Prayer For Miscarriage Prevention

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.


O good St Gerard, powerful patron and protector of mothers and of children yet unborn, to thee do I turn in my hour of anxiety. Of the do I beg the blessings of a happy motherhood. When all human assistance seems to fail, deign to come to my aid by thy powerful intercession at the throne of Almighty God. Beseech the Divine Author of Life to bless me with offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life who will be heirs to His heavenly Kingdom in the next. Amen.

God, You caused St. Catherine to shine with Divine love
in the contemplation of the Lord's Passion
and in the service of Your Church.
By her help, grant that Your people,
associated in the mystery of Christ,
may ever exult in the revelation of His glory.


O Saint Catherine of Siena,
God our Father enkindled the flame of holy love
in your heart as you meditated on the Passion of Jesus His Son.
Moved by His grace,
you devoted your life to the poor and the sick,
as well as to the peace and unity of the Church.
Through your intercession,
may we also come to know the love of Jesus,
bring His compassion to all,
and work for the unity of His Church.
We ask this in Jesus' Name
and for His sake.


Humble Virgin and Doctor of the Church,
in thirty-three years
you achieved great perfection
and became the counselor of Popes.

You know the temptations of mothers today
as well as the dangers that await unborn infants.
Intercede for me
that I may avoid miscarriage
and bring forth a healthy baby
who will become a true child of God.
Also pray for all mothers,
that they may not resort to abortion
but help bring a new life into the world.


Dear Father,

I come before you with a heavy heart. Forgive my sins Father; forgive my unbelief; have mercy on me Lord and hear my plea.

You answered my prayer to conceive Lord. And now at 5 weeks am bleeding with low hcg and it looks like it's another ectopic. Please sweet Lord, have mercy on us and save this little life in me Lord. In spite of all signs to the contrary, I believe you Lord can turn things around and I will carry this pregnancy to term Lord. And not because I deserve it Lord, but out of your love and mercy and all to your Glory.

Please help us Lord.


Dear Lord Jesus! I come to You today in sadness and sorrow, for the devil has tried your daughter twice with miscarriages! Heavenly Lord, come to my rescue, heal me, and heal my womb, that I may conceive a baby and have a safe delivery without any more miscarriages. Heavenly Lord, pls cleanse me with Your precious blood which You shed on the cross for me. Make me whole again, free from all ailments. In the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen! Thank you Lord for answered prayers. Amen!