Prayer For Husband Job Interview

Dear Lord, thank You for the opportunity for this interview.

Lord, I want Your will to be done in my life, so I want Your will to be done in this interview. If this is the right job for me Lord, I pray that the post will be offered to me, but if this is not for me then Lord, I ask that You close the door, for I do not what to be outside of Your perfect will for my life.

Help me to prepare myself to be the best that I can be for this interview, and thank You that no matter what the outcome, I may rest in the knowledge that I remain in the centre of Your will for my life.

Thank You, Lord.


Dear Lord, help me I pray, to be composed and calm as I go into the interview room. Keep my mind clear and my heart at peace as I face this challenge, and help me to answer the questions clearly and without hesitating or fumbling over my words.

Lord, You know that I am quite nervous about this interview as I really hope I will be appointed, but I ask that I may rest my soul in You, for You are my strength and my sufficiency.

Thank You that You are interested in every area of our lives, and I pray that You will be with me through out this interview.


Dear Lord Jesus, I am about to face a challenge and quite a daunting one, as I have been called to an important interview. For this, I bless You and thank You for hearing my prayer and enabling me to be given this opportunity.

You are the one that cares for all our needs and necessities, and I pray that You will be with me as I begin to prepare myself in body, soul and spirit for this meeting. I pray that with Your help, I may be the best that I can be as I attend the interview.

Help me to prepare my mind for the questions that I am likely to be asked, and also enable me to compose my heart so that I am resting in Your strength and not my own. Give me nights of good rest and sleep I pray, so that I am bright and alert for this meeting, and also prepare the panel that will be interviewing me I pray, so that they will show understanding and fairness.

I know, Lord, that all things work together for good to those that love You and are fitting into Your purpose. I pray that You will use this interview as an opportunity for me to draw closer to You as I depend on You in preparing myself for this life-changing challenge.

Thank You, Lord, for all Your goodness to me,


Loving Father, I have been called to a job interview and I ask that You guide me in this important appointment.

I pray, Lord, that You will help my mind to be clear, give me wisdom as I make the necessary preparations, and remain with me, for in You is my trust. Fill me with Your peace and remain in my heart throughout the whole process, I pray.

Lord, if it is Your will, may I find grace in the eyes of the interviewing team, and to You be all the praise and glory.


Dear Father,

I lift up my husband and his job up to you. I ask that you be with him while he is at work, and bless his efforts. Give him strength, patience, and wisdom in the situations he faces and the tasks he completes. I pray he feels Your nearness and your peace each day.

When he feels stress or is overwhelmed with anxiousness, I pray You calm him and give him peace. When he feels like the pressure is too much, let him lean into You and find rest. I know you love him and have good things in mind for him. In spite of the difficulties he faces each day, You are there.

Thank you for the blessing of a job. Thank you for his willingness to serve You and provide for his family. Help us to be good stewards of the many blessings in our lives. Guide my husband in all decisions, and develop his skills as he continues to work hard. When he encounters failure, help him to see your grace. When he makes mistakes, draw him close with your kindness and forgiveness. He has so much to offer and has many talents, but I pray it would all be done for your Glory. Help us to look for ways to bless others with our time and resources.

I ask that you protect him from harm. Surround him, lift him up, and keep his eyes on you each day. Help him to excel and enjoy the success that comes from hard work, without overdoing things. Help him to balance his time between work, spending time with his family, and most of all seeking You. Bless the relationships he forms at his workplace, including co workers, friends, and those he interacts with regularly.

I pray his boss will appreciate his efforts. Help my husband to persevere with joy, knowing that it's all for You. When he is tired, frustrated, and wants to give up, remind him of Your great love for him. Let my husband recall your promise to never leave him. I pray he feels your presence each day.

In your name I pray,

Thank you, God, that you have been with me today in this interview. I offer you all I have spoken and the answers I have given in front of these people. May all the good and wise things I have said resound in their minds and hearts. Come bless them as they seek to judge wisely who they should employ. Amen.

Dear Father, Thank you that you are with me and I am safe in you. I place this job interview into your wise hands. Help me to walk without fear into this challenge, Lord, may my skills, attitude and enthusiasm shine out. I ask for the presence of your Spirit in the interview room, Come guide and direct my paths, my words and my answers. Thank you that you are with me always. Amen.

Dear Lord, Help me to give of my best today in this interview. Wrap me in your loving arms when I feel insecure. Hold me in your steady embrace when I feel nervous. Help me to understand the questions I am asked, And answer in a honest and inspired way. In the interview, I pray you would show me if this is the right job for me. I am your servant and I seek to do your will on this earth. Lead me in your paths and guide me into all truth. I ask all this in the beautiful name of Jesus My Saviour and friend. Amen.