Prayer For Counselors

Lord Jesus Christ, our compassionate savior and Redeemer, who during Your earthly ministry went about doing good, laying healing hands on the sick and lifting up the poor and lowly, grant us, we pray, like minds. That, grateful for our salvation in Your holy wounds, we may let our light shine and do good to all people, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Bless all our institutions of mercy, dedicated to the healing of body, mind and soul. Grant all chaplains, social workers and others involved in human care ministries a rich portion of Your Spirit that they might reflect in their service the mercy and kindness You have shown us in Your sacrificial death and Your glorious resurrection.

Open the hearts and hands of Your people to support all that is done throughout the world to relieve the agony of those who suffer from hunger and want, from war and terrorism, from fire, floods, and other disaster. We ask Your blessing on our service, in Your blessed, saving name. AMEN

Lord, I confess that I am utterly rebellious and wayward at the very core of my being. That I do not need to be reformed, but made completely new, which is what your grace has provided for me. The gospel has delivered me out of darkness and placed me into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ. In Him, I am a new creature. My old life has passed away and all things are continually being made new by the transforming work of the Holy Spirit within me as I discipline myself for godliness and submit to His mind in written formthe Bible.

Father, it amazes me that I can call you thatmy Father. For I have done nothing worthy of being adopted into your family. But Father, thank you for your infinite love, grace, and mercy toward me in the Lord Jesus Christ. You who are wholly holy, infinitely righteous and just, in eternity past planned the way for a sinner like me to be reconciled to you. Thank you for the atoning work of your Son on the cross in my place, for judging Him for my sin so that I may be free indeed. I come to you in Jesus's name, recognizing I have no righteousness of my own to present to you, but only clinging to that which is a gift of your gracethe gift of righteousness in Jesus.

Dear Father, Lord God of Angel Armies, you are glorious, awesome and all powerful. You are the one who has called us as comrades into this battle of prayer for the healing and deliverance of these women who have been abused. Jesus, Wonderful Counselor, Deliverer, and Risen One who has defeated Satan, you are at our side giving wisdom, power, and grace by the Holy Spirit that you have breathed into us. Thank you also Lord for your angels who are assisting us.

We rely on you, Lord, to fortify us counselors, pastors, and intercessors with all that we need to serve you well and to minister your freedom to these women who have been sold into sex slavery or abused in some other way. We humble ourselves before you Yahweh. Be a shied around us as we do battle for the hearts of these women who are precious to you. Give us supernatural knowledge. Show your strong arm of deliverance. Minister your compassion and healing. May the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified as we your servants care for the abused.

O Lord, we cry out to you! Restore your daughters to the dignity they were created for. They have been beaten, broken, abused, and discarded. Dear Father, lift them up in your loving arms. Lord Jesus, purify your bride. Holy Spirit, come in love and power to release each one from shame and fear. Lord God, cause your church to flow with your Living Waters to all within reach who are thirsty.

Thank you Lord that you hear the prayers of your people. You are moving already in the spiritual realm to defeat Satan and all evil. Your kingdom is advancing. Your counselors are strong in your grace. Your daughters are free and smiling in your care. Your bride Jesus is being made ready for you she shines beautifully as she reflects your love! Hallelujah! The Lord is victorious!

In Jesus' name and by the power of the Holy Spirit we trust you, our Abba Father, and rejoice in your love now and forever. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, our compassionate savior and Redeemer, who during Your earthly ministry went about doing good, laying healing hands on the sick and lifting up the poor and lowly, grant us, we pray, like minds. That, grateful for our salvation in Your holy wounds, we may let our light shine and do good to all people, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Bless all our institutions of mercy, dedicated to the healing of body, mind and soul. Grant all chaplains, social workers and others involved in human care ministries a rich portion of Your Spirit that they might reflect in their service the mercy and kindness You have shown us in Your sacrificial death and Your glorious resurrection.

Open the hearts and hands of Your people to support all that is done throughout the world to relieve the agony of those who suffer from hunger and want, from war and terrorism, from fire, floods, and other disaster. We ask Your blessing on our service, in Your blessed, saving name. AMEN

Dear Father, Lord God of Angel Armies, you are glorious, awesome and all powerful. You are the one who has called us as comrades into this battle of prayer for the healing and deliverance of these women who have been abused. Jesus, Wonderful Counselor, Deliverer, and Risen One who has defeated Satan, you are at our side giving wisdom, power, and grace by the Holy Spirit that you have breathed into us. Thank you also Lord for your angels who are assisting us.

We rely on you, Lord, to fortify us counselors, pastors, and intercessors with all that we need to serve you well and to minister your freedom to these women who have been sold into sex slavery or abused in some other way. We humble ourselves before you Yahweh. Be a shied around us as we do battle for the hearts of these women who are precious to you. Give us supernatural knowledge. Show your strong arm of deliverance. Minister your compassion and healing. May the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified as we your servants care for the abused.

O Lord, we cry out to you! Restore your daughters to the dignity they were created for. They have been beaten, broken, abused, and discarded. Dear Father, lift them up in your loving arms. Lord Jesus, purify your bride. Holy Spirit, come in love and power to release each one from shame and fear. Lord God, cause your church to flow with your Living Waters to all within reach who are thirsty.

Thank you Lord that you hear the prayers of your people. You are moving already in the spiritual realm to defeat Satan and all evil. Your kingdom is advancing. Your counselors are strong in your grace. Your daughters are free and smiling in your care. Your bride Jesus is being made ready for you she shines beautifully as she reflects your love! Hallelujah! The Lord is victorious!

In Jesus' name and by the power of the Holy Spirit we trust you, our Abba Father, and rejoice in your love now and forever. Amen.