Prayer For Deer

Heavenly father, to you I pray,
A majestic deer may come my way.
Let my aim be straight and true,
this my Lord, I pray to you.

A swift clean kill is what I ask,
Take his spirit swift and fast.
For his last breath should not be,
One of pain or agony.

Let his soul,
Come to Thee,
To roam your heavens,
Wild and free.

Lord God, You have put all things under man's dominion. Guide us to take the animals that need to be culled for the preservation of their species and the rest of the ecosystem. Let me always respect the animals I have hunted. Never let me torment them, mock them, or made them objects of ridicule. When I take an animal's life let me always maintain respect for the wonder of its existence and the importance of its meat to those who need it for sustenance.

Lord, may I make an honest count of game, respecting the legal limits of game in order to preserve the balance of life and death among the animals. May I so love the truth that I always give an honest recounting of the hunting stories while keeping them interesting to my friends. May I also listen to my friends' stories with enjoyment and without envy.

Heavenly father, to you I pray,
A majestic deer may come my way.
Let my aim be straight and true,
this my Lord, I pray to you.

A swift clean kill is what I ask,
Take his spirit swift and fast.
For his last breath should not be,
One of pain or agony.

Let his soul,
Come to Thee,
To roam your heavens,
Wild and free.

Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful day, and thank you for this wonderful gift. May this deer's body nourish our bodies, and may its memory nourish our souls.