Prayer For Firemen

Almighty God, protector of all, your strength, power, and wisdom are a beacon of light to all: Give special guidance to firefighters so that we may be protected from harm while performing our duty. Help me with your loving care while I work to save the lives and property of all people, young and old. Give me the courage, the alertness to protect my neighbors and all others whom I am pledged to aid when involved in fire or accident. Amen.

Dear Lord,

I lovingly lift up the firefighters of my community, and all the firefighters around the globe.

As I think about firefighters, I think of bravery beyond comprehension.

I stand amazed as I realize that they stand daily ready to lay down their life for strangers.

These incredible men and women give their all to protect us.

Lord, I come to you this day asking that you generously shower on them, and on their families, miraculous blessings of every kind.

In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray,


God Almighty,

We worship you, the Eternal Flame.

Your holy fire purifies and cleanses. Through you, we are given life and life abundantly.

We come today to thank you for our beloved firefighters who are daily alert to the ferocious fires that seek to destroy both life and property.

Their bravery provides a loving canopy to our lives and our communities.

Loyal and true, they stand ready to protect and defend from the burning disasters that target our loved ones, our homes, our small towns, our big cities, our farms, and our forests.

As they daily stand guard waiting for calls of distress, draw them close to you and nourish them with heavenly blessings.

As they rush to emergencies, riding on engines of mercy, prepare them for the unknown challenges that they will face.

Whether the blaze is large or small,

protect them on each fire call.

After the fire has been quenched and they return to the station, we pray for refreshing times of rest.

Each day, Lord, may your wisdom guide them, your encouragement uplift them, and your love comfort them.


Holy Father, there is no greater love than for someone to give their life in the attempt to save others (John 15:13). There are times when firefighters put their lives at risk for others and sometimes, tragically, they die in the line of duty and that selfless, sacrificial duty is one of the greatest sacrifices that we can make in fighting fires in the attempt to save lives. No life is unimportant to You oh God, no matter who they are and no matter what status they have in life. We fight fires and protect property but our first calling is to save lives and so bless me, protect me, and shelter me from the unexpected today and I ask that for myself and for those who are my fellow firefighters and in Jesus powerful name I pray, amen.

Lord, you have promised to never leave or forsake us. Let those you have called as firefighters know that you are always with them.

May they discharge their duties knowing you are always by their side.

Help them work with all their hearts as though working for the Lord and not human masters because they are serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

And whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24

Bless them for their selfless work in serving your people.

May they discharge their duties with integrity and value for human life. Grant them the wisdom to make decisions that will save many lives.

Quicken their minds to think on the spot and act in the nick of time. Give them spiritual insight into how to deal with every assignment.

Remind them to pray for those they rescue so they can make a quick recovery. Give them a word of encouragement which they can share with the victims.

In Jesus Name I pray. Amen


thank you for blessing us with firefighters who are unafraid to risk their lives for ours.

I pray that you would protect our community from fires and other emergencies as much as possible.

But when they arise, give our firefighters courage and compassion.

Keep them safe and healthy, so that they can go home to their loved ones.

I pray for their families as well; help them to know that these brave men and women are in your hands.

All of this I pray in Your Son's name,


Dear Lord, You have placed me in this responsible job and I pray that You will give me the courage to face whatever difficulties arise to today. As I am called to tackle the suffocating flames and smoke that so quickly engulf peoples' homes and lives, or called to assist in so many accidents and problems that befall so many people, I pray that You will be with me, to lead and to guide.
Give me an alert mind and a sensitive ear that can trace a person who may be been trapped in the fires of destruction. Give me wisdom as I have to make those spilt second decisions that can so often result in the death or life for someone that is trapped. Give me the courage to face whatever dangers and difficulties may arise for the team today, I pray.
Protect us all Lord, as we face the day. May my life be a true witness of Your grace and compassion in whatever situation we find ourselves in. And may I personally draw ever closer to the You, for You alone are my strength and my sufficiency. In Jesus' name I pray,

Dear Father God, thank You for the firemen and women that are so often called upon to protect us from the dangers of fires and accidents that can happen in our lives so quickly. Thank You for the unselfish way that they put their lives on the line, in order to save those that may be trapped by a burning inferno that can so quickly endanger lives.
Protect each one, and give them the courage and strength to tackle whatever dangers may occur on their watch. Help them Lord, and keep them safe when they are engulfed in the choking smoke and flames. Enable them to quickly locate any victims that may be trapped or even unconscious.
Lord, thank You for those that have already come to faith in the Lord Jesus. Uphold each one by Your mighty power. But I also pray for those firemen and women that may not know You as their Personal Saviour and plead on their behalf, that You would draw each one into a saving faith in Jesus Christ, Who gave His life as a ransom for theirs, so that they might gain eternal life.
Thank You Lord for hearing and answering prayer. In Jesus' name,