Prayer For Moving Forward In Life

Lord my heavily father, it seems as if the financial challenges my family has faced in the past three years are never ending. The mountain of debt that lays at our feet seems insurmountable! My fear of our future is constant on my mind! My father I ask for guidance in making the right decisions financially moving forward and your help in bringing my wife and I closer instead of causing us to fight and argue. My wife is so scared and tired of this financial burden and the situations she's been dealing with her brother and mother. Please guide us both and allow us as a married couple to work together thru you to pay down this debt. I love my wife so very much lord and she works her tail off at two jobs. Between us we make very good money but our financial choices in the past have created a financial mess. I plead of you my Lord to take the burden of our fear and pain and give us the wisdom to live our lives like you my God whom I love so very much! In Jesus name I pray...Amen!

Dear God, you've been here for me time and time again. You put people and things in my life that has helped me to always keeping moving forward. Lord Jesus right now my son Teddy needs you to guide him and help him through the terrible time in his life, please lord Jesus save him from the dreadful horrors of the world, I pray that you show him and guide him and bring him out of this situation in a positive manner. I feel like he has not been given a chance. Lord Jesus keep him safe. He is young and does not understand life. I've always protected him, but now I can't. I ask you lord Jesus to look down on my son and take hold of him and save him as I know you can. Thank you lord Jesus, thank you lord Jesus

I pray in the name of Jesus for my marriage and family. I pray for my husband and the Father of our 4 children and man of our home to clear his mind and step aside that God can work in his life. I pray that his choices are of God and that he will not make poor choices and be forgiven for those he has made. I pray that he will not be tempted by evil and turn away from wicked people that approach him or those that he offers counseling to. I pray for our oldest son to be in his right mind, to make sound choices in life and to pay all debts that he owe and put away anything that is stopping him from moving forward. I pray for our 2 college age students that they will continue to exceed in excellence and stay focused on where they are at. I pray for our youngest son to heed to listening and not be tempted by others and respect those called in his life to build him up. I pray that he will not be stopped based on his learning barrier but excel above all things. I pray for myself to stay focused, build up me, employment that will reward me for my dedication and determination and worth. I pray for healing in my body and throughout my home. I pray for financial blessings on this home and I pray that this family will come back together and break all curses set in place. I pray against the demon that have entered our home and send her back to hell. I pray God strength in all that we do, in Jesus name.

Spirit of Life and love, God of many names and yet none at all
Our hearts are stretched thin. We see and hear the devaluing of people of color, of those with disabilities, of women, of immigrants; this list, incomplete as it is, is exhausting.

And yet, we hold fast because we carry hope in our hearts: hope that together we can dismantle systems of oppression; hope that the collective of American humanity will look at one another and say this has got to change.

However thin our resilience may be wearing, we do not give up or give in.
We look around and see our friends and neighbors carrying signs,
moving and marching together, because we must not give up.

We join thousands of people in the streets.
We move for justice
We live for peace
We will not rest until we are heard.
We will not rest until equity is made more real, all around us.

And spirit of life, we look within our own hearts, to the burning coal that is at the center of our being, the place where our hope for the world lives, the place where our faith in humanity resides and there we find the strength and courage to continue moving forward however muddy and rough the path may be.

All the hurt, all the pain and all the suffering: I release it! Every grudge, the uneasy thoughts and all the negativity, I rebuke it!

All the fear, all the doubt and lack of faith, I curse it out! Every chain that binds me to my past shall be broken and I am set free. In Jesus' Holy name I pray, Amen!

Oh god I'm asking that you please (work your plan) as well as mine help me too keep moving forward with my life with the choices that (I) have made & still am making new ones as (I) keep moving (forward ) & ( leaving) the (past) (behind me) (I ) have struggled for so long.

Since I've started going to (church again) everything is falling back into place. (1) (I've (forgiven all those who has did, done or said anything to me.
(2) my kids are talking to me again.
(3) I've accaplished (1) of my many goals.
(4) I'm still (moving forward) for I still have a long journey ahead of me.
sience I got (god) back into my life & started going too (church again) things are starting too look much better & brighter. Dear god I'd like too thank you for all that you have done and give too me. I am truly grateful from deep within my heart. Thank you for for today another breath of life to keep
(moving forward)
in your name
I pray amen. I'm so blessed.

Gracious Heavenly Father, You alone sustains me, I praise You and I worship You in Truth and in Spirit. Thank you for the continuous grace and mercy You are giving me each day. I am not worthy of these but because of Your abundant love, I am blessed.

Lord, with all the wickedness all around me, You hold me by my right hand and never let me go. Your word is so true Abba-Father Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6. Thank you LORD, thank you. I will keep moving forward, doing Your will, following Your precepts. And even if I fall or fail, I will stand up again and continue to follow You, with Jesus Christ as my strength who alone is my King and Refuge nothing is impossible. Use me for Your glory dear GOD. I ask in the Mighty and Powerful Name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Amen

Holy Lord, Thank You for grace. Please help me move beyond the hurdles that trip me up and give me the strength and wisdom to look up and see the hope I run toward in Christ.

In Jesus' Name,