Prayer For Mercy Of God

Oh Lord, my body hurts and I feel I have lost all will to live. My soul and my heart are giving in to the pain, for it has become unbearable. Lord, you healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, and resurrected the dead. I beg your mercy that I may have a drop of your healing. May your mercy deliver me from this wrath and restore my will to live. I will give praise and thanks to your name for you are a faithful God. Amen.

I am in deep sorrow and pain for the way I have been living my life. Restore me to yourself, Lord. Have mercy on my soul and save me from eternal fire. May your word sink in me and take the place of this awful feeling. For your word gives redemption and revival to those who seek you truly. Do not look at my transgressions with fury, Lord, but with love that I may have a place among your chosen ones. Amen.

Dear Lord, there are many mountains behind me, and ahead of me, there are the widest rivers I have ever seen. Lord, I need your mercy to bestow on me your strength and guidance. Send me an angel who will part the waters as you did for the Israelites. I need you to help me move forward on the path you have chosen for me so that I do not fail and am not ridiculed by my enemies. Have mercy on me and show your power, oh God. Amen.

Many are the gifts that come from you, oh Lord, but your unending grace and new mercies every morning are more than I could ask for. I take comfort in knowing that you are always with me and you do not judge or hold onto grudges. It is upon you I cast my burdens and ask for relief so that I may enjoy the gift of life, of family, of friends, and the blessing of work. May I never depart from your goodness, oh Lord. Amen.

Lord, may my heart be filled with joy today as you fulfill your promises in my life according to your mercy. You decide when and how, and I am grateful for you are never failing. I depend on you for the decisions I have to make in my life and the things I have to do. May your mercy be upon me that I may discern good from bad and have the courage to do what is right according to your word. Amen.

Holy Lord, to you I come with all my needs and troubles and you provide for me. You are an unconditional God and I will not be ashamed to say what you have done for me. Lord, forgive me my trespasses and teach me to forgive those who trespass against me so you may not be ashamed of me as your child. May your spirit of love, power, and oneness fill me and overflow. Amen.

Dear Father God, I praise and thank You for Your loving-kindness and great mercy which is new every morning and remains steadfast and sure throughout the day, to strengthen and hold. Thank You for the glory of the cross, knowing that I was a estranged from Your heart of love and an outcast from the kingdom of heaven. Words cannot describe the wonderment that You sent Your only begotten Son to come to earth as a Man, to live a life of rejection and sorrow, and to suffer and die for me on the cross of Calvary, so that I might be forgiven of all my sins and live with You eternally in heaven.
Thank You, Father, that although I was unworthy to approach You glorious throne, and enslaved in the kingdom of darkness, yet in Your mercy and grace You stooped down to me and lifted me out of the Satan's bondage and from the cesspit of sin, and seated me together with Christ in heavenly places and showered me with Your undeserved grace and favour. Thank You, that I am now one of Your redeemed children. In Jesus' name I pray,

Father, we live in a world where there are so many hurting people that at times it can become overwhelming and we find ourselves stepping back, and almost hoping that the problem will go away. And yet Jesus demonstrated a life that overflowed with deep-compassion and tender-mercy towards all those that were wounded and abused, troubled or hurt. Help us to stretch out a willing arm of comfort, when we see other people hurting or in pain, and may we extend a godly mercy that only comes from You, to those that are the unlovely or the unlovable.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ become our inner clothing and may the love of the Father be the outer garment that we wear, so that by Your Spirit we may be empowered to bless and help all those with whom we come in contact. May all we say and do be a witness to the grace and mercy of God and we pray that You would give us opportunities to minister Your mercy and love to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,