Prayer For Daughter In Law

Dear Lord, I pray for my child who is stepping into a new season on a new college campus this year. I pray You will help him with all of the logistics of getting classes, meeting professors, setting up financial aid and getting moved into housing. Surround him with friends who will challenge him to walk more closely with You and guide him to a church where he can serve you while at college. Help him to work hard, to study well and to use this time to develop skills and gifts for Your purposes. As he encounters new challenges, help him love You with his whole heart. As he hears different philosophies, help him love you with his whole mind. As the enemy prowls around tempting him with all manner of worldliness, help him love You with all his strength. Give him courage to follow hard after You and to glorify You where You've placed him. In Jesus' name, amen.

Lord, you've given my student the ability to communicate, and it is good. May their words be acceptable in your sight. When they attempt to muffle or stuff words out of fear or uncertainty, may they be brave and allow godly communication its opportunity. When they face a tough conversation, I pray they persevere, continuing to trust you. Most importantly, Lord, may my young woman/man communicate with you on a regular basis. I pray they seek you and nourish a desire to hear your voice daily. In Jesus' name, amen.

Father, thank you for my student. This life you've woven in them is wonderful. During this school year, whether it's in the dorm adjusting to their roommates, standing on the marching band or athletic field, sitting in a classroom, or staring at their homework, may my student park their thoughts on you. Protect my child against self-harm, failure, depression, and laziness. Surround them with your truth concerning drugs, alcohol, sex, and faith. Close the door on blame, bad-mouthing, judgment, and condemnation. May they consider and cherish, instead, what is true, allowing your perfect love to cast out all fear. May they dwell on all that's honorable, just, pure, and lovely. May he/she toss aside the bad, clinging to the good especially when it comes to relationships and their future with you. May virtue and praise echo in their mind and be reflected in their words and actions. In Jesus' name, amen.

Lord, we let go of all our expectations for these precious daughters from another mother, believing You know best how they can please You as wives and parent their children.

It's not always easy being the mother-in-law. We held our sons' tiny hands, walked them through skinned knees and tough struggles, taught and coached them for so many years, and struggled with their independence.

So our prayer for our sons' wives must rightly begin with a recognition of change. Father, give us the gift of stepping back so each couple has room to grow and change together.

We admit, it is challenging sometimes. There are not only changed roles, there's also a generation gap and different perspectives on some things. Oh, how we need Your wisdom and understanding. Give us patience and flexibility. Show us how to adjust our attitudes and release any concerns into Your wise and capable hands.

When it is difficult to adjust to our new role in our sons' lives, show us how we can embrace this changing relationship by becoming strong encouragers and intercessors.

Give us sharp discernment so we will not intrude or say things we might later regret. We want to be quick to listen and slow to speak (James 1:19). When we do speak, Lord, show us how to say the right word at the right time with the right motivation (Proverbs 25:11).

Remind us our sons and adopted daughters were not perfect before marriage, and they certainly still have faults. They will make mistakes just as we will; and if we are wise, we will give them space to change. We won't criticize, meddle, or give unsolicited advice.

Lord, help! That's hard sometimes. But that is love.

Assist us in assuming positive and taking our daughters-in-love's words at face valuenot reading into them or responding out of hurt or insecure feelings, but always seeking truth and unity. Teach us how to be objective.

And when necessary, help us forgive or ask for forgiveness, because going over old history might prevent what You want to do in all our lives (Isaiah 43:18-19). Lord, we mothers-in-love know our faults full well. We ask You to refine our lives so interactions will not chafe or cause any damage.

But enough about us.

There are so many wonderful things we can pray specifically for our daughters-in-love.

We pray they will remember we both love the same manin different ways, but powerfully.

We pray our adopted daughters will seek You first, understanding that no man can satisfy all their needs (Matthew 6:33).

We pray they will love and respect our sons, embracing the biblical design (Ephesians 5:21-24, 33b; 1 Peter 3:1-7; Titus 2:3-5).

We pray they will grow in wisdom and grace, learning more about the Lord and becoming better equipped to please Him (Ephesians 1:17; Hebrews 13:21).

We pray they will guard their integrity, so their husbands can safely trust in them (Proverbs 31:11).

We pray our daughters-in-love will always seek their husbands' good, and never harm them with careless words or actions (Proverbs 31:12).

We pray for their successthat they will be creative and industrious, prospering at home and outside the home (Proverbs 31:13-16, 18-19, 24)

We pray they will develop physical and spiritual strength, dignity, and discernmentproperly preparing themselves to face whatever the future brings (Proverbs 31:17; 25)

We pray they will be wise, kind, and generous (Proverbs 31:20, 26).

We pray they will pursue excellence and care for their husbands and children well (Proverbs 31:21-22, 27).

We pray they will understand where true beauty originates, and focus on pleasing the Lord (Proverbs 31:30).

We pray they will be rightly honored and rewarded as they seek the Lord and live for Him (Proverbs 31:28-29, 31).

We pray they will keep their marriage pure, and find continuing joy and satisfaction in their physical relationship with our sons (Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 7:3-5; Proverbs 5:15-19; Song of Solomon 1:2-4).

We ask You to help us understand these unique women You created our adopted daughters to be; and as You allow, enable us to come alongside in ways they can appreciate.

Show us how to honor them, especially in the presence of our sons and other family members.

And we pray You will allow us to develop true friendships with our daughters-in-loveespecially if we are sisters in Christnot only for our and our family's good, but for Your glory.

Father God, You bring wives to our sons as blessings, and we are grateful. Even when there are great difficulties, You are still working. We pray You will accomplish Your purposes in their homes.

Thank you that as You refine their marriages, You also teach us many lessons as well, for Jesus' sake. We thank you for grace and praise You for what You will do. Amen!

Bless this loving wife.

Give her a tenderness that makes her great, a deep sense of understanding and a great faith in You.

Give her that inner beauty of soul that never fades - eternal youth that is found in holding fast to the things that never age.

May she so live that he may be pleased always to reverence and adore her. Amen

Eternal God , in whom mercy is endless,
and the treasury of compassion inexhastible ,
look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us ,
that in difficult moments we might not despair
nor become despondent , but with great confidence ,
submit ourselves to Your Holy Will ,
which is love and mercy itself . Amen

Dear Lord please heal the pain my daughter in law is suffering.Please comfort her and guide my son to be loving and supportive to her in her times of need. Please Lord bless her and watch over her and guide her,my son and me and all the family in this situation.Thank You Lord for hearing oru prayers. Amen

Loving Lord, You have given me the most wonderful son whom I love dearly, and I know that the day is fast approaching when he will find his own dear wife with whom to be united, to love and cherish, to cleave to for the rest of his life.
Go before him I pray, and bring into his life the wife that You have chosen for him. I pray for this woman who will become our precious daughter-in-law, and ask that she may be one who loves the Lord Jesus with all her heart and will become a true help-meet' for our son.
Prepare the hearts of them both Lord, as they journey towards that day when they will finally meet each other. I pray that You will bless their union and life together.
In the meantime, I pray that both will be circumspect in their relationships with others of the opposite sex, and maintain integrity in body and soul. Keep them both pure in heart and mind, word and deed, and may You guide their continuing steps until that day when You bring them together in love.
Lord, I trust my precious son and future daughter-in-law into Your hands, knowing that You know best for all our lives, and I thank You for what You have done and what You will do in each of their lives. In Jesus' name,