Prayer For Favor In Financial

Dear God, we thank you for your generous blessings and kindness.

We're grateful to you for providing our daily needs and for our spiritual and physical nourishment.

We thank you for guiding all beings here on earth towards righteousness and nobility.

It's with this thankful heart that we come once again to ask for your all-encompassing love.

We affirm that you're omniscient, all powerful and loving.

We affirm your power and might.

We affirm your all-abounding generosity.

We come before you with thankful hearts to pray for abundance;

Abundance for people of all races, creed or color,

Abundance for our friends,

Abundance for our families,

And abundance for ourselves.

Grant that we, not only, acquire wealth and money but spiritual and moral wealth, as well.

May all divine spirits support us in our prayer for abundance.

Dear God,

Bless the work of our hands, the work of our minds and the work of our hearts.
May each day be an offering of worship to you.
May your goodness flow through our every deed.
And may you keep us, shelter us, protect us and feed us.
That we may be blessed with the finances we need,
And have the love and grace to give generously to all that are in need.


Heavenly Father,
I know that heaven is the treasure, that if I were to count the blessings of love, family and friendship I am rich beyond telling.
And yet, I confess I feel poor, that this financial debt weighs on my heart, fills my mind and grieves my soul.
O God, I can not see a way free, and despite all my hard work and efforts I still live under this debt.
Please, come and renew my mind, set it free as I leave this burden at the foot of the cross.
Help me to understand your heart for me, to breathe, live and love in your freedom. Lord, I put my trust in you, and ask for a miracle, for finances that free me from these chains.

Please hold my family and me.
Keep us all safe until that time when we are truly free.


O Lord,
You placed the stars in the sky.
You created a myriad of beautiful life.
You gave us our breathe and water to drink.
You are a living Lord.
You are my Saviour, in whom I trust.
Please rescue me from this financial crisis,
Come redeem this situation.
I ask for your almighty hand to come and cover me.
Give me wisdom and strength to stand strong through this storm.
I ask for a miracle by your redeeming love.
Please restore me, lead me to a safe place, a secure place,
A place of financial balance.

In you I trust.


Let you favor reign in my life today and forever in the name of Jesus.

Oh Lord, let your Spirit of lead me to unlimited success and favor this month in the name of Jesus.

Father as your word said in proverbs chapter 21 varse 1 it says that the heart of a king is in your hands and you turned it to who so ever you wish, Father i ask that you turn the heart of Men and Women even in Christ Church Port Harcourt to favor me financially, and for the ones i want to ask to help me plan my wedding let them have know other option than to accept to my request in JESUS Name i pray, AMEN.

Glorious Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for Your rich love that has enabled me to see yet another day.

I thank You for the great gift You have granted me to freely come before Your presence and lay my concerns before Your Holy throne.

Father God, I ask for the forgiveness of my sins known and unknown. I pray that You wash me with Your blood and that Your blessing will follow me like a river. Bless me with financial favor.