Prayer For Good Health And Happiness


Please help me to rest in your happiness,
To allow a smile to linger on my lips,
To dwell within a wonderful memory,
To walk back through sunlit places.

Please help me to awake with hope,
To engage with life in all its variety,
To take in the beauty of others joys,
To touch the souls of those I meet with thankfulness.

Please help me to sing with faith,
To carry the truth close in my heart always,
To rejoice at new life and
To have peace as I age.

Please help me to indulge in love
To breathe in the sweetness of intimacy,
To taste the kindness of friendship,
To feel the warmth of embrace.

Please help me not to miss
A single drop of heaven,
To catch each moment
And drink in the great joy of life.


Forgive me, when my heart is yearning, for a love that I just can not find. When I can't see the joy of each blessing without somebody close by my side. I trust that you know me completely, that it's OK to dream of such things. So I await not in the sidelines at home, but embracing each day that you bring.

Soon, I will meet the right person, with whom I can share the world. But until that time, I'll walk without fear, with your hope gently lifting my wings.


Lord of Heaven,
I rest underneath you mighty wings of love.
I dwell within your gentle heart.
I know there is healing in your touch.
Through the sufferings of Christ I can ask for restoration
And trust in your goodness.
You are my Lord, my Saviour,
My healer and my friend.
I dwell within your gentle embrace.


Heavenly Father, in reverence, I pray to You today with a request. God, I pray that You grant me good health and I will forever preach Your good deeds in my life.

Also and by Your will and grace, happiness from good health will I have for the rest of my days. So much that I'll be a walking symbol of Your eternal love. I thank You for the chance to pray to You today and In Jesus Name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, sometimes we are jealous of what others have. While we know that they may be achieving great things in ways not pleasing to You, we allow ourselves to be envious of what they have.

Lord, let us not envy the lifestyle and successes of others, but let us turn to You always as our guide and mentor. Let our light shine, Father, so people may see our good works which will glorify You.

You said, what a man sows, so shall he reap. So help us to sow seeds of righteousness and love. May we be generous at all times to those in need. May our happiness come from You and not from earthy things. Bless us, oh mighty Lord, Amen.


Please help me to rest in your happiness,
To allow a smile to linger on my lips,
To dwell within a wonderful memory,
To walk back through sunlit places.

Please help me to awake with hope,
To engage with life in all its variety,
To take in the beauty of others joys,
To touch the souls of those I meet with thankfulness.

Please help me to sing with faith,
To carry the truth close in my heart always,
To rejoice at new life and
To have peace as I age.

Please help me to indulge in love
To breathe in the sweetness of intimacy,
To taste the kindness of friendship,
To feel the warmth of embrace.

Please help me not to miss
A single drop of heaven,
To catch each moment
And drink in the great joy of life.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for all your blessings,
For my family, friends and neighbours.
Thank you for all the beauty
In the skies, the lakes and the mountains.
Thank you for all the excitement of celebration,
Birthdays, weddings and christenings.
Thank you for all the variety of animals, birds and insects.
Thank you for all the enrichment of music, art and literature.
Thank you for the amazing jigsaw of life!
What a beautiful picture is made when I place all these pieces together!
Thank you for the promise of eternity,
For the sacrifices you made so that I can be free,
Free to make my life into a glorious patchwork of thanksgiving
That carries me onwards to the promises of new heavenly pieces to add to all that I already hold.

Thank you.


God, you said in Your word that if we will seek you, you will transform us and renew our minds, so that we will know Your will for us. Lord, today I humbly submit myself to Your will and Word.

Take me and mold me. Lead me away from darkness and into Your marvelous light. Guide my steps each and every day and bless my life and my family.

God, I pray that all those who are seeking will find You. Old things will pass away and all things will become new.

I pray that our thoughts will be focused on You and every good thing will come to us as we wait patiently on You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.