Prayer For Miracle St Anthony

Heavenly Father, I know that miracles will accompany those who believe. In Your name, Your disciples were able to drive out demons, they spoke in new tongues, and they picked up snakes with their hands. When they drank deadly poison, it did not hurt them at all. When they placed their hands on sick people, the sick were healed. Miracles act as a confirmation of Your word. This is evident in the miracle of Your servant, Saint Anthony, and the fish. I pray for miracles in my life, so that in this day and age, I may be confirmation of Your word, Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray that You have Your divine way within my life right now. I pray that I see signs and miracles manifested in my life, just as Saint Anthony demonstrated. I pray for a manifestation of the same kind of signs that Your Son performed among the people. Your word says that Jesus was able to declare Your Son will live to a royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. I pray that I am able to declare things over my life that will happen instantly because of the power that You have freely given to me, Amen.

Majesty, You are the one that I praise. You are my God, who performed for Your people those great and awesome wonders that they saw with their own eyes, such as the parting of the Red Sea. Lord, I thank You because nothing is too great for You. It is You who took care of the Israelites as they were being pursued by Pharaoh, and You made a way for them. It is clear that You are faithful to Your servants, like Moses and Saint Anthony. Thank You for Your faithfulness, Amen.

Holy One, the scriptures have told me of the many miracles that You have performed, such as the jar of flour and the jug of oil staying full until the famine passed (See 1 Kings 17)! I pray for these types of miracles in my life that clearly show that You reign. You are the Lord, the God of all mankind. There is nothing too hard for You, therefore, I will expect great miracles. I will follow the example that Saint Anthony left for us, Amen.

Anointed One, You are worthy of all the praise, all the glory and all the honor. I pray that miracles become evident in the church so that people may believe in You through the confirmation of the miracles. I pray against unbelief in the church because You do not do miracles based upon unbelief. Your servant, Saint Anthony was able to diminish heresy among people and reconciled people to the church through miracles. Please help me to use miracles to do the same, Amen.

God of Power, I pray for a great manifestation of Your power in my life like never before. I declare signs and miracles so that people may turn to You. When Aeneas, who had been bedridden for eight years, was told to get up and make his bed in Jesus' name, he immediately got up and all who lived there and saw it turned to You. I pray that like Saint Anthony, I use signs to turn people to You. It is for Your glorification, Amen.

O wonderful St. Anthony, glorious on account of the fame of your miracles, and through the condescension of Jesus in coming in the form of a little child to rest in your arms, obtain for me of His bounty the grace which I ardently desire from the depths of my heart . (State your intention)

You who were so compassionate toward miserable sinners, regard not the unworthiness of those who pray to you, but the glory of God that it may once again be magnified by the granting of the particular request (State your intention) which I now ask for with persevering earnestness. Amen

O Holy St Anthony, the gentlest and kindest of Saints, your burning love of God, your exalted virtue, and your great charity towards your fellow creatures, made you worthy, when on earth to possess miraculous powers such as were given to no other saint.

Miracle waited on your word, and that word you were ever ready to speak at the request of those in trouble.

The anxious prayer of bitter trial was never addressed to you in vain.

To the sick you gave back health; you restored what was lost; the sorrow stricken were the objects of your tender compassion; even the dead you raised to life when the wounded heart cried out to you from the depths of its bitter anguish.

When on earth nothing was impossible with you, except not to have compassion on those in distress and sorrow.

Encouraged by this thought, and convinced of the efficacy of your holy intercession, we kneel before your holy image, and full of confidence, we implore you to obtain for us (here mention your request).

The answer to this our prayer may require a miracle. Even so, are you not the Saint of Miracles, who, when on earth, had but to speak the mightiest wonders were wrought!

O gentle and loving St Anthony, you whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whispers our prayer into the ears of the Infant Jesus, who loved to linger in your arms.

One word from you and our prayer will be granted. O, speak but that word and the gratitude of our heart will ever be yours!
