Prayer For My Brother To Get Well

Lord, thank you so much for all you do for me. You have blessed me in more ways than I can count and in so many more ways than I probably even know. Every day you stand beside me, comforting me, supporting me, protecting me. I have every reason to be grateful for my faith and for the ways you have blessed me. I ask you to continue to bless me and guide me in my day to day life. Yet that is not the only reason I come before you in prayer at this moment.

Lord, today I am asking you to bless my brother. He is so close to my heart, and I want only the best for him. I ask, Lord, that you work in his life to make him a better man of God. Bless every step he takes so that he can be a light unto others. Guide him in the right direction when he is faced with making the right choice or the wrong one. Give him the friends and family members that will point him toward you and what you want for his life, and give him the discerning mind to know who is giving him Your advice.

Lord, I know that my brother and I do not always get along. Actually, we can fight like no two other people. But I ask that you take these disagreements and turn them toward something that draws us closer together. I ask that we not just argue, but that we make up and become closer than we were before. I also ask you to put a greater amount of patience on my heart for the things he does that normally set me off. I also ask that you give him more patience in dealing with me and the things I do to irritate him. I want us to grow older with happy memories of one another.

And Lord, I ask that you bless his future. As he moves forward in his life, I ask that you guide him down the path you've built for him and that you give him joy in walking down that path. I ask that you bless him with good friends, fellow students, and co-workers and that you give him the love he so dearly deserves.

Thank you, Lord, for always being here for me and listening to me as I speak. Lord, I ask that I continue to have your ear and that my heart is always open to your voice. Thank you, Lord for all of my blessings, and may I continue to live a life that makes you smile and gives you nothing but joy.

In your holy name, I pray, Amen.

Help me heal the sick today. Clear the way to recovery with the lightness of Your Presence. Guide my hands to give comfort when I cannot give hope, that I may give relief when I do not have a cure, and that I may radiate Your healing peace when the limits of science, time, and the human body overwhelm us all.


O Lord,
Touch this precious one with your healing wings, Come carry them, protect them though everything. Tickle them with happiness,
Move their hearts to joy, Surround them with goodness,
Teddies, books and toys. Come wrap them in safety, With hugs and love and care. Stand by when they're sleeping,
Walk with them everywhere. Restore his/her little body,
To leap and dance again. Most of all Lord, Be my little ones best friend.


O Lord, Only you know how hard life has been for me. Only you have seen each moment of my day and night.

Only you feel my pain and understand my discomfort. Only you are beside me through my grief and sorrow.

Only you have been within each moment to comfort me. O Lord, break through the loneliness of my suffering.

You have encountered sorrow and laid a glorious path Of hope, healing and the promise of heaven in my heart.


Lord, hear our heartfelt prayer for the healing of our Christian brother/sister.
We pray for your mercy, Your compassion, Your grace and Your love, in making him whole and well again.
Make the work of those treating and helping him full of Your perfection, and grant him a quick and complete recovery.
Lead and guide those around him to provide what he needs: encouragement, assistance and support.
Lord, we pray that you will wrap Your loving arms around him, giving him comfort, strength and peace, drawing him ever closer to You,
as you lead him through this trying time. In Jesus' name we pray;


Dear God,

I know that there is nothing impossible to You. And i believe in Your powerful intercession. I come to You and seek for my brother Reynaldo's healing. Please my God, help my brother to get trhough to all these sufferings. Please help him to fight the cancer. Please touch him with Your healing hands and cure him and let him not suffer too much. I know that in Your time my God, You will heal my brother.

I hope it will be soon, meanwhile if he is meant to suffer, please give him the strength do fight for it. And after all those sufferings, You will heal him and give him a second and gracious life on earth to live with us. Please give him another chance, another life my God. Please cure my brother Reynaldo. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Dear Lord, I beg you to come to my brother's aid at this time when he is weak and ill with sickness. Be beside him; embrace him ; lay your miraculous hands on the parts of his body that are in need of healing, and let him be healed fully and permanently.

In this time of crisis, let each of the members of our family and his friends be with him, pray for him, help him i whatever way possible so that he will know that we care and love him and want to live in excellent health. Please dear Lord. I ask you. I beg you. I plead with you. Heal my brother fully! Amen!

Dear God,

I know that there is nothing impossible to You. And i believe in Your powerful intercession. I come to You and seek for my brother Reynaldo's healing. Please my God, help my brother to get trhough to all these sufferings. Please help him to fight the cancer. Please touch him with Your healing hands and cure him and let him not suffer too much. I know that in Your time my God, You will heal my brother.

I hope it will be soon, meanwhile if he is meant to suffer, please give him the strength do fight for it. And after all those sufferings, You will heal him and give him a second and gracious life on earth to live with us. Please give him another chance, another life my God. Please cure my brother Reynaldo. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.