Prayer For Conviction Of Sin

Lord, thank you for forgiving me of my sins and thank you for continuing to work in my heart to make me more like you. Please convict me of my sins so that I might know from what I need to turn so that I might not grieve you, and so that I might bring glory to your name. Do with me as you wish Lord

Holy Father, You are the one and only Holy Father in heaven and on earth. I humble myself and confess that I need Your help to walk holy in this life You have given me. Thank You for the Holy Spirit's conviction and correction that You have freely bestowed to those who believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. I pray that the Holy Spirit, in mercy, would convict me of any sin or any bad habit that is in my life. I forsake my pride and renounce it in Jesus' Name. I want to live a life that brings glory and joy to You.

Dear Lord, thank You for the daily guidance. May my heart always be soft and sensitive to quickly respond whenever You convict me of any wrong or offense. In the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.

When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me; (John 16:8-9)

The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, that man is sinful. The Holy Spirit convicts man that he misses the mark and comes short of the glory of God. That he trespasses: wanders off the right path and that man transgresses: breaks the law of God.

The Holy Spirit shows mankind their error concerning sin in such a way that it produces a deep sense of personal sinfulness. This is where salvation begins in a lot of people, when one has the deep understanding that they are a sinner and need a Saviour then they are ready to accept Jesus Christ and receive Him into their heart and life as Lord and Saviour.

The need of the Holy Spirit to convict people of sin is always great and may seem to be an ever increasing need as the world we live in becomes more accepting of sin. People of the world don't consider certain sin to be sin. People of the world do not understand they are sinning before God despite what the world tells them.

Christians are not immune to this problem either. There are many Christians who have allowed sin to creep into their life and they don't consider it to be sin because other Christians and/or outside sources affirm the behavior. Or they do understand it is sin but have no urgency to change because the world affirms their behavior and the affirmation of the world is comforting to their sense of self. If they do understand it is sin and have not changed the behavior then they have rejected the conviction of the Holy Spirit in their life in regards to the matter of sin. This is a dangerous practice.

It is important for us to understand that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict people of sin. The Holy Spirit is the one who will bring a person to the realization of their sinfulness, lost condition and guilt before God. We are not able to convince anyone of sin. The human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked and we see this truth in the blindness of every one of us to our own sinfulness. We can see the sin in others perfectly clear, but we are all too often blind t our own sin. The world is so blind to its own sin that only the Holy Spirit can convince the world of sin and brings people to see how sinful they are. We need to keep in mind that no matter how persuasive you and I may be we cannot produce real conviction of sin. Real conviction of sin is only produced by the Holy Spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit that convinces man that Jesus died for sin. It is the Holy Spirit who convinces the unbeliever that Jesus is Savior and that sins are really forgiven for those who truly believe in Christ. We as Christians are the messenger, we share the good news; we share the truth. If we share the truth it will allow for the Holy Spirit to convict a person and then turn to Christ. If we try to do the work of the Holy Spirit and convict the person ourselves as we are sharing the gospel truth the person will not turn to Christ. They will turn either to us or away from us. In either case we fail because we did not allow the Holy Spirit to do the work that He alone is to do. The result of our failure is the unbeliever does not turn to Christ.

We are to put ourselves at the disposal of the Holy Spirit for Him to use us as He sees fit. And if we are more available to the Holy Spirit while we speak the truth and more willing to look to the Holy Spirit for conviction, then I believe more conversions would happen.

My prayer is that we accept the conviction that the Holy Spirit brings into our life and that it leads to a true repentance, a change in our heart and our behavior and we draw nearer to Christ. I pray that we are faithful in calling sin what it is according to God's word; sin. I pray that we do not set ourselves up for failure by taking on a task that God does not intend for us and I pray that we allow the Holy Spirit to use us as He sees fit. God has a plan for us all and if we just stick to His plan a great change will come in our lives and in our communities and in our country. I pray that we let the world know of His plan for our life.

In Jesus's name I Pray. Amen.

Holy and loving Jesus, today I'm praying about my heart, in particular my heart's convictability. It would be impossible for me to overstate the joy and peace I have in being able to affirm, There is now [and forever] no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1). How I praise you for completely exhausting the judgment I deserve for the multiple ways I fail to love God and my neighbors as commanded. Nothing can separate me from the love of God; nothing can intensify or lessen its irrepressible wonder. Hallelujah!
But there remains a disconnect between the good news of no condemnation for my sin and the very important news of deep conviction about my sin. Through recent circumstances and in certain relationships, I can see that I haven't been taking my sin as seriously as I should. I know this isn't right, so I come before you today humbled and hungry. If anything, the gospel of grace should make for quicker and deeper repentances, not fewer.
To be specific, I'm aware of how I indulge a critical spirit towards some people, and at the same time I work hard to maintain the approval of others. I'm also aware of how easily I can be lured by lust and greed. I also see how (what an ugly paradox) that I'm often self-righteous about the gospelsensing I get it better than many moralists and legalists. Left to myself, Jesus, I I'm capable of acting out in very foolish and destructive ways. Left to myself, I'm a mess.
Jesus, bring me to a fresh place of godly sorrow for my sinthe kind of good grief that will lead me to repent more quickly and yet not get weighed down with vain regrets. I know you don't want me to put my conscience back under the law; but I also know grace will not put my conscience to sleep.
There's no power like that found in the gospel that can possibly convict me, humble me, gentle me, and strengthen me for doing all things for the glory of God. Grace isn't an anesthetic but a sensitizer, when it comes to the glorious freedom of guilt free, shame free repenting.
Great is your faithfulness, kind are your ways, and sufficient is your grace. So very Amen I pray in the wonders of your name and the glories of your love.

Holy Father, You are the one and only Holy Father in heaven and on earth. I humble myself and confess that I need Your help to walk holy in this life You have given me. Thank You for the Holy Spirit's conviction and correction that You have freely bestowed to those who believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. I pray that the Holy Spirit, in mercy, would convict me of any sin or any bad habit that is in my life. I forsake my pride and renounce it in Jesus' Name. I want to live a life that brings glory and joy to You.

Dear Lord, thank You for the daily guidance. May my heart always be soft and sensitive to quickly respond whenever You convict me of any wrong or offense. In the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.

Righteous Lord, you are the King of our hearts, but the heart is deceitful above all else. Help us to discern your will, and teach us to walk forever in your ways. Heavenly Father, teach us to be sensitive to the prodding of your Spirit. When we have strayed, return us to your path, just as a shepherd does with his sheep. Amen.