Prayer For Courage And Faith

When you're in need of strength, remember that God is the number one healer and can guide you in endless ways. If your heart and life are centered on God, His Word and His Holy Spirit, you can rest assured that He will direct your path. God's primary means for giving us guidance is in the Bible. Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and spirit.' (John 3:5). If you're ready to trust in God's ability to direct your life, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, as I arise today, I pray that Your strength pilot me, Your power uphold me, and Your wisdom guide me. May Your eye look before me, Your hand protect me and Your shield defend me. Amen.

Our God has worked in history to defeat sin and Satan and hell and death. He did this through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has the power to strength your mind, body and spirit if you allow Him to be at work in your life. If you're ready for God to step in and transform you from the inside out, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I ask you to strengthen my mind, body and spirit today. When I'm weary, may I be refreshed. When I'm worn, may I be renewed. When I'm broken, may I be restored. When I'm fearful, may I become faithful. I pray that I walk in complete confidence today knowing that the Lord Almighty is with me. Amen.

Dear Father, I thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit that's at work in me, guiding me in the path of truth. I'm established in righteousness, steadfast and unmovable in the Lord. I am filled with the knowledge of God, in all wisdom and discernment.

Today Lord, I stand on your word alone and I shall not be moved by any situation I face. You are my rock and my salvation. I overcome temptation today by you word and I declare that I am strong in you. Amen.

Heavenly Father, you were there for Jacob when he sought help from you. Jacob feared to face his brother Esau, who was looking for him with hundreds of men beside him. I know you are ever-powerful and faithful. You blessed Jacob with courage. You promised to do good things for us, Lord, and I am here praying to you about my fears. I am afraid of many things and people because I am not sure how they will perceive me. Lord, give me the courage that you gave Jacob. Assure me even if I am treated unkindly, that I am a child of God. Let my heart understand that the hate of others is insignificant compared to the love I have from you. Amen.

Dear Lord, you are glorified and your name is above all names. You know the desires of my heart, you know my intentions and goals. Please be with me today as I go about my day. Give me the courage to work through obstacles to accomplish everything I have planned. Protect me in my encounters and bring me back home safely at the end of the day for a restful night. Amen.

Jesus, you were courageous and did not worry about what those who hated you would do to you. You only met them with love and with courage. You proclaimed that your father was the only one with the final say. Jesus, I ask you to help me develop the same courage that will help me be assertive in my decisions. May I say what I need to say without worrying that I would be judged or punished for it. You are my Lord who conquered it all. Amen.

Thank You, Lord, for the mystery of, Christ in you the hope of glory. Thank You also, for the wonderful examples of men and women of faith, who have been given godly courage to carry out the duties that You called them to do.

Lord, I pray that in the power of the Holy Spirit, You would develop in me a godly wisdom and courage to live my Christian life as light in a darkened world, whatever the cost.

Father, You have called us to reflect Your light and to tell of Your healing power. May I be enabled by Your Holy Spirit to speak out Your Word of truth, in grace and love. May I become a mirror that reflects You so completely in all I say and do, that Christ may be seen in me, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Dear Father, I thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit that's at work in me, guiding me in the path of truth. I'm established in righteousness, steadfast and unmovable in the Lord. I am filled with the knowledge of God, in all wisdom and discernment.

Today Lord, I stand on your word alone and I shall not be moved by any situation I face. You are my rock and my salvation. I overcome temptation today by you word and I declare that I am strong in you. Amen.