Prayer For Comfort

Lord, the Bible says You are close to the brokenhearted and [You rescue] those whose spirits are crushed (Psalm 34:18, NLT). Draw close to me and rescue me. Help me not to grieve like those who haven't discovered Your kindness and mercy, who have no hope (see 1 Thessalonians 4:13); lift me up and give me hope once more. Help me to believe that tomorrow will be better, and the next day will be easier, and that a day will come when I will feel a surge of energy and expectation for what You are doing and where You will take me. Amen.

Jesus, You told Your followers, Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well. . . . Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives (John 14:1, 27, NIV). I need Your peace. I need the peace of God, which transcends all understanding to guard my heart and mind (Philippians 4:7, NIV). I need peaceful sleep. I ask for peaceful thoughts and emotions to rule my days and nights. Amen.

Jesus, You said, Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4, NIV). I am mourning; send me Your comfort now. Wrap around Your arms around me and hold me tight. Send angels of mercy to me. Shower Your comfort on me through those around me, and keep far from me those whose words and actions are no comfort. Amen.

Abba Father, You hold time within your hands, and see it all, from beginning to end. Please keep and carry these precious people in their sadness and loss. Cover them with your great wings of love, give their weary hearts rest and their minds sound sleep. Lord, lift their eyes so that they may catch a glimpse of eternity, and be comforted by the promise of heaven. We ask all this in the precious name of Jesus.

Father in heaven,
Even though my heart is heavy with grief, I want to praise Your holy name. You are an awesome God. You spoke and the world was created. I give You all glory and honor for who You are. I worship You alone.

I thank You that you know my pain and sorrow. Your Word says as a mother comforts her child, You comfort us. I ask that You be my comfort today. Help me to sense Your presence and Your peace.

Help me to reach out and comfort others as You Father, have comforted me.

In Jesus name, amen.

Father God, I pray for this grieving one. I pray that you would comfort them with the comfort you give. I pray that you would send supportive people into their life, so they know that they don't have to carry this burden alone. But mostly, I pray that they sense your presence. Help them to meditate on what is true. Help them to know that you are God and you care deeply for them. So much, that you are saving each little tear they shed. I pray this in Jesus' precious and holy name. Amen.

Dear God, Some days feel too hard. We're hurting. Struggling. Fighting fear and worry at every turn. Thank you in the midst of it all, you haven't left us to fend for ourselves. Forgive us for doubting you are there. Forgive us for thinking you've forgotten. Forgive us for believing we somehow know the better way.

You are fully trustworthy. You are All-Powerful. You are Able. You are Lord over every situation no matter how difficult it may seem. You are Healer and will never waste the grief we carry today. You will use all things for good in some way. Anything is possible with you. Nothing is too difficult for you.

We pray for those who grieve today. We ask for your comfort to surround those who weep. We pray for the peace of your presence to cover our minds and thoughts, as you remind us, the enemy can never steal us out of your hands. He never has the final say over our lives. We are kept safe in your presence forever, whether in life or in death.

We thank you that your ways are higher than our ways and your thoughts are bigger than our thoughts.

We lay it all down at your feet, every burden, every care. Believing that is the safest place for it to be.

We love you, Lord, we need your fresh grace. In the Powerful Name of Jesus, Amen.

May today there be peace within.

May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be content knowing you are a child of God.

Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance.

It is there for each and every one of you.
