Prayer For Him To Be Safe

Jesus, I will arise; Jesus do thou accompany me;
Jesus, do thou lock my heart into thine, And let my body and my soul
Be commended unto thee.

The Lord is crucified.
May God guard and protect my senses
So that misfortunes may not overcome me.
In the name of God the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Learn about the Hedge of Protection Prayer.

Grant, O Lord, Thy protection
And in protection, strength
And in strength, understanding
And in understanding, knowledge
And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice
And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it
And in the love of it, the love of all existences
And in that love, the love of spirit and all creation.

The light of God surrounds us,
The love of God enfolds us,
The power of God protects us,
The presence of God watches over us,
Wherever we are, God is,
And where God is, all is well.

St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John,
Like unto the prophet Jonas, as a type of Christ,
Who was guarded for three days and
Three nights in the belly of a whale,
Thus shall the Almighty God,
As a Father, guard and protect me from all evil.

Dear Father, please give my man the ability to be the best husband and father. Give him the wisdom, patience and the thoughtfulness to lead a home and care for his family. Order his priorities aright and give him the consciousness that his family should be the most important aspect of his life. Please Lord, keep the thoughts for the good the family constant in his mind and stir his mind away from distractions of work, habits and strange women. Let him continually work together with me to cherish the peace and comfort of this family. Let him the able to give to his family without holding back, Lord.

Dear Lord, I pray deeply that you grant my man an excellent spirit of leadership. Let him continue to excel in the wisdom to lead his life and those around him. Help him build a singleness of character and help him maintain focus oh Lord. Empower him in the skills of divine leadership and help lead a selfless life of service towards You Lord and his fellow man. Let him excel in humility and lowliness of heart and give him the discipline, grace and strength to foster godly relationships in the home, community and in the house of the Lord.

Dear Lord, I pray for strength and courage for my man. I pray that he continues to have the willpower and divine ability to take on the world and withstand the wiles of the evil the enemy and the evil ones. He shall not fall prey to the devices of the devil and darkness shall not have hold over his life. I pray that you continue to keep him in sound mind, strength and wellness of the soul. Please keep his heart from straying away from and let him continually have his eyes on your purpose for him and his desires.

Dear Lord, I just want to take this time to thank you for my man and all that you have done in bringing us together. Thank you, Lord, for the love and companionship that we share. I am grateful for the genuine love that we share for each other. More than anything Lord, I thank you for bringing our path together and allowing us to share that perfect love and harmony that you have endorsed. Please continue to fill the heart of man with love, compassion and care. Take away distractions and the wanton care of this world away from him and let his focus remain on that which really matter.

Dear Father, I pray for protection and security for my man. Please Lord, keep him safe daily under your guaranteed care and do not allow him to stray from your sight ever. Please Lord, just as you promised in your Words, give your Angels charge over him and never allow him fall prey into the hands of the enemy. Oh Lord, we do not trust in the security and safety of this world but we have our complete trust in the protection that you give oh Lord. Never allow me to weep over my man or worry over his health. Continue to be a shield and fortress and let him continue to feel safe in your care Lord.