Prayer For Government Officials

God of power and might, wisdom and justice,
through you authority is rightly administered,
laws are enacted, and judgment is decreed.
Assist with your spirit of counsel and fortitude
the President and other government leaders of these United States.
May they always seek the ways of righteousness, justice and mercy.
Grant that they may be enabled by your powerful protection
to lead our country with honesty and integrity.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Jesus, you were born in a little town. You grew up under the authority of local leaders and officials who managed the majority of your daily life. We lift up our local leaders today. We pray for our mayors, city councils, county commissioners, police chiefs, judges, and all who serve our local communities. Strengthen them with wisdom and grace for the heavy burdens they carry. May they manage their teams and projects with love. Keep their hearts pure and their eyes turned toward your face as they work in the best interests of the people they are called to serve.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, just as you gave wisdom to Moses to appoint elders among the Israelites, you blessed our founders with the wisdom to divide our country into individual states. You have empowered our governors and state legislatures to make laws and decrees which manage our daily lives, make our lives safe, and protect us from federal government overreach. We pray for our governors and our state legislatures. Please give strength and wisdom to them and guide their decisions and may they always put love first. Surround them with people from all walks of life and many backgrounds. Bring to them people of high moral character and spiritual maturity. Among the many voices which cry out to them every day, may they hear your voice above all others. As we look to our governors for assurance and guidance, especially at times of crisis, inspire them and speak through them by the power of your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus' name. Amen.

Father, our president carries an enormous burden. The decisions made by the President of the United States affect the lives of people not just in our nation, but all over the world, and he especially needs your touch to lead. Strengthen him, Lord. Give him wisdom and grace. Let him speak and act with honesty and integrity in all situations. Give him a glimpse of how much you love him and how much you love the world you created. Draw him to yourself, Jesus, into an ever-closer relationship with you. Anoint him with your Holy Spirit. Speak to him in the quiet moments as well as amid the chaos. Soften his heart and make him a true servant leader.

Bring strong, wise, and spiritually mature people to surround him. Speak truth to him through the voices of those he trusts. Give him wisdom to reject the voices of those who would urge him to seek only personal power and glory. Let him know, deep in his soul, that only with and through YOU is the victory won. Only through your power is our country and our world made whole.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Father, I bring the needs of our government before You and ask You to bless our nation through godly leaders. I magnify the Name of Jesus and declare that He is Lord over this nation.

Father, I pray according to 1 Timothy 2:1-3 which says, I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.

I pray, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, for our president, the vice president, all the Cabinet and the chief justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court to receive the wisdom of God, to act in obedience to that wisdom and for the power of God to flow in their lives.

I pray for the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives to find Your peace and direction, and for these men and women to act and lead according to Your Word. A house divided against itself cannot stand, therefore, I pray for them to be unified in righteousness for the sake of the nation.

I pray for Your protection to cover all our law enforcement officers and the men and women of the military. I ask for godly counsel and wisdom for judges across this land. In the Name of Jesus, I pray that You and Your kingdom of righteousness be manifested in the hearts of all those who are in authority in any way.

Father, Your Word says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem because those who love Jerusalem shall prosper. Lord Jesus, because You love Jerusalem and wept over it, I love it also. I pray for Jerusalem to receive the shalom of God, which brings wholenessnothing missing, nothing broken. I pray that no leader of our nation will make any decision that will harm Jerusalem in any way. And in the Name of Jesus, I pray that You reveal Your perfect will to all the leaders of Israel. I ask You, Lord, to reveal Yourself to each person. Thank You, Father, for hearing my prayers that are in accordance to Your will. I receive the answers, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Lord, You are the supreme Judge and Ruler over all, so we pray for every judge in every courtroom throughout our nation. We pray for their salvation and their ultimate submission to You so they can understand the true principles of justice, mercy, and grace. Give them wise hearts and discerning minds that will interpret truth and uphold law according to the principles in Your Word. May they represent You with dignity and integrity with full accountability to You and the ones they serve. Let them judge tenderly yet firmly for the needs and rights of those who cannot speak for themselves.

Help each judge to see everyone as You do, as people of worth and value. Give them an extra sense of fairness that judges each individual uniquely. Help them to visualize both the need for discipline and restoration as they look at each case presented to them. Protect them and their families from harm, especially when others disagree with their verdicts. Deliver them from the temptation to bow at the feet of comfort or convenience, seeking to please people instead of You. Keep them balanced in their priorities, loving God, family, and others. As they rule on the laws that keep Your people and our country safe, remind them that their efforts are not in vain and that every decision matters in the scope of eternity. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Heavenly Father,

We thank you, first of all, that you rule over all of the nations on earth. Every country, state, city, municipality and principality is ultimately under your control. We recognize, however, that you have given to us the concept of government in order to protect us and to look after the common good of a group of people. We thank you that in the United States, there is a system of government that, while still flawed, seeks to represent the will of the people of this nation and to work towards their common good. In the past two weeks, Lord, we have witnessed our government officials, particularly those in the legislative and executive branches, struggling to discern how to rightly respond to what seems to have become routine public mass shootings and acts of violence. We pray that those in authority would seek your will, first and foremost, even while listening with respect and compassion to the will of the people, especially our young people, many of whom have demonstrated great courage, passion, and poise in the face of these tragedies. We pray that you would provide them with Your infallible wisdom, so that they may act in accordance with what is best, not merely what is most politically expedient.

We pray that those in authority who have used their power and influence to malign and disparage our young people, or attempted to use them to further their own ambitions, would repent from these ways and instead regard the victims and their families with compassion, respect, and honor. We pray, Heavenly Father, that officials from differing perspectives and opposite sides of the aisle would come together in unity in order to create laws and to act, not only for those from whom they have received money, endorsements, or votes, but for all people under their jurisdiction and influence. We pray that this would be the case for all public officials, from our President, congress, and supreme courts, to our state governors, legislators, and federal and state judges, to our local mayors, city councils, and township offices.

Finally, Lord, we pray for your protection over our leaders. Protect their hearts and minds as well as their bodies, so that no evil may befall them as they do their work. Bless them as well, for they carry a heavy burden on behalf of this nation. Heal our nation, Lord, of the hatred and evil that we have allowed to permeate our society, and make us whole so that we may truthfully say that we are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

We ask these things in the strong name of Jesus Christ, whom with you and the Holy Spirit, reign one God, now and forever, Amen!

Loving Father, at a time when there is increasing unrest and growing fear of what is coming on the earth, we bring before You the leaders of the various nations of the world, and pray that in Your grace and mercy You would intervene and help those that are suffering so greatly in so many nations.

We pray that world leaders would seek after wisdom and justice, mercy and truth, freedom, godly grace and a desire to know You more and more. We pray that those that are deliberately opposing Your will and pushing an anti-God agenda, would be removed from their office and that their plans and purposes would be exposed, and become ineffective.

We grieve for those that are living in war-torn countries of where there is much blood-shed, corruption and unrest in their governments, and pray that in Your pity and grace You would intervene, by removing corrupt leaders and replacing them with those of integrity.

But Lord, we also know that until the Lord Jesus returns as Prince of Pease to set up His millennial kingdom, the current unrest, wars and rumours of wars, corruption and distress will continue. And so we pray that You would be merciful to those that are suffering due to the increasing unrest and fear that is sweeping the nations of the world today. This we ask in Jesus' name,
