Prayer For Morning School Assembly

Heavenly Father, I bless Your Name today and I thank You for this school assembly. I thank You for children because Your Word says that children are a heritage from the Lord. We pray for those who are here and those that were not able to be here today. I pray that You will train up each child in the way of the Lord, that when they are old, they will not depart. I declare and decree that they shall be the light of this world and that they will draw the lost to You Lord, Amen.

Dear God, I thank You today and I bless You for every single child here in this school assembly. I pray that as each child learns and progresses through school, help them to believe that they can achieve all things through Christ who strengthens them. I pray that You will equip each child with the necessary skills, ability and knowledge to be successful in school and in life. When challenges come may You always remind them that your word is faithful and true, Amen.

Father in heaven,

Thank you for family - watch over my loved ones
Thank you for play - help me to be happy and free
Thank you for my school - teach me to listen and learn
Thank you for food and rest - you give us lovely food and peaceful sleep

Thank you for all these wonderful things,


Father God

Be with us today
Fill our hearts with joy
Fill our minds with learning
Fill our classrooms with peace
Fill our lessons with fun
Fill our friendships with kindness
Fill our school with love


Dear Lord

Thank you for this new day
Thank you for our school
Thank you for the teachers
Thank you for the things we will learn
Thank you for the fun we will have together


Dear God,

We open the doors wide of our school and invite you in.
Please be in our lessons and help us to concentrate and learn.
Fill us with happiness as we discover more about the world.
Guide our creativity to express ourselves in art, music and movement.
Help us to share, care for and love one another.
Watch over us and protect us as we run and play outside.
Please come and be a part of everything we do today.


Dear God,

At the start of this school day
Help us to learn and help us to play
To concentrate on all we do
To understand and remember too.


O God at the beginning of this day, I turn to youTo You I commit my self and all that is mine / Protect me from all dangers / strengthen me against temptations / and keep me free from all evils / Accept the offering of my thoughts, words and deeds.

O Lord, bless my parents, and my family, my friends and my enemies / Fill the leaders of the nations with wisdom and courage / religious men and women with devotion / mother with unstinted love / Give a sense of duty to officials / a sense of justice to business people / a high conscience to professionals / Bless the farmers with abundant harvests. Heal the sick / take care of orphans / do justice to the oppressed / take special care of students and children/that they may grow in strength, wisdom and grace.

Give us understanding, sympathy and love for one another / since we are all children of our Father in Heaven.