Prayer For Jesus Help Me

Faithful Father, you have never left my side. Although I have often wandered from you, you have always remained beside me. With you at my side, I will not be shaken, whatever life throws at me. Help me to always place you at the center, guiding my path and protecting me from evil. As I experience the brokenness of this world would you refresh my soul to continue praising you. There is no God like you, you are worthy of all my praise. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Creator God, your hand threw the stars into space and the same hand reaches down to me with a gentle touch. I don't have the strength to deal with the situation I am facing, please uphold me with your righteous right hand. I don't know what to do, please help me. You say that I do not need to be afraid or dismayed because you are my God and you are with me. Help me to know your presence in the midst of my circumstances and draw strength from you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

O Lord, my God you are my refuge and my strength. You are my ever-present help in times of trouble. When it seems like my world is crumbling around me and I am thrown around by the storms of my life, take away my fear. When I am weak, you are my strength. When I am vulnerable, you are my refuge. When I cry for help, you will answer. Remind me Lord that you are always with me, you will never leave or forsake me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I pray that You would listen to my prayer, for I am weak and helpless and have no one but You to turn to in my time of trouble. I feel so lost and so alone and I hardly know which way to turn. My body has become so weak and my eyes are red with weeping, and things are so difficult that I ask You to show me Your mercy.

Keep me I pray, from going under and giving up. You are my God and I have trusted You. Lord, You have promised to be with me to help in my weakness and to carry me when things become too hard. You have promised to carry me and I am asking for Your help.

Lord, I am Your servant and have trusted You in times past. Come to my aid in my time of weakness I pray, and carry me in Your arms of love. I lift my heart to You Lord all day long, and trust You to help as You have promised. In Jesus' name I pray,


Help me Lord, and save me from those that are seeking to destroy me. Show me Lord, what You would have me to do. Lord, I want to trust and obey You and to rest my weary soul on You and not rely on my own strength, for there is nothing I can do. I come to You on my knees imploring You Lord, to stand up as my Champion and Defender.

Lord, I find myself into deep trouble for I have been falsely accused and no one seems interested in helping me or able to do anything. And Father, some have even turned their backs on me and are accusing me of falsities.

Lord, You know the truth and I ask that You would vindicate me. Have mercy Lord and help me. Turn Your heart towards me and have pity on me I pray. You are my Advocate and my Helper in time of trouble, and I pray that You would rescue me speedily. Show me Your goodness for the sake of Your holy name, for I trust in You. I pray in Jesus' name,


Loving Heavenly Father, You created all things and by Your power all things hold together. According to Your riches in mercy, I pray that You would help me through this very difficult time of my life.

Lord, You know that I have problems within the home and difficulties within the family, as well as financial problems and relationship problems, all of which seem to have hit me hard, at the same time. Lord, I don't know what to do, but my eyes are on You because You have promised to be my help in time of need.

Strengthen me by the might of Your power and help me not to look at the circumstances of life but on You. For I know that Your grace is sufficient for Your power is made perfect in my weakness.

I ask Lord, that I am not overwhelmed by all that is going on, but rather that You would take my life, every part of it, and cover it with Your great grace. Lord, I know that You are able to do the impossible in our lives and are able to do abundantly more than we can ask or think. I place all my troubles on You, for You have promised to carry me and help me in time of need. I ask Lord for Your help in Jesus' name,


O God, our Father, You are all that man's soul, mind and spirit could possibly desire. Our problem is not in believing in You. Our problem seems to be in believing that you condescend to hear and help us. Our problem is that we do not believe we are worthy of asking Divine intervention in our puny problems of life and living. Help us to see You as Jesus would have us see and pray as He taught us to pray, saying, Our Father To see You as our Father, full of love and compassion, will cause our faith to mount and our hopes to rise. Our Father, Who art in heaven, we love You.


Jesus Help me.
In every need let me come to you
with a humble trust saying,
Jesus help me.

In all my doubts,
perplexities and temptations,
Jesus help me.

In hours of loneliness,
weariness and trials,
Jesus help me.

In failure of my plans and hopes,
in disappointments,
troubles and sorrows,
Jesus help me.

When others fail me
and your grace alone can assist me,
Jesus help me.

When I throw myself on your tender love,
as my Lord and Saviour,
Jesus help me.

When my heart is cast down by failure
at seeing no good coming from my efforts,
Jesus help me.

When I am ill and my head and hands cannot work
and I am lonely,
Jesus help me.

Always, always, in spite of weariness,
falls and shortcomings of every kind,
Jesus help me and never forsake me.

Almighty Lord,
before you I come with all my faith,
begging you for comfort in my difficulties.
Do not forsake me, my Lord.
Open your doors,
that your almighty arms will open and close
as you design to give that tranquility that I so desire.

Oh my God!
Receive my supplication from a wounded heart
that is always fighting for me
with your Divine power.
Never let me scramble for want of help.

Almighty Lord,
assist me to find shelter in your celestial bounty forever.
