Prayer For My Boyfriend To Love Me

Dear Father, I pray for protection and security for my man. Please Lord, keep him safe daily under your guaranteed care and do not allow him to stray from your sight ever. Please Lord, just as you promised in your Words, give your Angels charge over him and never allow him fall prey into the hands of the enemy. Oh Lord, we do not trust in the security and safety of this world but we have our complete trust in the protection that you give oh Lord. Never allow me to weep over my man or worry over his health. Continue to be a shield and fortress and let him continue to feel safe in your care Lord.

Dear Father, I earnestly pray that you set the heart of man on the path to genuine love for You and for me. Teach him how to love me unconditionally and without wavering just like You have loved the Church oh Lord. Direct his heart towards that which is Just, Holy and Pure and do not allow any uncleanliness in his way. Teach him to continue in godliness and divine purpose and take away any thoughts of evil from his heart. Please Lord, give him a heart that acknowledges you as the Master and Lord and be his shield and sufficiency at all times oh Lord.

Dear Lord in Heaven, I pray for my man with all sincerity and love of the heart that he shall continue to prosper and excel. I pray that the fruits of his hardworking labor shall blossom and he shall not be put to shame. I pray O Lord that you shower him with abundant success and let his days be filled with joy and contentment. I pray for him that the work of his hands shall be imbued with integrity and please set his heart on honesty. I pray that my man shall know no lack and he will always have enough to provide for himself and his family Lord.

Every tongue that speak ill of you shall be condemned and every heart that think evil about you shall be destroyed. I pray you will meet success in everything you lay your hands upon. I love you and wish you success.

Just like the morning fragrant, may your day be filled with lot of God's brightness and may your path lead to success. I wish you immersive luck today and forever.

May lord pave way for you, where your mate fight to gain greatness, may you walk and receive the greatness easily. I pray God path your way to success till forever more.

My wishes for you in life is to see you smile for the rest of our life. I pray to God today that your happiness will know no bound and everyone that comes in contact with you, will see the work of the almighty in your life. My love for you knows no bound My King.

As you step out today I pray you experience God's miracle in everything you lay your hands upon. May you see favor in everything you place your hands today. You are blessed My king.