Prayer For Insecurity In A Relationship

Dear Lord, at times, life is so hard and unfair according to my human mind. It is hard to see those people who do not fear you prospering in life while unbelievers keep on struggling. Father, my heart is filled with jealousy because everywhere I turn, I see people who are not committed to you succeeding while I keep failing. But I do not want to live like this anymore. Help me to stop being jealous and to start appreciating the little that I have because you will never shame me. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Father, grant me a peaceful heart for I do not want to be a jealous person anymore. If there is any ounce of ungodly jealousy in my heart, Lord, wash it away with the blood of your son Jesus Christ. Remove anything in me that causes me to burn up with jealousy. Help me to find fulfillment in your promises and not in the things of this world. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Gracious Father, I have gone through so many things that have left me with trust issues. I am sorry for extending those issues to my relationship with you. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and for seeing it fit for me to be adopted into your family and be called your child. Help me to release all my fears to you so that I can start trusting you. Remove insecurity from my heart for it has opened demonic doors and caused me to be a very jealous person. Thank you, Father, for answering my prayers. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Precious God, thank you for setting me apart as your child. It is not because I'm perfect on my own but because of your unconditional love that I can call you Daddy. Lord, I come before you today to ask you to make me humble. We are all your children, and you show no special treatment to any of us. Remind me that I am not better than anyone else so that I can remain grounded in your love. If there are any bits of jealousy in my heart, Father, I ask you to remove them and enable me to love others with Christ-like love. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Lord Jesus, my sincere desire is to become holy like you. Set me free from anxious thoughts that cause me to become jealous towards others. Please give me the grace to control jealous emotions when they arise. Please teach me how to be happy for my friends and family when they succeed. Purify my mind from ungodly thoughts and help me to walk in the way that is pleasing to you. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, there are times I've asked you for things that I need in my life, but it has been for all the wrong reasons. I am grateful that you never met my expectations to those prayers because you saw what was in my heart. Father, help me to have the right motives when asking for breakthroughs and blessings from you. If I'm doing it out of jealousy point it out and help me to work on my heart. Remove wrong desires from my heart and replace them with those that align with your word. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I have been struggling to come to terms with the good things that are happening in other people's lives, especially the ungodly. I have found myself coveting what they have and feeling jealous countless times. God remove this ungodly feeling from my heart and replace it with godly jealousy. Help me to be jealousy for your name to be glorified in every situation, especially in places where people are not glorifying you. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Father Lord, I am struggling with jealousy. I keep feeling bad when I see my friends who are not committed to your word experiencing breakthroughs in their lives while I keep struggling. I do not want to be like this because your word says that those who are jealous are still worldly. Uproot jealousy from my heart that I may stop acting like a mere human. Help me to behave like a child of God that is born of the spirit. Please teach me how to be appreciative of others even when it is hard. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.