Prayer For Good Weather On Wedding Day

Dear God, please give us no storms or hard rain for our wedding, pleaee give us good weather so we may enjoy trick r treating and for my family to he safe while driving over to my house, for me for I have the chance to hang out with friends who want to go to my party and for it is my last halloween to be young before I turn 18. Please give us no bad weather for my birthday in November 7 so I can enjoy my birthday with new friends for the 1st time in Austin. Please god, thank you. Amen

Most high, all powerful, all good Lord! All praise is Yours, all glory, all honor, and all blessing. Be praised, my Lord, through all Your creatures, especially through my lord Brother Sun, who brings the day; and You give light through him. And he is beautiful and radiant in all his splendor!

We beseech You, Beloved Father God, through the intercession of our most Holy Mother Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace, of all the Holy Angels, especially the heavenly Choir of Virtues and with all Your Holy Saints, especially St. Medard, grant us Your constant protection.

In Your infinite kindness and mercy, permit beautiful tranquil weather for our __________ project during these days that we need to work.

May Your brilliant sun fill the skies, the winds be light and refreshing, and may no rain come forth from Your clouds while we are working on this project, that You would receive all glory, honor and praise.

If it be in accordance with Your perfect and Holy Will, we ask You grant our humble petition, through Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who with You and the Holy Spirit, is one God forever and ever.

Most Holy Mother

pray for us

Most Holy Virtues

pray for us

St Medard

pray for us

All you Holy Angels and Saints

pray for us

Sovereign God, it is You who gives rain on the earth and sends water on all the fields. You are in control of all things, including creation. I pray that Your hand continues to be seen upon Your earthly works, bless us with great weather so that we may enjoy our wedding in safely and freely. Bless us with sunshine, perfect temperatures and the right amount of rain, Amen.

God of Creation, I seek You for good weather in my wedding day. In the word, You asked Your children why they were afraid and lacked faith because of the turbulence they felt by the winds and sea. But You rebuked the winds and sea and it became perfectly calm. Father, I know that even the winds and sea obey You, all of creation obeys You. I pray that You bless us with good weather, Amen.

Precious King, You cause the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; it is You who makes lightnings for the rain, who brings forth the wind from Your treasuries. Your hand is upon and in nature, so I ask that You bless us with great weather in this season. I pray that we do not fear or hate creation but help us love it. I pray for calm winds and against torrential rain that leads to floods. I pray for peace in our environment, Amen.

Author of Life, You wrap the waters in Your clouds, and the cloud does not burst under them without Your command. You obscure the face of the full moon and spread Your cloud over it at a perfect distance so that we are not blinded by its reflection of light. Lord, nature shows just a small fragment of Your beauty and Your complexity. I pray that You bless us with good weather this season so that we may appreciate Your beauty more and more each day, Amen.

All powerful and ever living God, we find security in Your forgiveness.
Give us fine weather we pray,
so that we may rejoice in Your gifts of kindness
and use them always for Your glory and our good.

Dear God,
Please grant Olivia & Thomas sunshine as they go through the wonderful sacrament of marriage on Friday September 28, 2018. May this light shine throughout their marriage journey. Give us fine weather we pray,
so that we may rejoice in Your gifts of kindness and use them always for Your glory and our good.