Prayer For Misbehaving Child

Lord, I need your tenderness and love. I am so overwhelmed and get so upset when my kids are acting out. I'm never sure what to do. I feel so hopeless. I need You to bring me Your guidance and strength. Amen.

God, why won't my kids listen? Things are so tough when they won't follow the rules or do what they need to do. I need help, I need your strength, power, and love. Please bring me your perfect gifts. Amen.

God, things are really out of control right at this moment. I need You to step in a bring your peace. Please bring forth your ease and stability to this situation. Amen.

?Lord, thank you for the life of my child [Name]. Your word in Proverbs 20:11 says people know a child by his deeds and others know mine for rude behavior. This is causing me shame and disgrace. Show me the cause of his/her rude behavior.

Help [Name] with what they are struggling with and heal their heart. Let his/her heart overflow with good things so that good will come out of his/her mouth. Season my child's speech with grace to only speak kind words to others.

Give me the patience I need as I help him/her become a better child. Grant me an insight into the cause of bad behavior in this child so I will address the right problem. Thank you for your help.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Lord, you are the giver of children. I thank you for the child you gave me and the opportunity to become a parent. Today I bring this child [Name] to you and ask for help with their rebellious behavior.

I did not always teach him/her the godly way to behave and I repent. Show me how to deal with their rebellion which you consider as the sin of witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23).

Give my child an obedient heart and convict them of wrongdoing. Help me understand the root cause of their rebellion so I will know how to pray and deal with it.

Help my child deal with the cause of their anger and frustration without taking it out on other family members and friends.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


Please help me to be the parent that you designed me to be.

Help me to discipline and raise my child in a way that glorifies you.

I pray that you would wash over him/her with your peace, that you would fill their heart and mind with joy and the desire to be a child that is behaved and respectful.

And Lord, please give me patience and wisdom.

For I pray this in your heavenly name - Amen.


Please help me to be the parent that you designed me to be.

Help me to discipline and raise my child in a way that glorifies you.

I pray that you would wash over him/her with your peace, that you would fill their heart and mind with joy and the desire to be a child that is behaved and respectful.

And Lord, please give me patience and wisdom.

For I pray this in your heavenly name - Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the blessing of parenthood and the joy that comes with having children. We are grateful for growth and learning that comes with Godly discipline and teachings.

Forgive us, Lord, when we are frazzled and feel like giving up from bad behavior in our children. Sometimes we reach the end of our ropes and our anger, and lack of patience rears their ugly heads in sinful ways. Father, when satan tries to rob our relationship with our children through unruly behavior or rebellion, equip us to step in immediately with a firm yet loving hand. Enable and guide us to discipline our children according to your teachings.

I pray that you would help us to look past the behavior and see the reason or cause for it. Reveal to us if there is something that we can improve or do better as their parent.

We trust in you Father to bring about a change in our child and that you would give them a tender and calm spirit. Help them to thrive despite their conduct. Please plant self-control within them that can overcome the temptation to act out.

Please place Godly influences in their lives and allow them to be a Godly influence to those around them as well.

Please bathe our child's heart, body, and mind in your soothing peace. Help them to react and act in a way that is accepting and non-irritating to others around. Forgive them when they do act up and help them to have the strength to resist the urge or desire to disobey or misbehave.

Forgive me, Father, when I give in to the bad behavior to keep things from escalating. I know this only teaches my child that the behavior is ok. Give me the power to handle the situation at the very moment it happens.

I pray for your hand of protection upon my child's heart and mind and that you will bring us closer together as a family. May we grow in our walk with you and glorify you in all that we do.

I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.