Prayer For Frustration

Lord, I feel so frustrated I just want to
scream out aargh'
but I can't even do that.
I try to get through to others what it's like,
but I can't.
I try to tell them how I feel,
but they don't understand.
I try to tell them what I want, what I need,
but I can't get through.
It's all so hopeless.
I don't know why I even bother trying.
I hate being helpless: I like to be doing
things and relating to people, but I can't.
I just lie here, stuck,
unable to do anything about my situation.
Anxiously I look for signs of hope,
signs that the future might be brighter.
Any glimmer of light is seized upon,
but the joy is short-lived
because the struggle is so intense,
the frustration so great.
Will I be like this forever, Lord
so helpless, so dependent, so stuck?
The thought is more than I can bear,
and I push it away.
This isolationfrom life,
from family and friendsis awful.
I see them struggling to understand;
I see them trying to protect me
from their troubles;
I see them feeling helpless and hopeless
in the face of my frustration;
and I wonder how long
they'll continue to come,
and I feel even more frustrated,
isolated, scared.
Don't leave me, Lord. I need you
like I've never needed you before.
At least you know what I'm thinking,
how I'm feeling.
And I know that I am not alone,
not really alone, at all.
Help me to endure the unendurable,
give me the courage to keep on trying
again and again and again
so that I don't sink into the pit
of black despair.


Father, today I choose to trust in You. I release frustration over the dreams and desires in my heart, knowing that You know what's best for me. I choose to trust Your timing because You are faithful, and I will bless You in all things in Jesus' name, Amen. Philippians 4:11

Lord Jesus,

Thank You for dying for my sins even when I was still a sinner. Thank You for your mercy. Thank You for everything You have already done for me.

Its frustrating when situation don't go like I want or when people don't act the way I think they should. It triggers anger and outbursts and so much frustration in me. And sometimes I lash out and say things I shouldn't or sometimes I bottle it all up inside and start to breed resentment. Please help me through my frustration. Help me to remember that not one thing happens without you allowing it or ordaining it to happen because You alone are sovereign. Help my words always be full of grace, seasoned with salt so that I know how to answer people (Col 4:6). Let no bitter root grow inside of me (Heb 12:15).

I trust You and I trust Your timing. I don't have to control the outcome, because I know You will. I trust that You already know how this will work out, so I will not allow the enemy to continue to fill me with unnecessary pressure. Thank You for making me lie down in green pastures and lay down by still waters (Psa 23:2). Thank You for letting me bring You my burdens in exchange for rest (Matt 11:28). Fill me with your peace that surpasses understanding (Phil 4:7).

Deep breath. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Lord, this instrument You are now using to sanctify me must be very precious since Your love sends it. Yes, I recognize it but it pains me. Allow me, then, to weep and to complain. And Jesus allows us to weep and to complain, but what He does not want is that we become disturbed; while we groan and weep, He would have us preserve peace in our heart.

Lord of All Mercy, You have loved me. I am frustrated with this individual. I feel like they have no regard for my wishes and needs. Lord, help me to realize that I do not need things to go my way to gain contentment in life. Help me to look to You when I feel frustrated and to stop trying to control this person's actions. Lord, You loved me even though I am a sinner ground me in Your love and acceptance. May I imitate Your love. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Lord God, my Refuge, I am frustrated and fed up with life right now. I need Your help. Remind me that You are sovereign and in control. Help me to let go and to trust You. I am sorry for trying to control every aspect of my life and I give over the driving seat to You. Keep me from feeling upset about things I cannot control and give me a new trust in Your promise to work everything for my good. Thank You that You love me. Amen.

I feel so frustrated. Give me strength, oh Father, to overcome these negative feelings and to get all the tasks that I have to do, completed, efficiently and effectively, and on time!

Calm my mind.Give me peace, as I recollect all the tasks I need to complete. And, Jehovah Nissi, help me not to forget to praise You in the midst of this chaos.

Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Savior, frustration has gotten the better of me today. I feel as though I am weary but there is yet so much to do, in so little time.

My workload keeps growing, at school, at work, as well as home. The demands on me from everyone is just simply too much, too overwhelming. My energy is drained and I feel as though I am losing hope, that this life would not get any easier.