Prayer For Motivation

Father, I am surrounded every day by others who do not know you. Help me to be a shining example of your love to them, just as you have loved me. I desire to be filled with your love more every day so that it fills me up and pours out of me to others, even those who aren't always easy for me to love. Whether I am with people I know well or people I encounter only briefly, give me opportunities to tell them about the love you showed by sending your Son to die that we might live through Him. Let your words fill my lips with your story, for you are Love.

Lord, I praise you for your steadfast love and that your mercies are new every morning. Thank you that you hear my voice as I cry out to you for strength and wisdom to get through my day. Be with me today and help me to feel your presence and walk out your will. Help me to glorify you in all that I do and say. Your mercies never end, Lord. Great is your faithfulness!

Father I thank You for who You are. It is Your divine nature that ensures that I will never be lacking in enthusiasm, determination or motivation while I serve You. I rejoice in my confidence and hope in You and I give You thanks because You are good. I will stay patient in my affliction and faithful in my prayers, knowing that You God see me and You know the bigger picture of my life; thank You Lord, Amen.

Oh Lord, help me to be on guard so that I can stand firm in my faith. I know that standing firm requires me to be determined and motivated, so Lord I pray for Your help in this area of my life. I also pray that throughout my trials, I remain courageous and strong because You are always with me and will never leave me. Lord I love You with all my heart and I thank You for giving me the victory that I have received, in Jesus Name Amen.

Dear Lord, Your Word declares that those who endure trials and perseveres when tempted is blessed. I pray that I remain steadfast so that I can be happy, spiritually prosperous and favored by You! I pray that the spirit of determination and motivation will rest upon me and that I will remember that I will receive the crown of life once I have the passed the test. Give me endurance Lord I pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father help me pay close attention to myself so that I can grow as a person. I pray that I persevere in all things, especially in spreading Your gospel with motivation and determination because Your Word says that You will ensure my salvation when I do so. I pray that I do not become discouraged by the world, instead help me push through the trials and tribulations I face in Jesus Name, Amen.

Righteous God, Your Word says that hard work reaps profit and reward, whereas talk leads only to poverty. I ask Lord that You will help me in my conversations that my talk will be one of motivation and determination. Therefore, Lord whenever I face difficulties, I know that with You I can make it and with action I can overcome. I pray that I do not remain passive, but You will give me your divine strength, Amen.

Oh Lord, I thank You for being the creator of motivation and determination. So Father, I pray that although it seems hard at times, I will remember that You in Your mercy have made a way for me. Nothing is impossible with You; therefore, I choose not to give up. I choose to not be shaken by what I see or feel in the moment. So Lord, I thank You Lord for motivation, determination, compassion and Your divine nature, Amen.