Prayer For Firefighters

Righteous God my Father, when I am called to duty in a fire alarm, I ask You God, wherever flames may rage, give me strength to save a life, whatever the risk might be and to give me the wisdom to know when not to enter into harm's way. Help me to be courageous and enable me to be always alert and to give my best effort to protect the community and to guard those who are in harm's way to protect but first and foremost, to save lives. Property can be replaced but a human life cannot so please place the great desire in my heart to rescue the perishing in fires, to be able to make wise decisions and in facing the flames of fire, and to trust You in all I do and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Just as law enforcement officers are called to protect and to serve, so too Father are we firefighters called to protect lives even at the risk of our own lives. When needed, please help me embrace a little child before it is too late, to save an older person from the horror of a fiery fate and enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout for help and to quickly find those who need saving so that I might save lives because life is precious to You and to us too since that is our special call and in the line of our duty to save lives and protect property, I pray for Your help in this and in Jesus' most precious name I pray, amen.

Dear God,

Thank you for all the amazing people who have answered the call to be firefighters.

I'm grateful for the courage and passion that You have so graciously bestowed upon them.

It takes a special kind of love to be willing to lay down one's life if it means saving others Your kind of love.

You said in John 15:13 that there is no greater love than that of a person that would willingly give his/her life for others.


Thank You for giving them the strength it takes to love and serve selflessly.

Lord, Your Word, through Your servant David, declares in Psalm 23:4 that You are with us even when we are face-to-face with danger.

I ask that You continue to protect, strengthen, guide and comfort all our brave firefighters.

I pray that You encourage and empower them for the work You have called them to do.

Father, I ask according to Your Word in Isaiah 43:2, that our firefighters will be shielded from the fires they put out that they will walk through flames unharmed.

As You were with the three Hebrew children in the burning fiery furnace, dear Lord, be with our firefighters as they encounter flames on a daily basis.

I declare with Paul that our firefighters can do all things, including the humanly impossible, as You grant them the abilities to do so.

I trust You to be unto them a blanket of protection and safety even in the face of dangerous scenarios that most other people only see in the news.

As our firefighters discharge their duties, Lord, flood their hearts with Your peace that passes all understanding.

Give them sound wisdom and insight to make the right decisions in life-or-death situations.

Even as they put their lives on the line, God, make Your Word in Habakkuk 3:19 a reality in their lives.

Habakkuk 3:19 Bible Verse
The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer's feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills. Habakkuk 3:19

Be their strength and help them tread on solid places. As in Psalm 56:3, help them to trust in You whenever fear creeps into their hearts.

Comfort them when they see sights that break their heart.

Finally, Lord, I pray that You strengthen and comfort their families while they serve.

May they stay conscious and proud of the noble service of their loved ones, whose ceaseless efforts will never be in vain.

I pray these things in Jesus' Name.Amen.

Dear Firefighter,

First of all, I must let you know how proud I am of you, and how grateful I am for your bravery and selflessness.

Words Of Encouragement for Firefighters
It's people like you, police officers, paramedics and all first responders that make us all rest easy. Thank you for all that you do

I know that I can only imagine some of the sights you see and the impossible choices you have to make while you serve, but I want you to remember that God is always there with you.

He sees and He knows.

In Joshua 1:9, He charges you to stay strong and brave because there's not a place you can go where He's not there.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

What a blessed assurance!

In the face of fear and danger, I urge you to never lose sight of our eternal hope. You know, more than anyone, the vanity of earthly possessions.

It's wonderful to know that we have treasures laid up for us where fire cannot destroy them

God bless you, brave Firefighter.

