Prayer For Instant Money

Dear God,

I ask you to take control of my subconscious, and influence it to work in ways that will help to secure my financial future. Let my success be in your name as I give all glory and honor to you in my life.

Help me to constantly attract positive influences that will take me along the path to abundance.

By myself I am weak, but when strengthened with your power I know that I can achieve all things. Fill me with your spirit of discernment, and allow me to manifest my greatest dreams so that I can glorify your name.

Dear God, kindly shower upon me blessings of rich, lavish financial now!

Oh kind God, you have ways which are unexpected and unimaginable.

You have myriad ways to bless me.

Let the money come to me through unexpected avenues.

I now open my mind to receive riches and wealth from you in unexpected and unique ways.

Let your miracles of wonder begin to happen.

Dear God,

I turn to you in my hour of need. I leave everything in your hands now.

I trust and believe in your grace. I know that with you by my side I can only prosper.

Dear God, please send forth your angelic assistance upon me today.

Something big is coming up in my life and I require your powerful guidance to help me decide on the best course of action that will lead to to the greatest financial fortune.

Please send forth your blessings upon me. Empower me with your divine intuition and discernment.

I will trust in you.

Dear God, I am in need of your aid. I have a mountain of debt, and I do not know how to overcome it.

But still, I trust in your promise and love for me. I know you will never leave me alone and defenseless.

With your divine grace, I will turn this adversity into a success. I will rise up from the depths of despair and seize new opportunities as they come.

I resolve right now to never focus on my lack, instead I will transform my burdens into blessings. You have shown me that your love for me has no limits. Grant me this financial miracle and cast aside the chains of debt that hold me back.

A financial breakthrough is coming for me soon. I know that with your help, I will prosper and give back to those around me so that your name will be exalted by all.

I believe in your divine grace and mercy.

Dear God,

I have been steadfast and faithful to my convictions in upholding your word. I have put in the effort and I believe in your promises to make me prosper.

I have struggled financially up till now, but I am now ready to receive my financial abundance with your grace. Please rain down your blessings with an abundance of money and prosperity.

I promise to make the most of it, and share the fruits of this gift with those around me.

Thank you God.

Dear God in Heaven,

I humbly come before you today in heart, mind and soul to pray for your divine abundance. Through your love & grace, look with favor on upon your servant and bestow me with personal fortune and prosperity so that I can give back to those around me.

The more I give, the more I will receive. The more I receive, the more I will give.

At this very moment, I open myself to the multitude of ways to receiving money in my life. I cast aside all limiting thoughts and embrace my divine heritage in your name.

Please let this financial miracle be immediate, so that I can go forth and do your work to spread the love and joy that you have to all those around me.


Dear Lord,

Please hear my prayers today. I came to you to seek help and grant my prayer. I need to have money today to pay all my debts this week. Please help me Lord to overcome all my trials and pay all my obligations to pay all my debts scheduled this week.

Please Lord hear my prayers.
Let your powers move and hear my request.

In Jesus Name. Amen