Prayer For Husband In Midlife Crisis

Lord, you know that my husband is struggling with something that he cannot fix. You are the Lord of our home and the head of my husband and I ask you in the name of Jesus to take control over our home and let your will rule in our lives. Thank you God that I can come before you and take whatever is bothering my husband and put it at your feet, fully trusting that your will is done in his life.

Father, help my husband not to harbor under the weight of a guilty conscience, but remind him that because of his salvation, the blood of your Son Jesus Christ will make him clean again if he will only confess his troubles to you. If he has done something requiring repentance, Lord humble him to repent and ask for forgiveness so he can once again feel the spiritual cleansing that comes from your grace and mercy.

Lord help us both to hold tightly without wavering in the hope we affirm, for you God can be trusted to keep your promise to us. Help me to think of ways to motivate and encourage my husband with acts of love and ways to make his life easier. Please don't let this struggle come between us so that we stop having times of conversation, recreation, and intimacy. Lord, help my husband to feel your love and know that whatever he is struggling with pales with the knowledge that someday we will be with you in Heaven.

Give me courage and patience, and guide my husband in the way he should go. Amen

Lord, please help me and my children deal with my husband, their father, who is undergoing a midlife crisis. He has become very impatient, easily angered and has made it a habit to shout a lot at us. As a husband, he has been taking me for granted, often undermining me in front of the kids and always subjects me to verbal abuse.

My kids and I are almost about to give up and we have been preferring to avoid being with him. He is basically a good person but inherited the loud and terrible ill temper of his mother. Please pray for him and my family. Amen