Merciful Father in heaven, look down in Your love upon all those who protect us and ours from the ravages of fire and flame. Grant them the courage and skills to carry out their duties well and safely. When they must go into the face of danger, be by their side in the smoke and flames. Watch over their families, ever reminding them that those who fight fire are also in Your loving care. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Praise You, loving and merciful Father, for the power of prayer. Christ's sacrifice on the cross allowed the floodgates of prayer to open reciprocally. Praise Jesus for coming down to earth to grant us an audience with You. Through prayer, we can take what otherwise lends us helpless and lift up an anthem of heartbreak and suffering into your hands. Firefighters face the impossible every day. We cannot go before them as they walk into the fire, but we can call upon You to release a blanket of protection upon them as they face what most only see in the news. Through prayer and praise, we find peace that surpasses all understanding. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. Psalm 94:19

Father, we thank You for those that have answered the call to be firefighters. What terrifies most emboldens them to serve their fellow mankind. Today, we are grateful for their courage and fortitude. We are thankful for the hard work they dedicate to the safety of others, and the sacrifices they and their families make as they fight for our safety. May the truth of Habakkuk 3:19 encourage the hearts of firefighters everywhere, today and always: God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer's, he makes me tread on my high places.

Forgive us for taking the sirens that surround us for granted, for the fire engines we pull over for and then return to our daily routine right after they pass. Remind us to lift them up in prayer as they pass by. They, and all those who serve our country abroad and at home, require a strength that comes from the Lord. The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2

Bravery in the face of fear requires a courage the average person cannot muster completely on their own accord. During the moments before they arrive on the scene of a fire, bring this reminder to their hearts. Help firefighters to trust in You when they are afraid. (Psalm 56:3) Give them courage in the midst of shock, destruction, and death. Comfort their hearts as they witness what we do not see. Guard their hearts with Your love and compassion, for the images that mark their hearts are haunting. Firefighters answer the call to be strong and courageous, and do the work. Bless them to be reminded that they neednot be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. 1 Chronicles 28:20 Allow them to feel Your presence until the last ember cools.

Father, You ensure us that we may come to you when we are weary with heavy burdens and that You will give us rest. (Matthew 11:28) Christ never leaves us, even when we're surrounded by charred landscape and lost dreams. Sometimes, a loss of life here on earth. During those exhausting moments, strengthen our firefighters and renew their hope. When we lack the words to uplift their downtrodden and tired souls, remind them: He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Isaiah 40:29

We know we can cast our anxiety on You, and that You care for us. (1 Peter 5:6-7) Our flesh will fail . . . but You, God, never will. (Psalm 73:26) When strength fails our firefighters physically, emotionally, and spiritually, help them to be strong. Ephesians 6:10 says, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. This is the blessing we pray over our firefighters, today. Keep them physically safe, and guard their hearts and minds as they report to work. May they know without a shadow of a doubt that You love them immensely. Help us to remember these brave men and women in our prayers on a daily basis, and the families and friends that support and love them, too. As they face the impossible task of taming the destructive nature of fire, bless them to know their efforts are never in vain or forgotten.

In Jesus' Name,

Loving Heavenly Father, I come to You today in loving remembrance and grateful thanks for the brave fire-fighter who recently died in the recent raging fire, while carrying out his duty.
Thank You for his life, his efforts and the many people that he has brought to safety in the course of his career. And now Lord, he has died in an attempt to rescue those that were perishing in the smoke and flames of this recent fire tragedy.
Lord, I ask for Your comfort for his wife, his family, his friends and colleagues, and pray that You will be very close to them all in this time of such great sadness and sorrow.
Father, I pray that You would provide for all their needs, both financial and emotional. I also pray that You would draw very close to them spiritually. May they know Your presence with them, upholding them and keeping them throughout this difficult time.
I ask this in the precious name of the Lord Jesus,

Thank You, Father, for placing me in the responsible position as Fire Chief, and for the many men and women that You have placed under my charge. Keep my eye focussed on You Lord, as there are many duties and responsibilities that require me to remain alert and aware on every occasion, knowing that precious lives so often depend on the decisions I make. Give me wisdom I pray, and understanding to discern what needs to be done on each occasion.
Bless each member of my crew that are under my jurisdiction. May I be wise and fair in my dealings with my crew and with others, knowing that the stress of the job can have a severe toll on the lives and emotions of those that have made fire fighting their chosen career.
Thank You for my own family. Be close to them day by day, knowing that my position causes much strain on us all, especially when I am obliged to keep unsociable hours for the good of the community. Keep us all strong in the faith, and I pray that we all may grow closer to Jesus through the twists and turns of life.
Thank You for my life Lord, and help me to be a good witness to others as I go about my duties. May all I do be pleasing in Your sight, so that Your name may be glorified in all I do. In Jesus' name I pray,