Prayer For College Finals

Grant, O merciful God, that I may
ardently desire,
prudently examine,
truthfully acknowledge,
and perfectly accomplish
what is pleasing to You,
for the praise and glory of Your Name. Amen.

Ineffable Creator, Who out of the treasures of Thy wisdom has appointed three hierarchies of Angels and set them in admirable order high above the heavens and hast disposed the divers portions of the universe in such marvellous array, Thou Who art called the True Source of Light and supereminent Principle of Wisdom, be pleased to cast a beam of Thy radiance upon the darkness of my mind and dispel from me the double darkness of sin and ignorance in which I have been born.
Thou Who makest eloquent the tongues of little children, fashion my words and pour upon my lips the grace of Thy benediction. Grant me penetration to understand, capacity to retain, method and facility in study, subtlety in interpretation and abundant grace of expression.
Order the beginning, direct the progress and perfect the achievement of my work, Thou Who art true God and true Man and livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for opening doors for me to be able to study and learn to prepare for my future. I realize that not everyone in the world has the privilege of becoming educated, and I thank you. Father, I ask you to grant me mental focus and clarity as I take my final exams. As I prepare for my exams, remind me of your love. Help me to remember that you are my first priority, and secondarily, my exams. Father, I take these exams and lay them at your feet. Bless me with the composure to manage my time, absorb all the material, and get great grades on my tests. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Almighty and Everlasting God, may your praises be continually in my mouth. Thank you for loving me and for allowing me to learn new things and add value to my life. God, as I prepare for my final exam, give me confidence so that I can focus while I study and be well-prepared. Remove fear from my heart and keep me from all kinds of distractions. Let your Holy Spirit guide me to read the right topics, and help me to be at the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing so I can get a good grade on my test. Thank you, God, for your kindness towards me. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for allowing another successful semester to come to an end. As final exams week begins, give us all as college students a stable mind so that we may perform on each exam to the best of our ability. Help us to study with dedication and consistency. Let us sleep peacefully at night, so that we are refreshed for each upcoming exam. Continue to guide us during times of trial and tribulation.

After all test taking is done, help us to realize that we have performed our best on each exam. Let us be pleased with the work we have done, but allow us to see areas where academic improvement may be needed. Keep all students and faculty and staff members from all hurt, harm, and danger during the holiday break so that each of us may be able to return for a new semester more refreshed than ever. This prayer I ask in your heavenly name,


God of Wisdom, I thank you for the knowledge gained and the learning experiences of the semester. I come to you this day and ask you to illuminate my mind and heart. Let your Spirit be with me as I prepare for exams, guiding my studies, and giving me insight so that I can perform to the best of my ability. Please grant me the strength to handle the pressure during these final days of the semester, the confidence to feel secure in my knowledge, and the ability to keep an appropriate perspective through it all. Help me to keep in mind what is truly important, even as I focus my time and energy on these tests in the immediate future. Finally, may I sense your peace in knowing that I applied myself to the challenges of this day.

Grant, O merciful God, that I may
ardently desire,
prudently examine,
truthfully acknowledge,
and perfectly accomplish
what is pleasing to You,
for the praise and glory of Your Name. Amen.

God of Wisdom,
I thank you for the knowledge gained
and the learning experiences of the semester.
I come to you and ask you to illuminate my heart and mind.

Let your Holy Spirit be with me as I prepare for exams,
guiding my studies and giving me insight
so that I can perform to the best of my ability.

Grant me the strength to handle the pressure of these days,
the confidence to feel secure in my knowledge,
and the ability to keep a proper perspective through it all.

Help me to keep in mind what is truly important,
even as I focus my time and energy on these exams.

Finally, may I sense your peace
in knowing that I applied myself to the challenges of this day.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.
