Prayer For Mercy And Grace

Dear Father God, I praise and thank You for Your loving-kindness and great mercy which is new every morning and remains steadfast and sure throughout the day, to strengthen and hold. Thank You for the glory of the cross, knowing that I was a estranged from Your heart of love and an outcast from the kingdom of heaven. Words cannot describe the wonderment that You sent Your only begotten Son to come to earth as a Man, to live a life of rejection and sorrow, and to suffer and die for me on the cross of Calvary, so that I might be forgiven of all my sins and live with You eternally in heaven.

Thank You, Father, that although I was unworthy to approach You glorious throne, and enslaved in the kingdom of darkness, yet in Your mercy and grace You stooped down to me and lifted me out of the Satan's bondage and from the cesspit of sin, and seated me together with Christ in heavenly places and showered me with Your undeserved grace and favour. Thank You, that I am now one of Your redeemed children. In Jesus' name I pray,


Father, my heart cries out to You for mercy and grace, knowing that there is nothing that commends me to You and there is nothing that I can do to warrant Your forgiveness, except in the cross of Christ Jesus my Lord. Father, my sins testify against me, for my heart is bruised and bloodied and there is no health in me whatsoever. All too often my thoughts are dirty thoughts, which are not honouring to a holy God. And too frequently my thoughts are translated into foul words and actions that contradict my union in Christ and my position as a child of God. For although I have trusted Christ as my Saviour, I have sinned against You in thought, word and deed and am no longer worthy to be called Your child.

Lord, I have sinned against You and I confess my sins before You. My heart's desire is to turn right away from all my sin and back to You. Back to my first love, my Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You, that Your mercy towards me never fails. Thank You, that Your loving-kindness towards me and all Your children, is new every morning. Thank You, that even though I prove faithless, You remain faithful to the promises that You have made to me, that whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish, but have everlasting life. Thank You, that Christ's death on the cross has washed away all my sins, past, present and future. Lord, from this day forward, help me to learn to take every thought captive and give it to You, and wash my heart clean and pure so that I live and work to Your honour and glory. In Jesus' precious name, I pray,


Father, we live in a world where there are so many hurting people that at times it can become overwhelming and we find ourselves stepping back, and almost hoping that the problem will go away. And yet Jesus demonstrated a life that overflowed with deep-compassion and tender-mercy towards all those that were wounded and abused, troubled or hurt. Help us to stretch out a willing arm of comfort, when we see other people hurting or in pain, and may we extend a godly mercy that only comes from You, to those that are the unlovely or the unlovable.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ become our inner clothing and may the love of the Father be the outer garment that we wear, so that by Your Spirit we may be empowered to bless and help all those with whom we come in contact. May all we say and do be a witness to the grace and mercy of God and we pray that You would give us opportunities to minister Your mercy and love to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,


Father in heaven, I stand amazed at the great mercy and grace that You have shown towards a fallen race of sinners. By rights, we should be eternally separated from Your holiness and goodness, for we have rebelled against You in thought, word and deed. And yet in loving-kindness and tender-pity, You reached down to fallen humanity and lifted us up and seated us together with Your dearly beloved Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who died that we might live. Thank You for Your incredible forgiveness and Your amazing grace towards us.

Father, I pray that You would light a spark of true forgiveness and mercy in my heart towards all those that have harmed or hurt us, whether deliberately or unintentionally, knowing that it is not only Your will for us to show godly mercy towards others but also that we become equal beneficiaries, when our heart is flooded with mercy and forgiveness. Root out I pray, any lingering bitterness or malice that is lurking within my heart and may the godly fruit of mercy and love bud and blossom into the true fruit of righteousness, to Your honour and glory. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,


Heavenly Father, thank You that by Your Holy Spirit, You have bestowed on each of Your children different spiritual gifts, (or just one special gift..) and that by Your grace our gifts are to be used for the encouragement and edification of the whole body of Christ. Thank You, Lord, for the way that You have gifted each of us in a very special and precious way, enabling us, by Your grace, to make a unique contribution to the furtherance of Your plans and purposes in the body of Christ, that He is all in all. Father, You have given me a special heart of love toward my brothers and sisters in Christ, and although I am not gifted to teach, or to carry out some of the more overt gifts of the Spirit, I do wonder if You are developing in me the precious gift of encouragement, mercy and love towards my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Lord, I pray that if You are taking me down this route, that You would use me as a sanctified vessel, that not only to pours out mercy and love without measure on other people, but that You would use me to encourage others to show the same mercy and forgiveness to their brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, and in the wider world beyond. Lord, I know that in and of myself I have nothing that commends me for this special ministry of mercy and edification, for I know that without Christ I can do nothing. But praise God that in Christ I can do all things, for He gives me the strength. May I be pliable clay in the Potter's hand and permit You to shape me into the person that You would have me be. Use me in Your way and in Your time to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Merciful Lord, it does not surprise me that you forget completely the sins of those who repent. I am not surprised that you remain faithful to those who hate and revile you. The mercy which pours forth from you fills the whole world. It was by your mercy that we were created, and by your mercy that you redeemed us by sending your Son. Your mercy is the light in which sinners find you and good people come back to you. Your mercy is everywhere, even in the depths of hell where you offer to forgive the tortured souls. Your justice is constantly tempered with mercy, so you refuse to punish us as we deserve. O mad Lover! It was not enough for you to take on our humanity; you had to die for us as well.

Dear Father God, I praise and thank You for Your loving-kindness and great mercy which is new every morning and remains steadfast and sure throughout the day - to strengthen and hold. Thank You for the glory of the cross.. knowing that I was a estranged from Your heart of love and an outcast from the kingdom of heaven. Words cannot describe the wonderment that You sent Your only begotten Son to come to earth as a Man - and to live a life of rejection and sorrow, and to suffer and die for me on the cross of Calvary - so that I might be forgiven of all my sins and live with You eternally in heaven.

Thank You Father that although I was unworthy to approach You glorious throne, and enslaved in the kingdom of darkness, yet in Your mercy and grace You stooped down to me and lifted me out of the Satan's bondage and from the cesspit of sin, and seated me together with Christ in heavenly places and showered me with Your undeserved grace and favor. Thank You that I am now one of Your redeemed children, in Jesus' name I pray,


Dear God, I am asking that Your grace and mercy would continue to follow me all the days of my life, as You have promised in You Word. Teach me to understand Your ways and grant me wisdom I pray, to live my life in a way that is pleasing and honouring to You.
Thank You, that You are my Shepherd and how I praise You for Your day-by-day provision and for the comfort and joy that You have brought into my life.
Thank You for always being there for me, to lead and to guide, to protect and to comfort, even when I falter and fail. Thank You for Your rod of discipline and Your staff of comfort, which have proved to be such a solace in time of need.
Grant me Your mercy and grace to live my life to the full, and to carry out the work and witness that You have prepared for me to do. Refresh my soul and revive my spirit with streams in the desert, and continue to pour out Your bountiful grace and never-failing mercy, which is new every morning, great is Your faithfulness, praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name I pray,