Prayer For Forgiveness From Spouse

Father in heaven,
You have reconciled me to Yourself through Your Son's precious blood and so I am begging You to help me be reconciled to my beloved spouse. Only You can change the human heart (Prov 21:1) so I ask You to change my heart to be one that seeks to humble myself and seek reconciliation in my relationship with my mate. Too often I speak without thinking and I know my words hurt my spouse but this is no excuse for the things that I speak to them. I ask for Your Spirit to be sent to help us be reconciled with one another as Your Son's precious blood was shed for our being reconciled to You (2 Cor 5:18; Col 1:20). This I pray for Your Son's most holy name and for His glory, Amen.


You are in the restoration business; restoring me by giving me Your Spirit. You have made me into a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17) and I am pleading with You to help me restore this marital relationship with my beloved spouse. How often have I done things out of pure selfish ambition and gain? I cannot count the times where I was only looking out for my own interests and not that of my spouse. Please forgive me for my selfishness and help our relationship be restored to the way it previously was. I need Your help in doing this because I don't always know the right thing to say or do and I lack Your wisdom in acting out of a sincere and genuine heart that is motivated only by serving my spouse and loving them in the way that You love me. What more can I do to help in restoring this relationship to where You would have it be? Help me to think, act, and speak in ways that would reflect Your own love and for this I pray in the precious name of the Great Son of God, Jesus Christ, Amen.

I repent of my sins and my sins against my spouse. I am so sorry and I need to tell You and my spouse that I have sinned. Let me be humble in approaching them by telling them that I have sinned against them by the way that I have acted or by the words that I have used. I know that I don't always treat my spouse in the way that I am supposed to because there are many times that I am still more concerned about myself more than I am my spouse. I need to esteem my spouse, to cherish my spouse, and to extend to them the same grace and mercy that You extended to me, even though I didn't deserve it. Help me to understand that I cannot fix relationships on my own. Only Your Spirit can give me a tenderer heart and please soften my spouses heart too so that they can accept my apologies and to let them know that I often act out of impulse and pride. Help me to know the right words to say to them so that I can show them that I have a repentant heart and seek to be reconciled to them in our relationship because the relationship between a husband and wife is supposed to reflect that of the relationship that Jesus Christ has with me and with the church. For this I pray for the Son of God's glory and in His name, Amen.

Holy Spirit, comfort my husband. You know the pain he is going through and understand how wounded his heart is. Let your comforting grace wrap him and flood him with your peace in Jesus Name.
A merry heart maketh a cheerful
countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. Proverbs 15:13

Father, grant that my hurting husband may find peace. May your calming and refreshing water of life flow into his life in Jesus Name.
Great peace have they which love thy
law: and nothing shall offend them.Psalm 119:165

Father, thank you for first forgiving me through your son Jesus. Please allow me to see the plank in my own eye when I'm unwilling to forgive the person I promised to love in good times and bad. Please give me eyes to see my spouse's repentant heart and ears to hear the sound of reconciliation in our marriage. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your grace. Thank You for forgiving me when I don't deserve it. I pray that in my marriage I can forgive my husband just as You forgive me. Help me to extend grace to him. I pray for other couples as well, couples who are holding onto bitterness and resentment and hurt. Please help them to forgive each other and reconcile their relationship. May Your will be done in us and may the testimony of Your redeeming love reflect in our marriages in Jesus' name AMEN!


I ask that you would help find forgiveness for my husband for the lies that I told him. I did not mean to hurt his heart and I ask for your forgivness. I ask you Lord that you would turn my husband back toward me, that he would see his commitment and vows that we stood before you and took with our whole hearts. He is a good man and I ask that you would touch his heart so that he can again see the good in me, as we once were and help him to understand that I was scared when I lied because I was afraid of losing him. I pray you would touch him in such a way that he his anger would banish and the love would once again surface, not only for me but for the children. I have asked for your forgivenss of my sins and I pray Lord, that he would realize that forgiveness is the answer.

I pray that he could once again see the wonderful, beautiful unity that you brought together and how much I love him. Please bless us so that he does not leave our family. Bring forgiveness and your Holy Spirit to him as only you can. I know it's in your time God, but I don't have much time before he leaves, so I pray to you that you would reach out and touch is heart today.

I trust in you and I believe in you and I love you. Amen