Prayer For Malaysia

Almighty Father, You are our Redeemer. You are awesome. Father, look down from Heaven and see the suffering of Your people in Malaysia and our neighbours as well. We are breathing unclean air because of the haze. Please send help Lord. Pour Your Holy Spirit over us. I plead the Blood of Jesus upon our land and our people. Bring cleansing, Lord. Remove spirit that is not of You from our lives and our land. Give our leaders to stop the problems and find the roots that caused this problems. Thank You, Lord. You are God of miracles and breakthrough. We praise You, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Father, thank You for being our refuge and strength. Right now our country are experiencing heavy haze caused by people who burned their lands ready for farming and plantation. Father, I ask for Your divine intervention. Bring us rain to clear this haze, Lord. Many people are sick, Father because of this situation. I plead the precious Blood of Jesus to flow into our country. Cleanse and heal our land, Lord. Heal, heal, I ask in Jesus' Name. Thank You, Jesus. All glory to You, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Father, rain the power of Your Holy Spirit upon our people and our land. We need Your help now the most. Fill our leaders with wisdom O Father. Let there be peace and harmony in our Country, Lord. You are our Source, Lord. Thank You, Father for giving us peace that surpasses all understanding. I praise and thank You, holy God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Father, our Country is known for many reasons. We are going through trials and tribulation in many areas like other countries. I lift our PM and every person with authority to You in Jesus' Name. Give our PM the wisdom to bring peace, love and joy to our people and our Country so that we can live in harmony with one another. Father, send positive energy with the help of Your Holy Spirit to our land and our people. Thank You, Lord. We praise and thank You, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Father, today I lift our leaders and our government to You in Jesus' Name. Help our Malaysia PM and Sarawak CM, as our leaders to be fill with wisdom as they lead our people and our Country to enjoy peace, love, joy, harmony and putting our faith and trust in You O Father God. I pray for revival in our land. May we feel Your presence and live our lives as You have planned for us. Heal our land O Lord, so that the farmers can enjoy good harvesting of their crops. Lord, bless the hands of those who prepare things for their families and bless those who receive. May our hearts be free of negative energy, Father. Thank You, Lord. We praise You and thank You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Father, our State, Sarawak in East Malaysia just celebrated her more than fifty years of independence from British rule on 22 July 2015. Father, with state election in Sarawak coming up at any time now, I seek Your divine help upon our people especially our leaders, the PM of Malaysia and our own Sarawak Chief Minister. Fill both of them with wisdom, good health, peace, love and joy. You allowed the people to vote for them, Lord and both of them are our leaders for a reason only You know. God, I pray for peace and prosperity in our land. Where there are so much bickering, slandering and greedy for power, let Your amazing love bring hope and harmony, living peacefully with one another like how we used to experience. Father, You are our Hope, our Redeemer, Healer and Your Words are health to all our flesh. Thank You, Lord for protecting us and allow us to feel Your presence in times of trials and tribulations. We give You all the glory. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Father, pour Your Holy Spirit upon our land and our people. I plead the Blood of Jesus to bring cleansing to every heart of every Malaysian people. Fill us with Your peace, love and joy. Help our leaders to handle every situation according to Your plan for Your glory. Protect our families and people from harm and evil. Thank You, Lord. All glory to Your Name. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I bring before Your Throne of Grace, our country Malaysia, our leaders and all the Malaysian people. Bring healing to our land and pour Your peace upon our people. O Lord, there are too much negative news about our country. I ask in Jesus' Name to fill our Prime Minister with wisdom. Lord, You put him where he is for a reason. Help him Lord to bring peace, love, joy and stability, so that we can come together to glorify You. You see the hearts of our people. When we are weak that is where You are strong. Keep our leader strong and listen with his heart. Pour out Your mercy and grace upon us, Lord. Thank You, Lord for not forsaking us during this time of national tribulation. Thank You by faith for the peace, hope and harmony that You will bless us with. Forgive us, Lord. Thank You, Father for hearing my prayer and answer, Your Way. All glory to You, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.