Prayer For Mother With Cancer

Father, with you nothing is impossible. You are God of all flesh; we love you and we are confident that no situation is too hard for you. We come to you on behalf of this dear one seeking healing from cancer. God, Jesus Christ has fully paid the price by the stripes He took; we therefore are asking that the devourer gets off from this child of yours in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

We trust You, even in the midst of this trial. Be glorified, Father. Lord, I rebuke the spirit of fear. Through Your strength, your children will not allow fear to take control of their minds or spirits. They have the victory over cancer through Christ Jesus. Help them to always be a light. Let others look at them and see Christ, not suffering. Let others look at them and see hope and health, not death.

Father, You are the God of all comfort. Use them to comfort others with the comfort You supply.

Thank you, Lord, for everything You do for your children. Thank You for loving, protecting, and healing us. Thank You for being our great physician. Never take Your presence from us. We need it in life and death.

In Jesus's name,


Father bless all their doctors. Give them the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to treat these illnesses. Be glorified through their lives. Use them as You will. Use them as an instrument of praise. Use them as an instrument of worship. Use them as a testament of Your goodness, grace, and mercy. Use them to impart hope and faith in others.

Lord, I pray for continued strength to endure. I believe that even this cancer diagnosis will work together for their good. Father, bless their families. Strengthen them. I know it isn't easy watching a loved one endure a cancer diagnosis. Renew their minds and encourage them. Reassure them that they are in the palm of Your hand.


We come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ, interceding for all those facing a cancer diagnosis. Your children are being attacked not only with this infirmity but with thoughts that fill them with fear and dread.

And yet, I know Your word says You did not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Lord, we cast these thoughts and cares aside and choose to think on Your goodness and mercy.

Oh lord pls help all suffering in cancer..

Mary mother of God pray for all who are suffering from cancer pls Mother help them.

+Mary! Please pray for my dad and uncle. Through Immaculate. Thank
You for possibility to pray for them. God Bless You!

My mother in law is admitted in hospital today. She is 72 now. Kindly pray for her succesful treatment(endoscopy). There is a mild doubt of some growth in the path from Lever. Kindly pray that she gets cured completely and nothing should disturb her.

My husband Tim is in likely the final stages of cancer
I pray all the time for him.

Please pray for Sheldon, my son, who was treated for cancer and did successful bone marrow transplant last year with the help of mother Mary and our lord Jesus Christ and for others who are suffering from cancer and other decades. Thank you , Amen.

Dear God,

All I need is a miracle, my mum has cancer and her body seems to be losing the battle. But my trust is in you, only you can make her whole. We have spent so much on various treatments and even now the illness seems to want to consume more of my family's resources.

I don't want to give any more money to the devil through this illness. You said the devourer is rebuked for my sake as I pay my tithe but this illness has become a major devourer in my finances and my family.

I also know you are the only one who can give her new lungs and a new lease of life. So lord I pray, let your flawless word make her whole,for it is written by the stripes of Jesus she is healed.


Heavenly Father, I come before you with a

solemn heart and in need of your intercession.
I pray that the cancer that has come into my mom's life
soon fades into a quick remission. I believe in
your capacity for miracles, and ask for this on my mom's
behalf. As we grow older, I know we become closer
to the day you accept us back into your kingdom.

I ask that you delay that holy union with my mom if it be your will. I ask that you grant my mom and our family this miracle through your love and compassion.

I also want to say a prayer for all the other people on this site praying for the same or similar miracle. Help us understand and accept your will.

In your name I pray, Amen.