Prayer For Making Good Decisions

Dear Lord,

Please be with this girl as she makes a very hard decision. She needs your guidance, your love, and your acceptance. Lead her and inspire her to know what is right. I pray that you will fill her heart with the inspiration to follow the perfect path that you have in mind for her. Give her the courage to follow that path, and bless her with a support group of friends who love her and can support her in true friendship as she follows your lead.


Heavenly Father, your word tells us in James 1:5 that if anyone asks for wisdom, you will give it. Today I'm asking for wisdom to make good choices and decisions. Guide my thinking and sharpen my mind.

Help me to choose wisely between the options that are set before me. Protect me from clouded judgment and bless me with a sound mind. Protect me from being double minded or unstable during my decision making process.

Let all that I do to bring honor to you. In Jesus name, amen.

Loving Father, only you know my end from the beginning. Nothing I do or say catches you by surprise. You know what is in my heart, good or bad. Everyone around me is choosing to do things their way, and it is very tempting for me to do so too. But Father God, I want your will to be done in my life. If it is not your will for me to take this path, then Father, give me divine strength to accept and to follow your lead. May every decision I make be pleasing to you. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

O God, you know that todayor very soonI must make a
decision which is going to affect my whole life.
Help me to choose rightlyand to choose the right way.
Grant me your guidance, and with it grant me the humble
obedience to accept it.
Help me not necessarily to choose what I want to do, but what
you want me to do.
Grant that I may not be swayed solely by fear or by hope of gain,
by selfish love of ease or comfort or by personal ambition, by
the desire to escape or by longing for prestige.
Help me today in humble obedience to say to you, Lord, what
will you have me to do? and then await your guidance, and
accept your leading.
Hear this prayer of mine and send an answer so clear that I
cannot mistake it.
This I ask for your love's sake! Amen.

Heavenly Father, remove anything in me that will cause me to make rash decisions. Give me the patience to handle big and small decisions in different areas of my life. Fill me with divine strength that I may always follow your leading. May I take the path you are showing me even if it seems long. Lord, slow me down when I rush and teach me how to make decisions calmly. In Jesus' name, I pray and believe. Amen.

Heavenly Father, you are my refuge and hiding place that is why I am here asking you to protect me against the lies of the enemy. Shield me from weapons that have forged against me to prevent me from making decisions that are within your will. Reveal to me the people that the enemy is using to lead me astray and help me to cut them off from my life. I cover my mind, body, and spirit with the blood of Jesus. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Dear heavenly Father, you number our hairs and determine our days; you hang the stars and feed the sparrows; you open doors no one can shut and shut doors no one can open. Surely, we can trust you when the time comes for making big decisions, or for that matter, any decisions. I'm in just such a season again, Father, and I know I'm not alone. We will trust you for generous wisdom, straight paths and peaceful hearts, all for your glory.
How we praise you for being the decision-making-God. It's not our decisions, but yours that make all the difference. We will plan, but we trust you to order our steps. We will pray, but ask you to fix our prayers en route to heaven. We will seek counsel, but count on you to overrule faulty or incomplete input from our most trusted friends and mentors. We will search the Scriptures, but not looking for proof texts but for you, Father. All we want and need is you.
Free us from the paralysis of analysiswanting make the right decision, more than we want to be righteous people; wanting to be known as wise people, more than we want to know you. Free us from the idolatry of assuming there's only one perfect choice in any given situation. Free us from making decisions primary for our comfort and other's approval, or fear their disapproval. Free us to know that good choices don't always lead to the easiest outcomes, especially at first. Free us from second and twenty-second guessing our decisions.
Father, no matter if it's wisdom about buying or selling, vocation or vacation, this place or that place, this person or that person, we know that in ALL things, your will is our sanctificationour becoming more and more like Jesus. Give us this passion; make it our delight.
So, Father, make us more and more like Jesus, even as we trust you for the opening and closing of doors that are in front of us. All for your gloryin our eating and drinking; and in our whatever's, whenever's and wherever's. So very Amen we pray, in the name of our reigning King, Jesus.

Today, as I have a decision to make, help me make it with thoughts, not only to benefit myself, but to benefit all around me and to give You utmost Glory in all things.

May my sole focus be to live a life benefiting those who look to me in hope, who feel loved in the little things I do and in the blessings I share with others, in the simplest of my words and deeds.

Lord Jesus, I earnestly pray that I may never become proud and self-contented to think only of my own wants and desires.

Help me to open my heart and mind, to be a blessing to one who is in need.

May I be a channel of Your peace and love to one who is in distress, and a light of hope for someone who is condemned.

Last, but not least, I pray for the spirit of wisdom and discernment to guide my thoughts as I make my decisions. AMEN!