Prayer For Coma Patient

Father in Jesus Name I pray for Scottie. May your power be at work this very hour and bring complete healing to Scottie. May your love shine on the family of his girlfriend who died in the accident and turn their mourning to joy. May your Holy Spirit draw a veil over the past of Scottie. What you have forgiven help him to forget. Help him to look to the future, not to the past. Lead him on heavenly Father and let him follow. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Lord God, I join my heart in these prayer offered up for Scottie. Please come to his aid, and offer him Your heavenly hand of protection upon his life. He is in a coma right now. According to Your love, please come and heal this man. He has sustained injury to his head and chest. Please lay Your hands upon these areas especially, Lord. These areas are vital to life, and we pray for complete healing upon his body. Grant him sustained life. Refresh him in Your compassionate love. Gaurd and protect his family, as they suffer in wait right now. Bring peace to his girlfriend's family, as they have lost with such suddeness, the daughter they have so cherished. Grant healing and peace to both these families, and help them in this process of recovery. Grant them hope, Lord, and bring them through these troubled times. We ask this through Christ Jesus, our Lord, Amen.

Lord, I pray that you will perofrm a miracle in scottie and enable him to make a full recovery. I pray that you will fill his family with hope, and comfort them. I pray that if scottie wakes up you will surround him with caring friends and family as he comes to terms with accident, and adjusts to the changes that have occurred in his life, in jesus name, amen

Father God, I lift up Scottie to you now. Jesus, please heal this young man. Thank you that he knows you! Please heal all damage done to his body and wake him up, strong and whole from this coma. Comfort his heart. Minister to his family. Comfort the family and friends of his girlfriend. My heart aches for all who are hurting right now. Comfort all who mourn. In Jesus name I pray.

Our Heavenly Father: You know the needs that burden our hearts just now. You can give us strength equal to our stress. We need Your help and Your hope. We are grateful for Your love that will not let us go, and for those whose labors of love lift our spirits and lighten our loads. We ask You to work all things together for our good and Your glory, Father God. Have Your own way with our lives and our loved ones, O God. We trust our future into Your loving hands, through Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen
We ask for your DIVINE MERCY oh lord for all coma patient.and also to their family who needs hope,i pray and trust in
you.Your will is your will we trust in you lord
amen in jesus name
amen almighty god father.

Dear God Almighty,
I know you are listening to each one of our prayers. At this moment I pray for your healing hand and to restore health back into my dad. He has now been in coma for 2 days due to a severe blood infection, please wake him up. There's a new grandchild he needs to meet. Dear god my family puts all their faith trust and hopes in your hands that he will wake up from this bad dream. Thank you God.

Lord God I know and I believe in your merciful power, I know that with your miraculous hands will heal my Dad's body, from head to toe, you alone are the Holy One that can heal him, you alone are our strength,

Pls Heavenly Father hear our prayers, only you know the desires of my heart, Pls hear our prayers, ease whatever pain in my Dad's body now, help him to be strong in this time of sickness, help him to be strong for us, and help us to cast all burden and doubts, we surrendered everything to you O Lord,

Pls help my Dad to wake up from his coma, and recover from this illnesses, Help us to be strong and to keep our faith in you, we want to feel your graces dear Lord, we want to feel your here with us, in Jesus holy name. Amen.

I would like to request a miracle prayer for my brother in law who is on coma now. Please pray that the blood clot in his brain will subside or dispel. I would like him to hear our prayers for him and he will have the will to live on strongly. I would to pray that he would revive and re.cover soon. Give him strenght and faith and restore his health soon. Thank you . Amen