Prayer For Elderly Parents

Heavenly Father, I have just been diagnosed with an incurable disease. I am worn out, scared, and depressed. I don't know where to turn to, but I know you're with me always. Fight my battles, dear Lord rescue me from this pit and help me to walk in the divine health that Jesus died on the cross for me to have. Uproot fear from my heart and help me to walk in boldness, knowing that the doctor's report is not the final report comes. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen

Merciful one, may you bless my father, my teacher; and my mother, my teacher, who have made a home for me. May we all be blessed as you blessed my grandparents and great-grandparents in every possible way. That is how we wished to be blessed, everyone together, a complete blessing. Amen.

O Almighty God, you gave us the commandment to honour our father and mother. In your loving kindness hear my prayer for my parents. Give them long lives and keep them well in body and spirit. Bless their labours; keep them always in your care. Bless them generously for their loving care for me. Grant that, through your grace, I may always be their support and comfort, and that, after our life together on earth, we may experience the joy together praising you forever.

Gracious Heavenly Father, You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble and we bring before You the elderly men and women who have come to the twilight years of their lives, facing physical, mental or spiritual suffering.

Lord, for those that are Your children, we pray that You will be very close to each one and that You would give them the sufficiency of Your strength to endure the bodily pain or anguish of heart that they may be facing, as good and faithful soldiers and servants of Christ. Giving them courage to endure, knowing that there is a crown of rejoicing that awaits them at the appearance of their Lord and Saviour, when He appears at His coming.

But Lord, we know that there are many that do not know You, and whatever physical and mental pain and suffering they are going through, is nothing compared with the spiritual pain of not knowing the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and Redeemer. Draw close to all elderly people who are unsaved, and bring many of them into a saving faith in the Lord Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Loving Lord, we thank You for the thrill of life and all the mercies that You give to each of us day by day, but Lord as we advance in years our bodies begin to lose their strength, our fingers lose their dexterity and our knees begin to tremble. And Lord, the time comes all too fast, when we are not able to care for ourselves as we would like to, but have to rely on help from other people to do the basic things of life, like eating and drinking, bathing and generally caring for our homes and ourselves.

Loving Lord, we bring before You all the elderly and infirm, not only those that we know, but all who are facing this stage of their life. Draw those that have never placed their trust in You into a saving relationship with Jesus, and give those that are of the household of faith Your peace that passes understanding in their heart, as they fulfil Your purpose for their lives, in whatever condition or situation they find themselves.

Give grace to those that find it difficult to come to terms with other people caring for them, knowing that Your grace is sufficient. And as they grow older, I pray that in Your love and mercy, You will draw each one into closer fellowship with Yourself. In Jesus' name I pray,


O merciful Lord God, Thou hast commanded and enjoined me to honor my father and mother, and Thou Thyself hast shown even until death humble obedience to Thy Father. From the depth of my soul I fervently beseech Thee, O gracious Jesus Christ, my God, hear my prayer and have mercy upon my parents, who have given birth to me and are bringing me up in Thy grace and love. Protect them from all evil, harm and sickness; grant them health, and mercifully pour forth Thy bountiful blessings upon them. Bless their efforts and deeds; have mercy on them according to Thy great mercy, that faithfully serving Thee, through them I also may be worthy to praise and serve Thee. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, parents are a precious gift from You. Thank you for allowing me the joy of having my parents for many decades, that I might enjoy them and learn from them. I pray that you would help them to continue growing in grace and in their relationship with You until the very end of their time here on earth. Please grant me wisdom and strength to care for them in a way that honors them, and honors You. It's in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, that I pray. Amen.

Dear Lord God, how I thank You for my parents Who have been such a wonderful support to me throughout the whole my life. They taught me of You from being a child, and I cannot thank You enough for placing me in a family that knows and loves You.
Father, they are now elderly and becoming infirm, and increasingly they are both struggling to carry out the simplest of tasks.
Lord, I pray that I may be given the strength and the ability to care for them both as long as they need my help. I know that this is a mammoth undertaking and of myself I do not have the strength or resources to undertake such a task. And yet, I want to honour my parents and You Lord, by caring for them in their twilight years of their lives.
Help me Father, to tend for them lovingly and wisely and keep them I pray, from the unpleasantries of ill health and from the difficulties of becoming bed-ridden.
Lord, they are both Your children and I pray that Your love will surround them and that Your blessing will pour down in great measure upon each of them, until You take them to be with Yourself. In Jesus' name I pray,