Prayer For Moving

Heavenly Father, I feel that I am stepping out onto the threshold of a completely new beginning with a total change in my lifestyle. Lord, I know that this is a wonderful opportunity that You have graciously opened up for me and I pray that You would be with me to lead and guide, as I seek to become accustomed to so many changes in my life.

I pray that You would remain ever close to me, and that I do not stray far from Your side or become lukewarm in my attitude towards the things of God. Help me to keep my eyes firmly fixed on Jesus and to trust all I say and do into Your capable hands. Provide I pray, all that I need to carry out the tasks and duties that I am called upon to do with grace and courage, and I pray that my joy would be firmly fixed in Jesus and that I may be strengthened with all power from above. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord Jesus, we are moving to a different place and I am going to have to start at a new school and leave all my friends and the familiar places that I liked. I don't really want to move and feel a bit uneasy about having to make a completely new start in completely different surroundings. Lord, please take away this feeling of insecurity and fear, and I pray that You will be with me as I start this new school.

Help me to fit in and make some good friends, and help me as I adjust to the new surroundings and different teachers and styles of teaching. Lord, I pray that You will bring some good Christian friends into my life that are supportive and encouraging. And help me I pray, to be able to deal with all the new course work that I have to deal with May I work hard and settle in quickly and easily.

Thank You, that You have promised to be with me no matter where we go. Help me to place my trust in You completely and trust You in all things, for in You I have my trust. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord you know the anxious feeling I been having just living in this area I don't feel safe and it's not an environment I want to have my child grow up in I know my God I have been asking so much of you and you've already revealed to me what you can do You've given me things that i thought we're out my reach and here you are making it possible So I know this plea I ask of you isn't anything you cannnot do Please move my family out of this town Place us in the city with possibilities safety and a new life And let help my husband and I prosper so we can give our child a chance and let us prosper with you Help me to continue this journey with you Even if I'm 26 and my generation is full of bad temptations Help me to not follow but to trust your plan I know Father God in my heart that your not stopping here I give my all to you I know your capabilities There's no one who is more powerful than you or anyone who can give me what I desire but you I pray for all those around me And I thank you in advance For placing me in a new home Amen & in a new location I could have ever imagined

Bless you Father the Almighty and Lord Jesus and thank you for the blessing and miracles in my life. Please continue to fill me with and strengthen the Holy Spirit in me. Please lead me in the decision to stay in NJ or move to Florida. Bless You God and Thank You.

Father God,

As we say farewell to our loved ones we entrust them into your care. We pray for happiness and joy to be ahead of them, for wisdom and guidance to be beside them, and for grace and truth to be behind them, pushing them onwards into your goodness. We know that you will always love and protect them, wherever they go.


Please pray I can convince my wife to move out of New Jersey and go to North Carolina,most people around here are out for themselves not caring for anyone and not Christian-like. We recently visited North Carolina to visit our children,grandchildren and found the people there to be quite different not that you can`t find people who are out for themselves but it was much different there.Thank You God bless.

Sovereign God

It's finally here. You know how many times we have asked you over the past year about this event. We have asked you for wisdom, for direction, and for confirmation, and we have moved forward believing this is the right thing. So today, our life feels like it's in boxes, and though we are moving just across town, we are still moving.

On this day, as on other days of transition, Lord, I am reminded of your enduring faithfulness. I look around at these now vacant walls and feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. You have built our family in this house. You have grown our faith in this house. You have brought us closer together in this house. You have dried our tears, heard our laughter, cheered our successes, and loved us through our failures. You have been with us, and for us, through the sickness and health, through the joy and heartache.

If these walls could talk, Lord, I pray they would give testimony of a family trying to center their lives around faith in you. And now, as we leave this place, I pray for the family that will soon occupy this space. I pray they might grow as we have grown, to have an ever increasing gaze on your greatness.

For us, Lord, as we move forward, I pray that we might find ourselves in a place where we commit ourselves to the extension of Your grace not only to each other but to those who walk through the doors. Let our new home be a place where the stranger is made into the friend, the lonely have a place at the table, and downtrodden find the joy of hope, and a family has the security of belonging. May this home, in so much as it can, serve as a reminder of our greater home.

At the same time, Lord, I pray you would guard us from being too comfortable. Keep it at the front of our minds, Lord, that we are not long for this earth and that our true citizenship lies elsewhere. I pray that even though the regular frustrations of home ownership that you would do something redemptive, bringing to our minds the fact that our true security, inheritance, and dwelling is not in a house that needs a plumber, an electrician, or some patches in the drywall, but one that will not decay for all eternity.

May it be so for your name, for you ultimately are in whom we find our resting place.


Father, Your Word says that You will perfect that which concerns us. Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever forsake not the works of Your own hands. We bring to You our apprehensions concerning our relocation. We ask You to go before us to make the crooked places straight in finding a new home.

Give us wisdom to make wise decisions in choosing the movers and packers best suited to handle our possessions. We have favor, good understanding and high esteem in the sight of You and man with the utility companies, with the school systems and with the banks with everyone involved in this move.

Father, we thank You for supplying and preparing the new friends that You would want us to have. We are trusting You to direct us to a church where we can fellowship with like believers, in one accord, where we are free to worship and praise You and sing to You a new song.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we commit this move to You, knowing that You provide for Your children. We trust You and delight ourselves in You, and You will give us the desires of our hearts.

We make all these requests known unto You with thanksgiving, and the peace that passes all understanding shall guard our hearts and minds. You will keep us in perfect peace because our minds are stayed on You.

We trust in You, Father, with all our hearts. We lean not unto our own understanding; but in all our ways we acknowledge You, and You shall direct our paths.

Thank You, Father, for Your blessing on this move.