Prayer For Eucharistic Ministers
Heavenly Father, I thank you for calling me to serve you and your people in this
community as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. You know that I could never
be worthy of such an exalted honor. Help me to be less unworthy by remaining free
from sin. Let me nourish your people with the witness of my life as I serve them with
the Body of Christ. Grant your strength and holiness to all your Extraordinary Ministers
and make them worthy to bring Christ to others. I ask this through Christ our Lord.
I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have
greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in
what I have failed to do,
[And, stricking their breast, they say:]
through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault;
therefore, I ask blessed Mary, ever-virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and
you my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
Lord Jesus Christ, I ask your help in discerning whether you are calling me to be a Eucharistic Minister. I trust that you always give me the grace necessary for my life. Please grant me the courage to respond to you with a willing and generous heart. No matter how you are calling me to serve, may my hands bring your compassion and mercy to others. And may I be Eucharist to all I meet. Lord, guide me, and fill me with wisdom I need to understand and accept your call to me. If you are calling me to Eucharistic Ministry, may I not be intimidated by the sacredness of your presence. Instead, fill me with a devout and reverent spirit. As I offer the Eucharist to others, let me be your presence to them. Give me the grace to be a worthy minister. Amen.
Lord, as I meditate on your Word, help me to discover whether I can be a worthy servant of Your Word as a lector. May I be like Jeremiah the prophet who could not hold in your Word. Grant me the grace to give myself completely to your service. Allow your Word to become flesh through me. I realize, Lord, the power of your Word to make your presence a reality in our community of faith. Lord, be in my heart and on my lips that I may worthily proclaim your sacred Word. Give me, Lord, the grace to accept your call willingly and even joyfully. No matter what ministry I choose, may I reach out and touch those who need to hear your words at the proper time. Be with me, Lord! Show me how you want me to serve you. Here I am. Amen.
My Lord and Sustainer of All Beings,
I am in your Sacred Presence
about to take the Bread of Life to those who are unable to attend the communal celebration of the Eucharist.
It will be my honor to carry Christ to them.
Bless my hands that they may be
fitting instruments of this Holy Visitation.
Bless my heart, that I may truly carry the Bread of Life to those whose spirits are in need.
May my attitude, my reverence, and
my concern for both the spiritual and material needs of those whom I shall visit, be that of Your divine heart.
I ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, whose Body and Blood I shall carry;
He who lives with You and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for calling me to serve you and your people in this
community as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. You know that I could never
be worthy of such an exalted honor. Help me to be less unworthy by remaining free
from sin. Let me nourish your people with the witness of my life as I serve them with
the Body of Christ. Grant your strength and holiness to all your Extraordinary Ministers
and make them worthy to bring Christ to others. I ask this through Christ our Lord.
Loving Father, as we gather in your service, help us to fully understand the
magnificence of your Son's sacrifice for us and the wonder of your presence in the Holy
Eucharist. Guide and instill in us perseverance and a willingness to do your will. Open
our hearts to others as we invite them to your table to share your precious gifts. We
ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit
one God for ever and ever. Amen
May my behavior and the attitude of my heart reflect that holy honor as I strive to serve in a sacred way. With awe and wonder, I will hold in my hands the Body of Christ and His Sacred Blood, so that my sisters and brothers may be fed with the Food of Life. Make my heart and hands clean. Free me from anything of vanity and pride that might divorce me and the service that is mine from the heart of the Divine Mystery residing in this Holy Meal.
May I, with your constant assistance, truly wait upon You and Your people in this Holy Liturgy of Praise and Adoration. AMEN.