Prayer For Good Grades In School

Dear God,

I really need you right now and I'm praying really hard that you will answer my prayers. I just want to thank you for answering my prayers all the time and for guiding me. I thank you for giving me a good family and friends to support me during my hardships. I've experienced debt a few months ago and thank you so much helping me pay all of it. I really need help with my marks in school. I tried my best in school but I feel like it wasn't enough. I learned my lesson to work harder. I got my final mark for my major in University but I didn't make the cut to second year. I've been praying to help me guide me through this process. Today, I discovered that that I can do something about it to get the mark. The school can change my mark but it depends on their decision. It's not guaranteed but I'm willing to take the chance. Please PSH pray for me. All I want is too continue second year next school year for my major. I just want a B in my major course for first year. I worked so hard and all I can do right now is believe in the lord and pray hard that my prayer will be granted. I love you God and I'll leave it in your hands. Amen.

Thank you, Lord, for the people you have put into my life. I am grateful for each of them, for all of the unique gifts and quirks each has to offer. You have a plan for every one of them, and I pray that they come to realize someone does have it all figured it out.

Please grant them peace of mind and the ability to forget their worries and focus on the future. Will you protect them from the things I cannot and allow them to soar without fear of failure?

For those who have struggled or been hurt, please heal their scars and offer them guidance in their journey. But I ask that you do not let them forget their pain; remind them that pain is what pushes us towards the future and motivates us. Darkness is pain, but show them that your light is ahead.

And I am sorry for the times when I have doubted you and for when I have not been proud of you in my life. I know that you have infinite love for us, even when we wander. Let me realize and celebrate this unconditional gift.

Lord, finally, give me the strength to offer love to each of my friends and to hold their hands in this journey. They are the best people in the world, and all I want is for them to succeed and find happiness within themselves.

Heavenly Father, I thank you that I can attend school and get an education to better my life.

Please help me be a diligent student who pays attention in class and does all assigned homework.

Fill me with your divine wisdom (1 John 2:27) to understand and grasp concepts the teacher teaches me.

Give me an understanding of all subjects I undertake and the focus to give them my undivided attention.

Where I need additional help, may I be courageous enough to ask the teacher.

Help me maintain good grades in every subject and grant me success in every exam and test I take.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father,

I pray for your presence in each classroom and over each student. Thank you, Lord, that you provide us the freedom to get an education.

Father, I pray over children around the world that are unable to get an education.

Please reach them Lord not only with your gospel but with understanding and wisdom so that they may someday succeed.

Keep our children safe while in school and lift up those who teach and lead the way for education.

I pray for focus for the students and a desire to learn and pursue that which is unknown.

Prepare them for their future.

Thank you, Lord, for I pray these things in Christ's most precious name Amen.

Teacher of All Teachers, God of All gods,

Thank you for blessing my child with the opportunity to learn and receive an education. Thank you for blessing me with my own education.

Lord, I pray over my children for your protection, guidance, and firm hand upon their hearts and mind.

Please lead them in the way you desire them to go. Open their minds and hearts to learn while having the wisdom to discern that which is not in line with your teachings.

Make them imitators of your character, so those around them will see you. Prevent them from bending or compromising on their beliefs.

Please place Godly friends in their life. May they be strong in their conviction to follow you.

Help my child to be compassionate towards those who do not know you so they may be a witness of your love and have eternal life in heaven. Let the unbelievers be won by the actions and words that you place within my child.

Keep my child safe from peer pressure and let them be a leader in doing what's right. Help them to be an example for others. Protect them from bullying in school and to stand up for those who are being bullied.

I pray for the other students in school. Please wrap your arms of protection around each one and keep them safe while in school.

Cover the school, the students, each teacher, and staff members with your almighty blanket of peace and protection. May each door to the school be covered in the armor of your watchful and protective eye.

Father, I pray over the teachers. Give them the wisdom to instruct our children and light the path that you set before them.

I pray that you would give each student a mind that is sharp and focused so they may concentrate and learn. Let their minds be as sponges that soak up knowledge and retain it. Place in them a deep desire to do their best in getting good grades.

Place your hand of protection on each school bus that brings them to and from school. I pray that the same protection would be upon each student when they are home. Give them a nurturing home environment.

I pray these things in Jesus's name, Amen.

Lord of Heaven's Armies, so many bad things are happening in high schools around the world. Many people have lost their lives because of shootings and drug abuse. Lord, save us from the snare of the devil. Cover us with your feathers and help us to find refuge under your wings. I pray to you that no weapon formed against this school or any other school in the world shall prosper. Thank you for watching over us always. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

Lord of Unfailing Love, thank you for showing me unfailing love and kindness. I praise you for enabling me to be a student in this great school. Father, I thank you for our teachers, the administration, the parents and my fellow students. Thank you for protecting me from the terror by night, the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that stalks in darkness and the plague that destroys at midday. Be with me in everything that I do at school and back at home. It is in Jesus' name that I believe and pray, Amen.

Almighty and Everlasting God, you are my rock and fortress. I call upon you to be my shield. As I go back to school, Lord, keep my lamp burning in my studies and relationships. Arm me with strength so that I may be able to handle the different challenges that we face at school. Give me the courage to face each day with grace and love. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.