009. Give him courage and return him home to his family speedily.

Lord, we know that until the Prince of Peace Himself comes to put everything right, the world will remain in turmoil, but Father protect my brother, Bowe Bergdahl and all our brothers in Christ that are in the military at this time. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and in you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining. Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.

Father, the command to love my brothers and sisters in Christ isn't going anywhere. It's been foundational from the beginning. So fill me with love for my siblings in Christ. By Your grace, I'll excel in loving the brethren. I reject hatred and disdain for others. I cast down disillusionment with the church. May these sins never have a place in my heart. Cleanse my heart of all bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, distrust and malice. May the light of love illuminate my path and guide my actions. I pray this in Jesus name, the One that loved perfectly.

Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for our brothers and sisters who have been immersed into sin and evils of this world. We pray that You shower them with Your mercy and redeem them from their evil ways.

Dear Lord, forgive them their sins so that the burden, hovering over them, and making them sink deeper and deeper into more sin, may be lifted. Send down Your spirit to watch over them, to direct, guard, guide, protect and govern them today and forever. Amen.

Lord, thank you for
my brothers and sisters,
everyone one of them
is different and special.

I pray that you bless them
and protect them from harm.

Please Lord, help my brothers and sister
when they have desires and plans,
I pray that you will be with them.

Lord, above all things I pray
you give my brothers love,
give strength to those who lack them,
may all of them have joy in their hearts.

Good and faithful Father,
I pray you give my brothers
and sisters many blessings,
may they seek for your will ,
your strength and love,
may they be under your wings
so you you protect them at all times. Amen.

oh lord almighty father,

please make my faith stronger and bigger towards you god.
forgive me for the sins i have commited i am a sinner born a sinner god.
please strenghten my weak mentality god im always worried thinking about dum stuff god may you please give me comfort as i write im feeling guilty lord i dont deserve all the god stuff your putting in my life please make me think positive im always thinking negative lord oh jesus christ. forgive me god make me be thankful of the things i have and of my family and friends make me a better person heal me renew my body mind and soul god have mercy on me god many times i fail and you still have love toward me how great are you god. send me god christian people in my life give me wisdom and knowledge my soul is crying for your graet knowledge and wisdom .
when i fall god life me upp. may peace be with in me god and happiness and joy as well.
also bring my family and friends close to you open my heart god my heart is to closed upp renew my mind god please lord. take my sadness and negaitive though and renew my mind and soul and body god make me a humble respectful person nd child that you want me to be god you have a goal for each one of us and im glad you choose me thats a sign like my cousin said please guide me and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one all i ask for brothers and sister to pray for me to repent and for god to renew my mind soul and body and to have faith and to have a relationship with god and jesus christ.

Lord, thank you so much for all you do for me. You have blessed me in more ways than I can count and in so many more ways than I probably even know. Every day you stand beside me, comforting me, supporting me, protecting me. I have every reason to be grateful for my faith and for the ways you have blessed me. I ask you to continue to bless me and guide me in my day to day life. Yet that is not the only reason I come before you in prayer at this moment.

Lord, today I am asking you to bless my brother. He is so close to my heart, and I want only the best for him. I ask, Lord, that you work in his life to make him a better man of God. Bless every step he takes so that he can be a light unto others. Guide him in the right direction when he is faced with making the right choice or the wrong one. Give him the friends and family members that will point him toward you and what you want for his life, and give him the discerning mind to know who is giving him Your advice.

Lord, I know that my brother and I do not always get along. Actually, we can fight like no two other people. But I ask that you take these disagreements and turn them toward something that draws us closer together. I ask that we not just argue, but that we make up and become closer than we were before. I also ask you to put a greater amount of patience on my heart for the things he does that normally set me off. I also ask that you give him more patience in dealing with me and the things I do to irritate him. I want us to grow older with happy memories of one another.

And Lord, I ask that you bless his future. As he moves forward in his life, I ask that you guide him down the path you've built for him and that you give him joy in walking down that path. I ask that you bless him with good friends, fellow students, and co-workers and that you give him the love he so dearly deserves.

Thank you, Lord, for always being here for me and listening to me as I speak. Lord, I ask that I continue to have your ear and that my heart is always open to your voice. Thank you, Lord for all of my blessings, and may I continue to live a life that makes you smile and gives you nothing but joy.

In your holy name, I pray, Amen.