Prayer For Maundy Thursday Service

Ever-gracious God, we gather in this evening hour as friends gathered with Jesus in an Upper Room long ago. We come bearing the marks and burdens of a bitter and broken world. We come from anonymous places, with dry and thirsty spirits. Remind us, in the breaking of the bread, of our need and of your great sufficiency. Refresh us and make us whole with the cup of forgiveness. Draw us nearer to each other in mutual service and closer to you in the covenant of faithfulness and thanksgiving. As the night advances, deepen in us a sense of your steadfast love for us in Jesus Christ, our friend and Redeemer. AMEN.

Gracious God, we give you thanks this night for the privilege of gathering together to remember, to celebrate, and to share. We give you thanks for the journey we have been on with youfrom manger to Temple, from Egypt to Galilee, from darkness to light. Tonight we feast, as you did on a night like this so long ago, remembering your promises, your mighty deeds, your rescue of your people, your saving grace. As we share this meal tonight, make us mindful of those who are hungry. As we celebrate together, make us mindful of those who sorrow and those who are alone. As we remember once again all you have done and all that you are, form us once again into your people.

May all who hunger come to rejoice in the feast of your kingdom. Let all the human family sit at your table, drink the wine of deliverance, and eat the bread of freedom. We pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

Holy God, source and sovereign,
you put all power and authority into the hands of Christ
Christ, who washes our feet in humble service.
Teach us to love one another as Christ has loved us,
so that everyone will know that we are his disciples;
through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray.

Lord God,
You sent your Son into the world,
And before his hour had come,
He washed his disciples' feet.

You had given all things into his hands.
He had come from you, and was going to you,
And what did he do?
He knelt down on the floor,
And washed his friends' feet.

He was their teacher and their Lord,
Yet he washed their feet.
Lord God, help us learn from his example;
Help us to do as he has done for us.

The world will know we are his disciples
If we love one another.
Strengthen our hands and our wills for love
And for service.

Keep before our eyes the image of your Son,
Who, being God, became a Servant for our sake.
All glory be to him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and forever.


For all those who have gone before,
walked the path we tread,
and, by their example,
wise words and teaching
led others into your Kingdom,
we offer our grateful thanks.
For all who, through their actions
put others before self,
demonstrating the meaning
of generosity,
giving from their riches
and also from their poverty,
we offer our grateful thanks.
Through the one who gave
everything, that we might
understand the true
riches of this life,
and the one to come.

You call us to live your life,
follow where you have trod,
be your presence in these streets,
show compassion to the poor,
support the weak,
embrace the outcast,
bring lives into your kingdom.
Yet our hearts are troubled,
we are fearful of the task,
deafened to your promise
to be with us
wherever we might go.
Forgive our timidity,
grant us peace for the journey,
and strength for the day,
that we might demonstrate our love
in the life we live and share . Amen

You call us to be your voices in this world
and we stay silent.
You call us to be your hands in this world
and we keep them hidden.
You call us to be your feet in this world
and we go our own way.
When we meet those who are doubting
and say nothing, forgive us.
When we meet those who need your touch
and do nothing, forgive us.
When we are called to take up your cross
and carry nothing, forgive us.
Breathe life into these bones
bring freedom to these lives
that we might declare
with heart and soul and voice
that you are our Lord and our God. Amen

In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us pray: Lord, as we prepare to enter the mystery of these three most holy days, we ask
you to illumine our minds and hearts with the hope and promise of Christ's passion, death and
resurrection. Give us eyes to see Him in the breaking of the bread and hearts that reach out to
Him in service to one another. We ask you this through Christ our Lord. Amen