Prayer For Managers

Beautiful Lord,

You are abounding in grace and mercy for Your children. I am so thankful that You call me Your child. Lord, work is getting stressful because of the environment I am in. Father, there are many people who hate You there and they make my life miserable because they know that I love You. I trust in James as it says, Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds. (James 1:2) I realize the benefit of being persecuted for believing in Jesus and I gladly accept whatever comes my way. Lord, I pray that You would soften the hearts of my co-workers. I will keep planting seeds, Lord. I pray that they will let you water them. I love you, Father. Amen

Holy Lord,

Blessed be Your name always. You have set my feet on a solid rock, Jesus Christ. I thank You, Jesus, for Your bravery and love that saved me from my sins on the cross. I will praise You forever! Lord, I feel like a doormat at work. I have tried to promote ideas to better the work environment while cutting down on costs. Management usually pacifies me with words they will not follow through on. They say, we will consider it but I know they forget about me as soon as they walk away. Father, You have provided me this job and I am grateful for it. I pray that you will soften the hearts of the leadership there. I don't even care if they reject every idea of mine, Father. I just want to them to actually care and consider my suggestions. I just want to be seen as a person and not an object to make them money. I love You, Lord and I will follow You wherever You lead. I love You! Amen

Loving Father,

I praise You because You love me in spite of all of my failures and weaknesses. You wash me in Your Word and clean my soul up more with each passage I read. Father, I bring You a burden this day. I feel like I am stuck in a dead end job with no possibility of promotion. I am barely floating above water right now. You have blessed me with other talents that I could potentially use in other career fields. Father, if You are willing, I pray for You to open a door to a different career for me. I would love to use the talents You have given me to provide for my family. Where You lead, I will follow. I praise Your name, Lord! Amen

Wonderful Lord,

You have blessed me with so much, Father. I have a wonderful family and church family. I thank you for Your love and I must lay a burden at Your feet. Father, You know about the promotion that I may get. Lord, it would be a huge blessing to receive it. I am not putting my faith in money, Lord. My faith is in You only. If You allow me this promotion, I will use it faithfully as You see fit. I will be responsible with it and pay off existing debts and I will continue to tithe at church. Father, I am giving this completely to You and whatever Your decision is, I will thank You because You are loving, gracious and generous even in poverty. I love You, Abba Father. Amen

Blessed Lord,

You already know before I speak what I am going to say. Nothing I say is a surprise to You and yet You yearn for my voice daily. I love You, God, because You love me as Your own child. I bring you a huge burden today, Lord. My company is downsizing because they are losing money. O gracious Lord, my department was told about potential lay-offs. I plead with You now, Father. Please keep my position safe. I am scared for my future, Lord. I pray for Your peace that truly passes all understanding. Give me an ease of mind as I continue to work at my job. Lord, if I am laid off, it is because You have allowed it and I pray that You would have another open door ready for me to walk through. You are King, Father, and I trust in Your will this day. Amen

Most Merciful Father,

I'm at my wits end, Lord. I feel like I have tried every avenue to find work and yet I have not gotten a single phone call about my applications that I have sent out. Lord, I want to provide for my family. I want to make a steady income that can pay my rent/mortgage and provide meals for my spouse and children. Lord, you know what is best for me and I lay these burdens at your throne now. You are good all of the time, Father, and I am placing my trust in you this day. I love you Lord! Amen

My Heavenly father, as I enter this workplace I bring your presence with me. I speak your peace, your grace, your mercy, and your perfect order in this office. I acknowledge your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls.

Lord, I thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with. I commit to using them responsibly in your honor. Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job. Anoint my projects, ideas, and energy so that even my smallest accomplishment may bring you glory.

Lord, when I am confused guide me. When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit. May the work that I do and the way I do it bring faith, joy, and a smile to all that I come in contact with today.

Dear God of all,

I come to you today lifting up my boss or supervisor to you. I pray that you will develop in him/her all of the skills and qualities needed to lead our work team well.

I pray that he/she will have the leadership skills of Moses, the bravery and vision of David, the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Job and the perseverance of Paul. I pray that he/she will ask for and receive good advice as it says in Proverbs: A wise man listens to advice. (Proverbs 12:15 NIV) and Many advisors make victory sure. (Proverbs 11:14 NIV)

Grant my boss or supervisor a good understanding of the problems and fixes for our workplace and business issues. Give them a good view of the overall picture and a solid business plan for the present and future.

May my boss or supervisor value the hard work and efforts of the work team. Help him/her see the strengths of each worker and help them to encourage the development of new skills in areas where each worker may need help.

Grant a workplace characterized by respect and cooperation. May my boss or supervisor take a leading role in recognizing and appreciating the efforts of each member of the work team as they acknowledge jobs well done.

May my boss or supervisor be filled with honesty, fairness, discernment, kindness and good humor. May he/she be a good listener who has an open door to the work team, making themselves available to hear out concerns from the work team and support the employees.

Give them wisdom and discernment when dealing with conflicts between work team members. Help them hear out both sides and find workable solutions that will help improve the efficiency and atmosphere of the workplace.

Strengthen and help my boss or supervisor during times of stress. Grant them a good life balance in their work, family and faith. Teach them the value of delegating well, save them from micromanaging and show them when to roll up their sleeves and pitch in when the work load demands it.

Help me as a member of the work team to do my best at the tasks assigned me. Show me how to adapt to my boss's management style so that we might work well together for the sake of our company, our mission and our livelihoods. May you grant us success in all that we put our hands to do together.

Although I work under my boss or supervisor, help me to live out what it says in the Bible: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3: 23,24 NIV)
