Prayer For Job Application

\Dear Lord,

I am not alone, for you are with me. As I go to this interview I choose to place my hand in yours. I acknowledge your love for me and connect with your promises for my life. Father, I ask for courage and faith to answer all the questions well. Thank you now that my mind can rest in your peace.


Father, I lay before you this new job opportunity. I give you everything I have done so far in applying for the post and ask that you would bless this application. May your light and truth bring great wisdom to those who decide the outcome.

I receive your peace in my mind and rest for my heart as I await the result. Thank you that whatever happens you are my protector, provider and friend.


Dear Father,

I lay my hopes at your feet. I lay down my skills, my qualifications, my experience and my training. As I send my application for this job I ask for your blessing on it, that your Holy Spirit would travel with it and open the doors to a successful interview.

Thank you.


Dear Father God, thank you that you are with me in all circumstances and in every situation. As I pray to get a job, I ask that you guide my thoughts and my plans. I offer you all that I am. I lay my life before you; my talents and skills and ask that you would lead me to work that I would find fulfilling and rewarding. As I apply for job interviews, I pray that they would be received favourably, and you would bless those who read my applications. Thank you that you have provided for me when life has been hard. I trust in you now in this time of uncertainty and change. Amen.

Eternal everliving God, You are my creator and mine is your image. You have blessed with me a beautiful life to cherish.

In a special intention I beg you to bless my hands labor and specially seek your divine intervention on the job that is on the process. May your tongue speak before them and make me a successful labor in the company that job process is on bless all the people helping me to get this beautiful job.

I am sure with a few days with the power of the holy spirit this job be mine with the required rewards I am looking for.

Lord I believe you have already performed miracles in my life and this is not a big task in your hands. I offer this job unto your hands fulfill my desire and the life thereafter to come a successful one.

This I ask your only son who lives in this and world and heavens above.

God, I come to you knowing that you know all things and always have my best interest at heart. Lord, I come seeking your guidance today. Help me to understand which career path is right for me right now. I am choosing not to lean unto my own understanding, but to instead acknowledge you, thus allowing you to guide and lead my footsteps.

It can be hard to see the right thing to do from my view within my own circumstances, so I am instead trusting your judgement and your direction to show me what to do and where to go in this season of my life. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear what you would have me to do.

Dear God, I thank you that your word says that you know what I need before I ask. I am seeking employment and trusting you to place me in the best position. Not only to meet my financial needs but to contribute to my success in future endeavors.

I ask that this position be in alignment with the schedule I need so that I may remain faithful in all other personal and professional commitments. I know that you have a job for me, and I will trust you in getting me there.

Dear God,
You know my needs. You know my desire for a job, for work I enjoy doing, for the next step in my career to present itself. I pray that you would guide me as I continue on this job hunting journey. May I focus first on your will for my life, putting your desires and your plan above my own wishes and wants. Open doors to new opportunities that you desire for me, and equip me with the skills, knowledge, and wisdom I need to take steps forward in this process. As I craft my resume, write cover letters, submit my applications, connect with new companies and potential employers, and go on interviews, give me the words to speak and the courage to share who I am and what I can do. Give me confidence that can only come from you, and give me humility too. I trust you, Lord-- my life is in your hands. Your will be done. Thank you for being near to me every step of the way and thank you for always providing for my every need. May this all be for your glory.

In your name,