Prayer For Church Anniversary Celebration

Loving Lord, we do thank You for this couple and for the joy of their first wedding anniversary. We celebrate this happy time and pray that You would continue to bless and keep them in their holy union together.

Thank You, for the testimony of love and faithfulness that shines forth from their union, and we pray that You will bless and honour their life together in the days and years that lie ahead.

We pray that with the passing years, their love for each other and for You may grow and develop. We ask that You bless them with many more such wedding anniversaries, and pray that as year succeeds to year, they grow in grace and in love for each other and for You. Bless their home we pray, and ask that You would uphold them with Your mighty right hand. In Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, thank You that we are celebrating this church anniversary. We thank You that we are all One in Christ, and we pray that as members of Your body, Your Holy Spirit would knit us together in the bonds of unity and love.

Lord, You have promised that You are the One that would build Your Church and we ask that You would continue to equip each of us, both individually and corporately with the talents and gifts that may be used to Your praise and glory for the edification of the rest of the saints of God.

Protect us from the wiles of the enemy who seeks to destroy and cause divisions among Your body. Help us to be sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable and gentle one towards each other. Let us not be motivated by selfishness but in humility may we seek to regard the needs and necessities of others before our own.

Give wisdom to the elders and deacons and give wisdom to those that teach and a teachable spirit to those that listen. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all this day and for ever. In Jesus' name we pray,


Dear Lord Jesus, I just want to lift up my heart to you today as this is our anniversary, and yet Lord, recently things between us have become strained and difficult and I feel sad and confused and quite alone.

Lord, I don't know where things went wrong and I don't know how I could have done things differently, but Lord I am sorry for the part that I have played. I know that in many ways I have been selfish and wanted things my way, when Your Word says that we should do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider the other person as more significant than ourselves.

Lord, I ask Your forgiveness and pray that You would help me to start to live a life that is honouring to You. Heal my marriage I pray, and show me Lord, how I can bridge the gap that is widening between us. Teach me Your ways, lead me on a straight path and graciously teach me How to live as unto the Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, thank You that You have brought us together as man and wife, and thank You that we are celebrating yet another wedding anniversary, for which we praise and magnify Your holy name.

Thank You for the guidance that we have received through Your Word, and Lord, we pray that day by day You would develop in both our hearts an increasing desire to put on love, knowing that this is the perfect bond of unity and peace, when founded on the Lord Jesus Christ, our Rock and Foundation. May we both grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as together we walk in spirit and truth, and may our life become a shining example, where Christ remains the centre and circumference of our marriage.

Give us wisdom we pray, as we face the forthcoming year, and grant us to grow in love and unity one with one another and with You, so that we may be a demonstration of Your grace and mercy towards us. May our love for You and our faith in You bring glory to Your name. In Jesus' name we pray,


Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for the privilege and gift of marriage and for the joy that comes from sharing our life together. We thank You Father, for bringing us to this anniversary day, where we remember the vows that we made before you, and pray that You would continue to bless our life together.

Lord, we pray that Your love would increasingly shine through our marriage so that as we draw ever closer in our vertical relationship to You, it may be reflected in our fellowship with each other and shine out to those beyond our home and family.

Lord, You have done great things for us and we praise and thank You for bringing us together and for being our strength and stay when times of difficulty arose. We pray that in the days that lie ahead, we may be used by You as a witness to the wonderful work you have done in our lives and may we be used to encourage others who are setting out on the beautiful adventure of marriage.

Continue to bless our lives together and may we grow ever closer to You and to each other in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name we pray,


Our dear an heavenly Father who is in the heavenly realms,

Thank you for the wonderful opportunity granted to us this morning,

In our church,

We want to praise and glorify you this morning,

You are a wonderful God and my your name be lifted high above all other names,

Lord of mercy, what a joy in our church that you have given us,

This is the day we have always looked forward to,

We have a special occasion in this church,

Your grace has seen us here today,

As we start Lord the programs of this day,

We praise and give you honor,

Thank you for enabling you and old to find time to be here today,

We have so much ahead of us that Lord you have provided for us,

May we learn something out of this occasion that it is you Lord who leads us,

We invite the presence of the Holy Spirit to abide with us

And help us to understand your will always Lord,

Above all forgive our shortcomings as a church and always shows your ways that are Holy to us,

Protect us always from all manner of evil and guide us to walk in your paths,

Thank you loving Father for hearing us and as we commence be with us

For we pray through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Our Father who is in heaven. We are very much grateful for your love and care that you have given us.We are here today to praise and glorify you for the many and wonderful things that you have done to our lives.

Our dear Lord.We thank you first as individuals and also as a church that your hand has cared and being with us in everything we do and we say thank you Lord.

You knew from the foundation of the world that we shall gather here and thank you. As you have said we ask and you shall give us. Now we thank you that you are with us as we celebrate this anniversary.Thank you for the Holy Spirit and the promises in your word. As we commence this day we dedicate everything to you and we thank you for the success in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Father who is in heaven,thank you for the chance you have given us to worship you. We want to thank you as a church for allowing us to meet here again this year.As we mark this anniversary.we thank you because you are with us.thank you for hearing us through the name of Jesus Christ. Amen