Prayer For Elderly Dying

Father God, some people have given up hope because doctors have told them that they have life-threatening diseases. Father, as they come to terms with everything that is happening to them, help them to be strong in you. Guard their minds against the lies of the enemy that they may focus on your glory that awaits them in heaven. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray for all those that have been given a few days to live. Grant them peace in the inner being that they may prepare to come into your presence with joy and thanksgiving. I also pray for those that do not know you, may they come to know you before their time to depart reaches. Lord, let your presence manifest wherever they are that they may know you're with them till the end of the time. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Dear Father, I pray for the older people who are finding it hard to allow other people to take care of them because they're used to taking care of themselves. Help them to know that your grace is sufficient for them during this time as other people take charge of their lives. May they see their caretakers as a blessing in their lives and not a curse. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Lord, I speak a word of blessings over everyone that has committed themselves to take care of the elderly. Give them patience and understanding that they may be able to take care of the elderly well. May they speak words of healing to the elderly that will help them to walk in good health. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Oh Lord, please grant the elderly that are struggling with condemnation peace. Remove anxiety from the heart and help them to know that they have been forgiven of their past, present, and future sins. May they come to understand your love so that they can live in peace, good health, and enjoy their old age. Expose the lies that the enemy has been feeding their mind and help them to come out as victors. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Oh Lord, as we become old and frail, it becomes hard for us to do things the way we used to do them in our youthful years. Our bodies become subject to sickness and disease, and this makes life hard. But Lord, you promise in your word that you will take care of us even when we are old. Heal every older person that is dealing with sickness and disease right now. Remove pain from their bodies and help them to enjoy their old age. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen

Heavenly Father, be a source of refuge for the elderly who are struggling with life-threatening diseases in their bodies. Satan is attacking them with sickness and disease and causing them to live in distress. Let them see you as their source of refuge, and may your healing power rest upon their bodies. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

For all who are about to die: that through our love, care, and devotion, they might know the
beauty of life, as they prepare for death; We pray to the Lord:
For all people in nursing homes: that we would be inspired to visit them, and remind them of
their great worth; We pray to the Lord:
For those denied adequate care: that we might stand up for their God-given dignity and assist
them in their needs; We pray to the Lord:
For all who are forgotten or thrown away, and especially for the poor, the sick and the aged: that
God might change our hearts and move us to love them as the image of Christ;
We pray to the Lord:
For those who have grown tired of life, and especially for those tempted to suicide: that God
might grant them patient endurance and the support of loved ones; We pray to the Lord:
For those tempted to despair because of constant pain: that they might join their suffering to the
Cross of Christ; We pray to the Lord:
For nurses and all professionals who care for the sick and dying: that they will be given the grace
to love each patient with the love of Christ, and to never see those they care for as a burden; We
pray to the Lord:
For those who have grown weak or infirm: that we might see God's power in their fragility and
experience a new revelation of God's love for them; We pray to the Lord:
For elderly parents and godparents: that the love and respect of their children might sustain them
and bring them joy; We pray to the Lord:
That the sick may find strength and courage in the cross of Christ and discover the redemptive
value of their suffering; We pray to the Lord:
That the elderly may cherish each moment of their lives, and in their sunset years experience the
love and attention they need; We pray to the Lord