Prayer For College Acceptance

Dear Lord, as I continue in this new college life help me never to forget to devote time of praise and worship to You. I know that you are the One who sustains me and the least I can do for everything that You have done for me is to dedicate time to You. Help me to know that renewing my mind in You is a necessary part of my life. Nudge me out of bed on Sunday and if there is a good mid-week service please make it so I can go to that too. Send new friends my way that are like-minded Christians who will attend services with me and hold me accountable when I am absent. I love you Lord and I want to praise and worship You. In Jesus name, Amen

Dear Gracious and Loving God,

As I take this time to be still, help me to let go of anxiousness and feel your peace.

Your Word says that you are love and where there is love there can be no fear.

Help me to let go of fear and receive your perfect love.

I come before you with heaviness because of being hurt by others.

Help me to accept the effect that their actions have had in my life and to let go of this hurt.

Holding onto past hurts Holding onto resentments and judgments weighs me down.

I release this hurt.

I release this weight on my body and spirit. I ask your love to carry me.

I let go of hurt, resentment and judgment.

I forgive those who have hurt me.

Because I practice awareness in all areas of my life, I am aware of self-criticism or poor choices.

I accept my actions. I forgive myself and let go of poor choices or self-criticism.

To receive or accept love, I let go of building walls of self-protection.

Help me to receive and accept love.

Help me to freely give love.

Help me not to strive for perfection but to make progress each day.

I accept the choices I make.

I can trust myself.

I make good choices.

Each day, help me to step into the glorious person you created me to be.

I accept and find comfort in knowingI am completely loved with your divine, perfect love.

In the name of your Son whose example lights our way,


Lord, I pray that you would go before me and stand behind me in these coming weeks. I pray that I would be strengthened by your presence, and that I would know you are with me always. Thank you for always being near to me, for showering your blessings upon me when I am undeserving, for providing for me in little and big ways that remind me of your constant faithfulness. You have made a way for me to get this far, and I'm so grateful, Jesus.

Would you give me wisdom and discernment in this season? Would you help me to prioritize my tasks and assignments intentionally, and focus wholeheartedly on what needs to be accomplished? I pray that I would be committed to my schoolwork, that I would care deeply about the work on my plate, and that I would keep my attention on what's important right now. Keep me faithful, Lord. Strengthen me when I begin to feel weary. Renew my spirits when I start to falter. Surround me with encouraging friends and wise mentors.

Help me to finish strong, Lord. May I do all of this for the glory of your name alone.

In your name I pray, amen.

Thank you heavenly father for the
opportunities that will be available
for us today.
We ask for your help and guidance
that we might make the most of this
day, both for ourselves and for those
we come in contact with.

Dear Lord, I pray for all of my Instructors, Professors and Administrators. As we are told in the Bible, as a student (disciple) our teachers are above us and as we grow and learn we strive to be like our teacher. Please give them the wisdom, strength and courage to be the best instructor and administrator that they can be. Help them to stay healthy as they do well to teach us. Lord, if they do not know you as personal Savior, I pray that they come to know you and in doing so that their instruction and work is glorifying to You. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

Dear Lord, as I continue in this new college life help me never to forget to devote time of praise and worship to You. I know that you are the One who sustains me and the least I can do for everything that You have done for me is to dedicate time to You. Help me to know that renewing my mind in You is a necessary part of my life. Nudge me out of bed on Sunday and if there is a good mid-week service please make it so I can go to that too. Send new friends my way that are like-minded Christians who will attend services with me and hold me accountable when I am absent. I love you Lord and I want to praise and worship You. In Jesus name, Amen

Dear Jesus, I pray for your help and guidance in being accepted into college. I have a dream in my heart of being able to go to college so I can build toward my future. I have this particular college on my mind for the following reasons.

I pray that you will be in every detail of the application process, including helping me meet the deadlines and helping all of the required recommendations and test scores arrive safely. Please guide me as I fill out the application to be able to express myself well so that those reviewing my application will see my potential.

I pray that you will be with me daily as I wait to hear back on the admission decision.

Sometimes I feel confident because

Sometimes I'm really worried because

Help me to dare to ask someone else to pray for me about this college application and for my future. Please bring one person to my mind I can ask to pray about this

I thank you that you promise in the Bible, For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' (Jeremiah 29:11) Please give me a bigger idea of the kinds of plans you have my future. And help me to trust you and ask for your guidance in finding a better alternative if I'm not accepted where I want to go. I ask these things in the name of the Great Teacher, Jesus Christ. Amen.