Prayer For Inspiration And Strength

Jesus, I come to You today to ask for help. Thank You for your love, grace, and peace. I give You my anxious thoughts. Take them, Lord. I accept Your peace, love, and understanding. Help me to turn to You and be still. Help me to stop doing and start trusting. Help me to wait on You. I love You, and I know You love me so much more than I could ever imagine. Amen.

Dear Lord, I have so many things I'm worried about bombarding my brain. I am so tired from worrying about all of these things. I'm not going to hold them anymore. I cast them on You, knowing You are fully capable of catching them. You carefully hold me, my loved ones, my dreams, and anything else I take care of and love in Your hands. You are infinitely wise, resourceful, powerful, and loving. You can take care of me and everything I care about. Thank You, Lord! In Jesus' name, amen.

Father, thank You for hope. Thank You for its light in the darkness. Thank You that no matter how dark the night, You are with me. My situation and circumstances may look dark, but I know You not only go before me, but You also walk with me. As I pray, please fill me with even more hope. I trust You, God, even in the midst of this seemingly hopeless season. I know my hope is in You and that the victory is already Yours. In Jesus' name, amen.

God, today I faced things that felt like too much for me. And tomorrow I'm going to face more of the same things and probably new challenges as well. I need Your strength. I need You to hold me up and stand next to me in life's storms. Perhaps I never really understood how literal Your promises are to give us strength for the day. Maybe tomorrow could be my opportunity to learn what that means on a deeper level. But right now, I am praying for supernatural strength and healing to permeate every cell of my being so that I can find renewed strength beyond my natural ability. I know that this strength comes from You. In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear Lord, Your Word says that when we wait on You, You will renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31). Although my strength is depleted, I am choosing to rest and spend time in Your presence, recharging my battery. I refuse to run myself ragged, listening to the voice of the enemy that I should just try harder or work longer. I trust in Your infinite capacity of strength. It will never run out. Thank You for working in my weakness and pouring Your strength into me. In Jesus' name, amen.

Father God, Your divine touch is needed in our lives. A simple touch of the hem of Your garment by the woman in Matthew 9:20 completely healed her of her ailment. We pray not to touch Your garment only Lord. We want You to embrace us and encourage our body, soul, and mind to heal in Your divine shelter. You are the most divine in all of Heavens and we need You to take charge. Exaltations we'll give after our miracles oh Lordthank You for our answered prayer, Amen.

Lord Jesus, I have a friend who's in need of your help. He/she has been discouraged due to one issue or the other and is now suffering from depression. I'm concerned about what he or she will do if left in this state so I pray you uplift and rejuvenate his/her spirit oh Lord. Father be with him/her and solve his/her problems because it's within your power to do so. You're the omniscient and omnipotent God who delivered the Israelites from the hands of the Pharaoh. You know what she's passing through even more than him/her. So, I pray Lord Christ, that you grant him/her the necessary strength and support to pull through these circumstances. Thank you for this miracle oh Lord and we appreciate the upcoming testimoniesin Jesus Name I pray.


Father Lord God, the mightiest of the above and the divine creator of all. We firstly want to thank you for the past days we've livedhow you kept us far from harm's way and sheltered our family. We also want to thank you for uplifting us when we were in doubt of your power and we hope you'll continue to do so. Lord, like every day, we ask you to renew our faiths in you and never let us waver from our path to Your Kingdom. We will not, by Your grace, fall to any temptation and we'll stand valiantly as Your sons and daughters in the face of sin. We thank you for the opportunity to have this prayer this morning/night and we exalt your name.
