Prayer For Conversion Of A Loved One

Incarnate God! my divine, my adorable Redeemer! who art the way, the truth, and the life, oh bring him (or her) to the knowledge of thy truth.

O thou who art the Light of the blind, the Refuge of sinners, our Saviour and our Sacrifice, O thou who gavest thyself to be our daily bread, have mercy upon him.

Thou, O Lord, knowest what is in man, and thou knowest what trammels surround him Thou knowest all his darkness, all his weakness, all his doubts; have pity, therefore, upon him, O my Saviour; and let the bright beams of thy eternal truth shine in upon his mind: clear away the clouds of error and of prejudice from before his eyes, and mercifully vouchsafe to teach him thy truth and to make him all thine own.

I know, O my Savior, that thou hast founded but one true Church, and hast promised to abide with it even unto the end of the world. O let not the soul for which I pray be shut out from thy blessed fold! May it abjure all error and schism; may it hasten back to thy church; and be received into her bosom ere death cut short its doubts.

O Lord my God let no worldly, no unworthy motives, I beseech thee, mingle with his enquiries after truth. In all he hears, or reads, or speaks, do thou, who wast meek and lowly of heart, teach him to do it with the profoundest humility and in the spirit of prayer.

May no prejudices of education, no early national associations, no fear of censure or of ridicule, have power to withhold him: may no affection or admiration for any created being check the spirit of enquiry within him: may nothing keep him away from thee, my God. May he feel a longing desire to know thee more perfectly, that he may serve thee and love thee better; and may this desire speedily lead him to that Communion upon earth where, by a spirit of penance and of prayer, by spiritual obedience, and by the blessed efficacy of thine appointed sacraments, he may be learn to cultivate those dispositions which thou hast promised to crown with everlasting glory.

O God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, thrice holy God, mercifully vouchsafe to hear my prayer. Amen.

O Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus, and in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit,
with the knowledge of Your will,
I ask that You fill null with the knowledge of Your will through ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Enlighten this precious child of Yours, dear Lord!
Teach this dear one to live in a manner that is worthy of You,
so as to be fully pleasing to You,
full of good works bearing good fruits and ever growing in knowledge of You.
Strengthen this lost lamb, dear Lord,
with every power of Your Holy Spirit,
in accordance with Your might, for all endurance and patience,
with joy, giving thanks to You O Father!
Make Your child fit to share in the inheritance of the holy ones in the Light.
Deliver this beloved one from the power of darkness
into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus,
and transfer null into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus,
in whom is redemption and the forgiveness of sins.


Your prayer group of sweet loving where I gave myself to you
Has filled me with a wonder that is full of thoughts of you.
My life is now poured out, in love and work and prayer
And yet, there is a sadness, for I long to help and share.
The one whom Heaven gave me to share this life on earth
Has not received your gentle kiss and does not know your worth.
I long to share my happiness, to talk of all your words,
To plan our lives around them and bring others to the Lord.
But my love views me with sorrow at all the time I take
In chasing after visions and praying for your sake.
O gentle Mother, hear me, please touch my love for me
That together we may journey with your Blessed Son and thee.
Let our family be a haven for the lonely and the weak
That we may bring your blessings when a messenger you seek.
May our home be full of laughter, may our journey be a prayer.
Let our lives reflect the beauty of your loving and your care. Amen.

My God, I offer You all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings
in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

For the intentions for which He pleads and offers Himself in
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; in thanksgiving for Your favors;
in reparation for my sins; in humble supplication for my temporal
and eternal welfare; for the needs of our holy Mother the Church;
for the conversion of sinners; and for the relief of the poor souls
in purgatory. Amen.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Your prayer group of sweet loving where I gave myself to you
Has filled me with a wonder that is full of thoughts of you.
My life is now poured out, in love and work and prayer
And yet, there is a sadness, for I long to help and share.
The one whom Heaven gave me to share this life on earth
Has not received your gentle kiss and does not know your worth.
I long to share my happiness, to talk of all your words,
To plan our lives around them and bring others to the Lord.
But my love views me with sorrow at all the time I take
In chasing after visions and praying for your sake.
O gentle Mother, hear me, please touch my love for me
That together we may journey with your Blessed Son and thee.
Let our family be a haven for the lonely and the weak
That we may bring your blessings when a messenger you seek.
May our home be full of laughter, may our journey be a prayer.
Let our lives reflect the beauty of your loving and your care. Amen.

O Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus,
and in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit,
I ask that You fill [name]
with the knowledge of Your will
through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Enlighten this precious child of Yours, dear Lord!
Teach this dear one to live in a manner
that is worthy of You,
so as to be fully pleasing to You,
full of good works bearing good fruits
and ever growing in knowledge of You.
Strengthen this lost lamb, dear Lord,
with every power of Your Holy Spirit,
in accordance with Your might,
for all endurance and patience,
with joy, giving thanks to You O Father!
Make Your child fit to share in the inheritance
of the holy ones in the Light.
Deliver this beloved one from the power of darkness
and transfer [name]
into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus,
in whom is redemption and the forgiveness of sins.


O divine and adorable Savior, thou who art the way, the truth, and the life, I beseech thee to have mercy upon N., and bring him [or her] to the knowledge and love of thy truth. Thou, O Lord, knowest all his darkness, his weakness, and his doubts: have pity upon him, O merciful Savior; let the bright beams of thy eternal truth shine upon his mind; clear away the cloud of error and prejudice from before his eyes, and may he humbly submit to and embrace with his whole heart the teaching of thy Church. Oh, let not the soul for whom I pray be shut out from thy blessed fold! Unite him to thyself in the sacraments of thy love, and grant that, partaking of the blessings of thy grace in this life, he may come at last to the possession of those eternal rewards which thou hast promised to all those who believe in thee and who do thy will. Hear this my petition, O merciful Jesus, who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, livest and reignest ever and ever. Amen.