Prayer For May Day

We awaken in our time to a Universe which is holy,
to creation which is not an event in the past, but a living event of the present.
We enter a new mode of human presence where we are not merely observers,
but where each of us is a participant in this moment of evolution.

Like all other creatures, we carry with us Wisdom and Values, the dynamics of the Universe.
But unlike other creatures, we must choose whether and how we will live in harmony
within this sacred web of creation.
May we be open to the Source of All Being, Our God within and among us!

We have the capacity to wonder,
and to celebrate this great mystery of existence within such a magnificent Universe!
In us the Universe enters into a great celebration of itself.
We are part of the Dance, the Great Work, the Great liturgy which is the Universe unfolding.

Glory to You, O God, Source of All Being!
This great Liturgy finds expression at this moment in us,
gathered here in a posture of prayerful openness, with listening hearts, loving spirits and a holy wonder.
May the sacred web that unites us with each other, our God and all creation,
ignite communities of light and hope throughout the Earth.
May we be open to the Source of All Being, Our God within and among us!

Together We Pray:
O Gracious, gentle Spirit of Love,
Your energy permeates the Universe,
Igniting Earth with
Your Goodness, Truth and Beauty.
Open our minds and hearts
To a deeper awareness
Of our interconnectedness with You,
Each other and all creation.
May we experience
Your unique presence
Within the sacred web of creation.

Let our prayer this morning be one of gratitude. Gratitude did not make it into the list of four "cardinal virtues," but it is sometimes rightly recognized as a foundational virtue.

Let us each in turn name something worthy of our gratitude, concluding with "and so let us say."

The group may respond, "For this we are grateful."

There are Christians
Who have hysterical reactions
As if the world had slipped out of God's hands.
They are violent
As if they were risking everything.

But we believe in history.
The world is not a roll of the dice
On its way toward chaos.
A new world has begun to happen
Since Christ has risen?

Jesus Christ,
We rejoice in your definitive triumph
With our bodies still in the breach,
Our souls in tension;
We cry our first "Hurrah!"
Till eternity unfolds itself.

Your sorrow now has passed.
Your enemies have failed.
You are the definitive smile for humankind.

What matter the wait now for us?
We accept the struggle and the death,
Because you, our love, will not die!

We march behind you on the road to the future.
You are with us. You are our immortality?

Take away the sadness from our faces;
We are not in a game of chance?
You have the last word!

Beyond the crushing of our bones,
Now has begun the eternal "Alleluia!"
From the thousands of openings
In our wounded bodies and souls,
There now arises a triumphal song!

So teach us to give voice
To your new life throughout the world,
Because you dry the tears of the oppressed forever?
And death will disappear

Bless the work of our hands, O God.
Bless the hands that work the land;

hands that move earth, plant seeds and harvest,

hands with callouses and dirty fingernails, strong hands.

Bless the hands that use machines;

hands that drive cars, trucks and forklifts,

hands on computer keyboards, capable hands.

Bless the hands that make things;

hands that manufacture and create,

working wood and metal and plastic, practical hands.

Bless the hands that clean;

hands that wash, mop and scrub,

hands that know what to do with soap, determined hands.

Bless the hands that make music and art;

hands that play instruments and hold paintbrushes,

hands that are creative tools, artistic hands.

Bless the hands that care for people;

hands that cook and feed, heal and nurture,

hands with a gentle touch, loving hands.

Bless the hands that are generous;

hands that give away money and food,

hands that are always trying to be empty, Christ-like hands.

Bless the tiny, baby hands.

Bless the strong adult hands.

Bless the hands that are folded in prayer.

Bless the hands that are lifted in praise.

Our hands do the work of your hands,

O God our Creator. Amen.

Heavenly Father, cause the newness of life to continue to flow through my heart, that I may not be fatigued, as I struggle with discouragements. Release me from hopeless cares that I have made mine, thinking they were thine. May I trust in the boundless limit of thy mercy, and rejoice in the world of living light. Amen.

Father of life, I know I cannot hold youth. I may have prosperity or poverty. I thank thee that thou hast taught me that love may be kept changeless through all. Amen.

Father of life, I know I cannot hold youth. I may have prosperity or poverty. I thank thee that thou hast taught me that love may be kept changeless through all. Amen.

Lord God, may I comprehend the sacredness of friendship. I thank thee for my friends, and for all the beautiful influences which they bring to my life. May I never hold friendship without the sincerity to return it. Correct my faults, and cause me to learn the secret of cheerful endurance, that I may be steadfast. Amen.